Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

September 21, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 22 - Butterfly Pose a.k.a. Bound Angle Pose

Day Twenty-Two of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

{Butterfly Pose a.k.a. Bound Angle Pose}

     Butterfly Pose is another seated pose and it's another one on my list of favorites. It stimulates your abdominal organs while also stimulating the heart and improving general circulation. It's also said that this pose helps relieve mild depression, anxiety, menstrual discomfort, and fatigue. Yogis say that Bound Angle Pose destroys disease and gets rid of fatigue; proof that a simple yoga pose can truly change your life!

This pose is one that I remember practicing in gym class as a child, we probably all can easily get into this pose but here's a few pointers: Relax your knees out to either side and gently press the bottoms of your feet together. Hold your feet or your ankles, whichever feels more comfortable.  Lean forward slightly, so you can feel your "sit bones" on the ground. If you want to you can allow your body to come over your feet to open up your back and relax your neck. Either way, the stretch is heavenly - enjoy and embrace it.


Do you want to be a part of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge?
It's never too late to join us...
{Don't forget you can't win sponsors from the prizes if you don't enter by September 30, 2014}
You can find out the details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

You'll need to follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 20, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 21 - Seated Spinal Twist

Day Twenty-One of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Twisting poses in yoga are incredibly good for increasing your strength and flexibility. The subtle compression in this pose across your stomach actually helps in the digestion process, too. Seated Spinal Twist is counteracting yesterday's pose in some ways and feels so very good on your spine, embrace the stretch but don't pull too hard into it - work within your own abilities!

Begin by crossing your right foot over the outside of your left thigh, then bend your left leg at the knee. Keeping your right knee pointed toward ceiling, place your left elbow to the outside of your right knee and your right hand on the floor behind you. Twist right as far as you can, moving from your abdomen; keep both sides of your buttocks on the floor.

I had the most gorgeous view while practicing yoga today, it was a rainy day out but the beach somehow was still absolutely beautiful and just what I needed. I've been in kind of a gloomy mood this week and practicing a Seated Spinal Twist at the beach was so soothing. I love yoga and everything it does for me, if you don't practice - you should!


Do you want to be a part of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge?
It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 19, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 20 - Seated Palm Tree Pose (Seated Tadasana)

Day Twenty of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

{Seated Palm Tree Pose}

This pose is another relatively simple pose but learning how to sit without compression is essential for maintaining the health of your spine, mental alertness, resting, and digestion. Seated Palm Tree Pose stretches the upper body thoroughly, boosts respiration, and peps up the mind. Next time you feel stressed while at work or even while on the go, just casually get into this pose - you'll love what it can do for your body and your mindset!

{a covered bird watching tower in the middle of nowhere during a storm: my ideal yoga spot}

You can probably figure this pose out yourself, but you'll need to sit in half lotus or in full lotus. Inhale, raising your arms overhead. Interlock your fingers, turning them outward towards the ceiling. Exhale. Inhaling, stretch completely as much as you can, as if someone were pulling you up by your hands.

An easy pose for a lazy Saturday practice!


Do you want to be a part of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge?
It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

#EveryBodyYoga Day 19 - Upward Dog

Day Nineteen of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

{Upward Dog}

Upward Dog is an amazing pose with several benefits! It stretches your chest and spine, while strengthening your wrists, arms, and shoulders. By strengthening and opening the upper body and chest, it in turn improves posture. Upward Dog stimulates the abdominal organs and improves your digestion. It also firms the buttocks and thighs - something we all love! The slight back bend energizes and rejuvenates the body while also providing relief from fatigue and mild depression. Such a simple pose does so much for your body, the perfect pose to practice every day!

This pose is easy: From a plank, come down on to your knees and untuck your toes. Keeping your  arms straight, slowly lower your belly down and forward. Be sure your hands are under your shoulders, drop your shoulders down away from your ears, bring your shoulder blades together from behind, and breath your body forward through your arms.


Do you want to be a part of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge?
It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 18, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 18 - Opposite Arm + Leg Raise & a pep talk

Day Eighteen of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge
{Opposite Arm + Leg Raise}

   There are a million reasons to practice every single yoga pose, so I feel like sharing the benefits sometimes gets a little repetitive and it doesn't really even give Yoga the credit it deserves... So let me remind everyone: Yoga WILL make you feel better! Opposite Arm and Leg Raise helps to lubricate shoulder and hip joints while stretching the hamstrings. This pose also provides an overall centering effect while improving your core muscles - win-win situation here, everyone!

From the plank position with wrists under shoulders and legs extended, lift your left leg up to your hip and your right arm aligned with your shoulder. Deeply engage your core and glutes the entire time. If you feel too unstable, you can always just lift your arms, keeping your feet on the floor. 

If you would have told me a few years ago that I would be practicing yoga on the beach in my bikini I would have probably laughed at you, now look at me! I'm confident and proud of who I am and what my body looks like; I'm working towards my goals and I'm healthy and that's what really matters. We only have one life so I'm living it the way I want...

Skinny, Chunky, Average, Short, Tall: whatever you are, just be you! 
Stop comparing yourself and love who you are and the body you were given.
Everybody can practice Yoga, Every Body can practice Yoga...
#EveryBodyYoga! Namaste.

Do you want to be a part of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge?
It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 17, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 17 - Chair Pose

Day Seventeen of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge
{Chair Pose}

Chair Pose strengthens your thighs and ankles while toning the shoulders, butt, hips, and back. One thing I really love about this simple pose is that it helps to tone your digestive organs and heart, this makes for a super healthy body. Plus practicing Chair Pose builds endurance and stamina, while toning the nervous system. If you don't already practice this pose daily, I highly recommend it!

  This is another pretty self explanatory pose, but here's a few pointers: Big toes together,  Bend at the knees, engage lower abdominal muscles and allow your tailbone to lengthen toward the ground. Arms extend overhead. This pose is essentially a squat, so it will probably feel familiar.
Enjoy the stretch!

Do you want to be a part of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge?
It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 14, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 15 - Extended Side Angle Pose

Day Fifteen of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Extended Side Angle
Extended Side Angle Pose relieves stiffness in your shoulders and back, while providing a deep stretch to the groin and hamstrings - an all over feel-good stretch. Get ready to strengthen your legs, knees, and ankles, while also stretching and toning the abdominal muscles. It is also known to be therapeutic for constipation, infertility, sciatica, menstrual discomfort, and lower backache. Several reasons to practice this pose, even when you aren't feeling 100%... Happy Monday, everyone!

September 13, 2014

#EverybodyYoga Day 14 - Warrior II

Day Fourteen of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge
Warrior II

The benefits of Warrior II are numerous. This pose stretches your hips, groins and shoulders while it opens your chest and lungs. As we learned from Warrior I pose, these Warrior poses help with balance, stamina, and concentration. I love that this pose helps relieve backaches. I've also recently learned that Warrior II improves circulation and respiration. This is why I love yoga, simple stretches paired with a meditative state seriously changes lives.

#EveryBodyYoga Day 13 - Warrior I

Day Thirteen of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Warrior I Pose

     Although this pose doesn't feel like a challenge to most, it has so many benefits. Warrior I Pose strengthens your shoulders, arms, thighs, ankles and the muscles of your back while it also helps to expand your chest, lungs and shoulders. It also helps to develop stamina and endurance in the thigh and core muscles - hello, future hot body! That's not all Warrior I helps with, it stimulates abdominal organs and digestion while also working to improve your balance, concentration, and core awareness. I don't know about you but help with my balance, concentration, and core awareness is reason enough alone to get into Warrior I daily. Will you give it a try today?

September 12, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 12 - Mountain Pose + Peaches & Green Smoothie Recipe

Day Twelve of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Day 12 - Mountain Pose - EveryBodyYoga Challenege and a green smoothie recipe
Mountain Pose

Although this pose seems effortless, Mountain Pose is wonderful for improving your posture and alignment, toning the spinal nerves, and creating a sense of awareness through out the body. It can be used as a resting pose or a preparatory pose for almost any standing asana. I suggest practicing
mountain pose throughout the day whenever you feel a need for centering. I decided to wake up early and take my picture and sunrise - such a serene and peaceful time to go out into the world and practice yoga - one of my favorite ways to start my days... Anyways, getting into mountain pose may seem fairly obvious, but here are a few pointers:

 Stand with the feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms down with your fingers extended and triceps firm. Check to make sure your feet are facing straight ahead. Balance your stance. Slightly engage the lower belly while lifting the heart and the crown of the head. Draw your shoulder blades down slightly toward your waist and just slightly draw them together. Let your attention rest on your breathing. 

Since today is such a fun and easy pose, I decided to share a fun and easy green smoothie recipe too.
This smoothie is PACKED full of greens, which are so very important in our everyday diet! Plus, this is the perfect way to start your day, everyday - healthy and delicious green smoothies for everybody!

Day 12 - Mountain Pose - EveryBodyYoga Challenege and a green smoothie recipe

Peaches & Green Smoothie Ingredients:
1 peach, pitted
2 cups spinach
2 1/2 cups kale
1/2 cup canned pineapple {I sadly didn't have any fresh}
1 ripe banana
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 green apple

Place all ingredients in blender and mix - it's that easy and it tastes so good!

Day 12 - Mountain Pose - EveryBodyYoga Challenege and a green smoothie recipe

September 11, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 11 - Thread The Needle Pose

Day Eleven of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Thread The Needle Pose

Thread the Needle Pose is essentially just a variation on yesterday's, child's pose. Thread the Needle stretches and opens your shoulders, chest, arms, upper back, and neck while it releases the tension that we all tend to carry in our upper back and between our shoulder blades. This pose also provides a mild twist to your spine, which further reduces tension. This pose also detoxifies with it's slight twist.

While on your hands and knees, reach your arm directly underneath your body, allowing your right shoulder and temple to release to the ground. Your left hand can stay where it is, or let it go above your head, whichever feels more comfortable. Enjoy lounging in this pose again today - so peaceful!

Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 9, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 10 - Child's Pose

Day Ten of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Child's Pose - EveryBodyYoga Challenge
Child's Pose

Today's a totally different feel than yesterday, a much more relaxed pose that I truly think ANYONE can get into. It's a very comforting, calming pose. I use this pose to rest in between challenging poses, actually when I come out of any inversion I hang out in Child's pose for a little bit so I thought it was fitting to follow our inversions with this fantastic pose. Child's pose has many simple benefits including the stretch it offers the hips, thighs, and ankles while it helps to calm the brain and helps to relieve stress and fatigue. Child's pose also relieves back and neck pain when done with head and torso support. As you can tell, it's a very comforting pose. Chill out today and enjoy the calm pose for a little longer than you normally would.

Child's Pose - EveryBodyYoga Challenge

It's another self-explanatory pose but you can get into this pose from hands and knees, untuck your toes and lower your hips back on to your heels. With knees apart or together, lie your body on your thighs and rest your forehead on the ground. Arms can be straight forward or reaching behind you.


Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

#EverybodyYoga Day #9 - Tripod Headstand

 Day Nine of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge
Tripod Headstand - EveryBodyYoga Challenge

I realize there are several of you a little intimidated by today's pose...  Inversions aren't for every body, I get that. That's totally fine - work within your abilities and trust your instincts, just do a "wildcard" pose today if you want to participate in the challenge but aren't feeling an inversion.

With that said, I take my pictures the day before the posting day for this challenge, it's just easier that way most of the time... Yesterday I wanted to take my picture for today at the beach. It was cloudy but not raining when we ventured out of the house and I was super excited to rock out some inversions on the beach. We went to my favorite spot and it started drizzling. "No big deal - I still can do a headstand", I thought to myself. Hubs and I grabbed my yoga mat and walked through the drizzle that ended up turning into a steady rain toward the beach with the camera wrapped in a plastic baggy. I attempted to get into my headstand, which I do daily. I couldn't seem to get it. I kept trying over and over again but I just couldn't seem to bring my second leg up. I was reminding myself to  breath deeply, I was trying to convince myself "I can do this", I was maybe even being a little forceful with myself...
 Tripod Headstand - EveryBodyYoga Challenge

And that's when I decided I was going to be real about today's pose. It's not always easy... it's a challenge for those of us that aren't fitness buffs or super experienced yogis. Some days I can easily lift up into this pose and other days my body is just simply not in the mood. The good news is that there are a few ways to make this pose a little more attainable for everybody: I suggest using a wall to find your balance, I actually started doing headstands in the corner of my extra bedroom. If you feel woozy or light headed when coming up, you need to stay in child's pose for a little - it helps. DON'T kick up into a headstand, gently lift yourself - it's easier on your neck and the rest of your body. I also suggest attempting this pose for the first time with a yoga instructor to guide you... but I started popping up into headstands when I felt my body was "ready" for inversions without the assistance of anyone, other than an instructor on youtube. Practice at your own discretion.

Tripod Headstand - EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Anyways, after feeling totally defeated at the beach... I came home and ended up easily lifting my feet into a headstand in our yard. To my surprise, I was pretty stable the entire time... Although I do have to credit the fence for helping me find comfort in my balance. 

I'd love to give you a step by step guide on how to get into Tripod Headstand but there isn't really much more to it than following The Guide to Getting into Tripod Balance that I posted yesterday; other than engaging all your muscles while lifting your legs towards the sky.

Do you practice inversions?
Any tips or tricks for beginners?

Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 8, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 8 - Tripod Balance

 Day Eight of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Day #8: Tripod Balance

I never thought I would be so comfortable with inversions, even after falling and breaking a mirror (oh, you haven't seen that video? Check my instagram for a good laugh) I'm still perfectly comfortable flipping upside down and hanging out. If you know you have a medical condition or something preventing you from inverting than I obviously suggest you try a more upright pose... Other than that, be excited about today's pose.

I know a few of you are  totally cool with inversions, but I also know that they can be intimidating when you are new to yoga or if you just haven't attempted the art of hanging out upside down yet. Remember to be patient with your self and always make time to practice.  It may not happen for you today and that’s ok!  You may fall a few times and that's ok too!

What benefits do you gain from practicing Tripod Balance?

     Tripod Balance helps calm your brain, while also helping to relieve stress and mild depression. It also stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands; while it strengthens the arms, legs, and spine as well as your lungs. Tripod Balance is actually therapeutic for asthma, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis according to experts.

Be sure to be armed with the knowledge of where your balancing point is; You can find this by placing books on your head and seeing where they are stable and feel comfortable... it won't be an exact science but it will help you find your way into a balanced headstand quicker.

You can practice this pose anywhere... But if this is all new to you I highly suggest practicing inversions up against a wall. Doing so is a great place to gain confidence in your ability and find the calm you are looking for.

Begin on your hands and knees; shoulders stacked over hands, hips over knees. Now bend your elbows to form 90 degree angles and place the top of your head onto the floor in front of your hands - pay attention to the placement of your hands and be mindful that they don't creep up near your ears.

Now tuck your toes and bring your knees up off the floor. Bring your feet in toward your hands/arms so that your hips are lifted high toward the sky. Take a breath and embrace this moment - feel the stretch and make sure it's still comfortable, maybe a little challenging but it shouldn't be painful - especially on your head. If it is painful, I suggest you experiment until you find your balancing point. Listen to your body and only attempt what feels comfortable. Also If you start to fall, tuck like you are somersaulting and you will be fine.

Keeping your elbows on point and not swaying to the sides, lift one knee onto your arm. If you still feel comfortable slowly lift your other knee onto your other arm.Congratulations, you did it.
If inversions just aren't your "thing" that's ok, wherever you are in your practice is perfect.


Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors
& be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

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Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!