January 25, 2018

Improve The Future For Your Children While Enjoying Your Morning Coffee!

This post is sponsored by the Florida Prepaid College Board, through my role as a Believer Blogger. All thoughts are my own.

Every single day is BUSY for us lately. With changing up our lifestyle to be a tad bit healthier and trying to squeeze in time for the blog, my blooms, and my babes, I feel like I never have enough time to do... well, anything.

If you're in the same boat as me... well, more like "treading water" like me. You may not have much time to do much of anything, especially something as time consuming as planning for the future.


So, I took a break from our hectic schedules to compile 4 ways you can improve the future for your children over your morning coffee:


1. Proper Nourishment - Step one in changing the future for your children is making sure you provide their body's with the best possible food selections you can. Choose organic, offer tons of fruits and veggies, and provide plenty of variety. Being properly fed will ensure your child's health is always optimal.


2. College Tuition - With Student Loan debt reaching $1 Trillion among Americans this year, it's a no brainer to start your kiddo's college fun now. Whether your little wild child is 16 months or 16 years old, NOW is the time to start planning for their college years.


It's tough to imagine now, but I know I'm going to blink and it'll be time to take Delainey off to college. I don't want to saddle her with debt for years to come or have to stress about paying for tuition as one lump sum, so I'm trying to do everything I can to plan ahead and help her succeed!


With a Florida Prepaid Plan you (and others in your family) can start to gather funds to help provide a college education for your child, at a reasonable rate per month. Interested in signing up, check out all the Florida Prepaid Plans available here and be sure to use the code LAUREN1718 to save $25 off your application fee... but go ahead & fill it out now, open enrollment ends in


You can literally fill this baby out in minutes while sipping your coffee and then you'll have things sorted out for your baby's college years. Trust me, this is the easiest way to make sure your kiddo can get the college education they deserve! Learn more about Florida Prepaid and how it'll work for your family.


3. Recycle - The next way I think every single family should plan for the future is recycling! Making sure your kiddo has a healthy, happy world to live in means keeping unnecessary trash out of landfills! Take a second and sort your recycling, reuse materials and do you part in keeping our planet clean! In many counties you can find public recycling bins or have your recycling picked up on the curb... and the best part is, you can teach your kiddos about recycling so they continue the tradition.


4. Smile - The last way you can ensure your child has a happy future is probably the easiest, you just need to smile more. Whether it's forced through some frustration or a genuine smile, sometimes you just gotta grin to show your kiddo that everything is okay.

Instead of stressing about all that needs to be done, take a deep breath, listen to your kiddo tell you about their Barbie's and smile.

So tell me, are you prepared for the future? If not, don't stress... Today is the day to start planning and you can get the college funds thing sorted out now - just click here & be sure to use our code - Lauren1718 to save some cash!


January 17, 2018

3 Ways For "Night Owls" to Try & Brighten Each Morning!

Mornings aren't my favorite, I'll tell ya that much.

I mean, I love waking up and seeing my family, being greeted by the sun, and so on... but I'm a just not a morning person. I've always been one of those people that skip breakfast to get more sleep... but THIS year I'm doing my best to turn things around.


Wondering how I'm trying to transform from a night owl to a morning person?

Here's how - each morning I take the time to...

1. Stretch & Meditate - Each morning as I step out of bed, I take the time to make my physical self feel better. I do a few brief yoga stretches as I focus on what's to come and think positive thoughts, then I pop my back, and greet my little sweetie as she joins me to stretch and touch the sky and we carry on with our day.


2. Cleanse - I'll be honest and admit I don't wash my hair everyday, but I make sure to freshen up each and every morning. There's just something so refreshing about cleaning your face and getting all fresh and clean.


3. Eat - Instead of skipping breakfast as I used to, I now get to sleep in AND enjoy a meal with Jimmy Dean Simple Scrambles®.

The best part about these protein filled little bowls of goodness? I can grab them on my weekly trip to Walmart and they take just two minutes to whip up!

That means I'm able to eat as I'm running out the door, feeling refreshed and balanced thanks to my new morning routine.

Do you have a routine that gets your mornings started out on the right foot? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below!

January 16, 2018

Making Sure 2018 is a GREAT Year with My Lean, Clean, Green Babbleboxx!

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com.

Okay, so maybe I'm guilty of saying this every year... but this year I'm working towards a better me. This isn't a resolution, this isn't a goal I set and don't achieve. This is what's happening. In 2018, I'm making a lifestyle change... and it's for the better.


While I'm still going to devote a majority of my time to my sweet babe, I'm making sure I take time for me this year. From working a little less to working out a little more, I am making myself a priority again... and I think this little change will be good for my entire family.

So how do I plan on doing this? Well, let's be frank, I'm going to start by spoiling myself. Some weeks I'll send Delainey off for a little Daddy-Daughter time while I go get a pedicure, other weeks D and I will spend our time practicing baby & me yoga. I still want to be the best mom, blogger, and small shop owner I can be, but I want to take a few moments for just me each day - to provide balance, to keep myself sane, and frankly, just to breathe.

Luckily, I have a supportive hubby who is totally on board... and coincidentally, earlier this week Babbleboxx sent over a box of lean, green goodies to spoil me. So out the door went my family on a fun little adventure and after doing a little yoga & meditation into the box I dove... and I'm in love with all the items they sent!


We'll start with something I didn't even know I need, but I totally love - The Waterpik Showerhead. I'll be honest and say I had no idea we even needed a new one, until I replaced our previous one. That's right, I got "handy" and installed this baby on my own (because it's super easy to do). And after yoga & a little handy work, taking a shower was just the right way to relax. With 2x the massage force of other shower heads, this new Waterpik shower head was the perfect mixture of relaxing and rejuvenating.


Speaking of relaxing and rejuvenating the CW Hemp oil products were my next must-try item in the box. With wellness in mind, the Everyday Plus Mint Chocolate hemp extract oil is something I recommend every one give a try!


This goodness not only adds a touch of tastyness to whatever you add it to, it also is full of antioxidants and naturally contained phytocannabinoids, that support all kinds of biological processes in your body.... which basically means, it's great for you and everyone should add a drop to their coffee or into their next batch of cookies! And before you ask... Let me answer the obvious - NO, I'm not promoting "drugs"! Cannabinoids are a fatty compound found in many plants that are key players in a normal immune system and are actually naturally produced in your body as well.


With that said, the Hemp Infused Balm & Cream CW Hemp sent over is amazing as well. It makes my skin so soft and I'll be real and let y'all know, I  just love using it on my aching feet after a long day of chasing D around! Interested in trying out something from CW Hemp? Check it out here and use the code BABBOXW7ZGGCRYAAZD to save 10%!


Speaking of chasing D around, the Casio: G-Shock S Series Step Tracker was a great addition to this box. I love that I'm able to keep track of how much activity I'm getting through out the day... it's a great way to remind myself to take a walk with Delainey instead of slaving away on my computer. Plus, the Casio G Shock is a pretty stylish women's timepiece, so it's a win-win for this mama!


Another win for me in this box was the Matcha Powder from The Synergy Company. From Matcha lattes to a quick pill to pop to make sure I'm giving my body all it needs - I'm a huge fan of Matcha! I'm also a huge fan of The Synergy Company and the fact that they are fanatical about using pure, natural ingredients... something I feel all vitamin companies should be!


And while we're on the note of using pure, natural ingredients... let's talk about one unexpected but highly enjoyed item in the box - the Primal Life All Natural Peppermint Toothpowder and Charcoal Ion Toothbrush.


While that sounds fancy, it's not at all! Ha. It may look funny while brushing with black charcoal but this all-natural, best selling tooth powder is filled with natural ingredients to help detoxify, whiten, and strengthen your teeth...  What more could you ask for? Check out Primal Life and use the code PLOBOXX217 for 20% off your purchase!

Are you implementing any new routines or making changes to lead a healthier lifestyle this year? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below!

January 15, 2018

Help Your Dog Lead a Better Life in 2018


2017 was a crazy year for us and our dogs... We said goodbye to our sweet poodle love unexpectedly and then later in the year our little mix, Miley, had to have surgery. So, let's just say we hope for a better year this year for our canine companion.


With that said, we're not just hoping for a better year for Miley, we all want to have a better year... so we're all doing things to achieve that. From taking more time for things we love, to filling our bodies with the nurtients we need - we all are ringing in the new year the right way with a new, improved routine.


And by all, I truly mean all of us... even this crazy, cute little love bug mutt! She's already on top of her game and doing great the past few weeks, so I can't imagine how she'll feel once this new lifestyle is truly just routine to her!


Are you wondering how your dog can lead a better, more fulfilling life in 2018... well, here ya go:


1. Start with the vitamins - I'll be honest, until this year Miley had never taken a vitamin. I honestly had never thought to give her one. But after our scare with her last year, it was a must that we do everything we can to ensure health... including supplying her body with nutrients it needs. Thank goodness for Milk-Bone Good Morning Daily vitamins, now we know she's getting what she needs and she loves it because it tastes like a treat!


2. Don't forget those pearly whites - I've heard other dog owners talk about doggy breath issues, but luckily Miley doesn't have that problem... maybe it's because we've always been big on providing her with teething items like bones. I will say, as she's gotten older, you can definitely see her age in her teeth - but that's just how aging works. So when I heard about Milk-Bone Brushing Chews Dental Treats, I knew this would be the perfect way to ensure that her teeth remain healthy and fresh!


Delainey is a total animal lover and although she's a tiny tot, she already knows how important it is to keep her dog (and ALL dogs) healthy! So when we run into Target, which we do often, she's always sure to point out her friend Bullseye and remind mama to grab Miley's treats, each and every time! And... well, I think she's a pretty big fan of getting to hang out with a big, happy pup after doing a little shopping!


3. These paws are made for walkin' - Speaking of hanging out with dogs... getting fresh air and staying active and healthy is probably the whole family's favorite part of our new routine in the new year. Miley LOVES getting to go explore the neighborhood on walks and roaming around our backyard and I'm pretty sure Delainey enjoys it just as much. They both will just stand in the yard and bask in the sunlight... and well, it's pretty much the most adorable thing ever.


4. Keep things safe - Another thing I'm really trying to emphasize in the new year is Miley's cage being used as her safety haven. It's always been one of her favorite spots to nap so when Delainey came into the picture, I knew it would be a good place for her to seek shelter from the storm of having a toddler running around and I was totally right, she loves hiding out and getting some shut eye in there while Lainey is running around reeking havoc. With that said, I'm teaching Lainey that Miley's cage is ONLY for Miley and allowing Miley a truly safe space away from poking toddler hands and grabby little digits. LOL. I think she appreciates it; after all... she is the age of a grandmother in dog years, so I think she needs to rest a little more than her toddler sister.


With that said, I better go corral my troops and get them ready for a little bit of outside time - I think we all could use some fresh air. So, tell me, what will you do to ensure your family and your dog have a better year this year? If you're thinking about incorporating Milk-Bone Daily Vitamins or Brushing Chews into your routine, you'll definitely want to check out this Cartwheel offer for 10% off!