Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts

February 5, 2020

Creative Valentine Idea: Seeds with a FREE Printable - You Make My Heart Bloom & I Love Watching Our Friendship Grow!

This post may include affliliate links - that means if you click through on a link that I may make a tiny portion of the sale, if you happen to make a purchase! You aren't charged anything additional, you're just helping me support my family!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, which means things are getting pretty creative over in the Harmon household.

Instead of just buying a box of Valentine's, you know I had to have some fun and make things for D's little buddies. The good news is, I didn't have to spend much at all to create a SUPER UNIQUE and fun valentine for her to hand out! I got all kinds of inspiration at The Dollar Store and then made printables and attached them with pink and white twine to make them just the right amount of cute!

I also got carried away and made a ton of Valentine's, not just this cute set of Seedling inspired valentines! Don't worry, I'll be sharing them all before the holiday!

Today I wanted to share a simple and FUN Valentine you can make in minutes that will really make someone's heart grow! That's right, this fun little Valentine will be so perfect for the plant lovers in your life - and the cuteness and creativeness is bound to impress your kiddos friends at school! You can claim the rights to being a Pinterest Mom without much effort at all!

All you have to do is print this off - I've attached this FREE printable! There is 3 cards for the "You make my heart bloom" and 3 cards for the "I love watching our friendship grow" - that means you can print off like 4 sheets of these or so and have enough for the whole class. I printed using these settings in Adobe! You'll obviously switch the printer to YOUR printer, then set the page sizing to custom 2 x 3 booklet and you are good to go! Use a paper cuter like this one to get a clean cut and then attach the card with a tiny bit of twine and hot glue!

Then, just grab the seeds from the Dollar Store! These were 3 packs for $1 at our location so this Valentine craft can be done for next to nothing!

Pin for later (or maybe even next year):

October 2, 2019

16 Creative Halloween Costume Ideas - Unique Costume Ideas for 2019

Please note: Amazon Affialiate links are included below, while I don't earn a fortune from these - when you do click through and make a purchase it does help me! So, please feel free to shop...

It's officially October, which means it's time to start planning for the festivities that come at the end of the month! Around here we like to have our costumes mapped out pretty far in advance, but this year D is switching things up on us. She keeps wavering between a few ideas and it has me on my toes. I think we've finally got both of our minds set on something, but we shall see what she thinks when it comes time to wear her costume... oh, the joys of having a three-nager.

Regardless of what we are going to be, I wanted to share a boat load of ridiculously good ideas for Halloween Costumes for your littles. You still have plenty of time to complete one of the DIY costumes or you could spring for one from Amazon - the choice is yours! But I do know, these are some of the best costumes on the market for Halloween 2019!

So grab your little ghouls and goblins and take a look at this list of epic Halloween costumes!

1. The Cutest Elephant

Circus Friend

2. Fancy Nancy

3. No Sew Baby Owl

4. Frankenstein DIY

5. DIY Pinata costume

DIY Pinata Costume

6. Little Love Robot

7. Edward Scissorhands & his 'creation' in a flower pot
Edward Scissorhands and a Flower Pot Costume

8. This PRECIOUS Cotton Candy Costume

9. Adorable Astronaut

10. The Pout Pout Fish
This little costume will leave your little pout-pout fish feeling smooch-worthy and is fairly simple to put together! Get ready to win all the costume contests and spread the cheery-cheeries with this epic DIY book inspired costume!

11. Cute Little Unicorn

12. The Lion's Guard Kion

13. Pretty Peacock

14. Sushi Roll DIY

15. Dragon Cuteness

16. Dinosaur

April 29, 2019

DIY Simple Dreamy Rainbow Cloud Craft for Toddlers

We're always finding ways to get crafty around here. D asks me daily to make something, so when she asked me if we could make a rainbow earlier this week - I was up for the challenge. With April Showers, comes beautiful rainbows... right?

This simple rainbow craft is one we will leave up on our fridge for a while, it's so cute and makes our house feel a bit more cheery and whimsical- especially knowing how much fun Delainey had making it.

For this craft you will need:

Paper plates
Cotton Balls
Strands of Tissue Paper in a 5 pack of colors, cut into 1" wide inch pieces

To make this beauty we simply:

I cut the paper plate in half and on the "rounded" side I had Delainey help me glue cut up strips of tissue paper in alternating colors.

Allow that to dry and then flip the plate over and add a scribble layer of glue. Fill that side in with torn up bits of cotton balls, creating your own cloud.

Allow all the glue to dry & hang on your fridge! Your little rainbow loving toddler will LOVE making this craft and seeing it hanging in your house later will bring joy too!

March 1, 2019

10 Super Fun Dr. Seuss Inspired Activities

**This post may contain affiliate links.**

I've always been a bookworm, so it probably comes as no surprise that I'm also a HUGE Dr. Seuss fan and while I can't force Delainey to have the same likes as me, I will say that I have taken the time to read Cat in the Hat, One Fish, Two Fish, & Green Eggs & Ham about once a week - just to be sure she knows them, by word. Haha.

All jokes aside, Dr. Seuss and his gift for writing have always been a true inspiration to me -  lessons like "a person's a person - no matter how small" just don't come from books now-a-days.

On that note, I wanted to put together a list of super fun Dr. Seuss inspired activities & crafts in honor of the creative genius' birthday-

1. Green Eggs & Ham Letter Recognition printable from

2. One Fish, Two Fish Counting Game - with free printables to create it! from

3. Dr. Seuss Shadow Puppet Printables from

4. Dr. Seuss Cat in The Hat patterning Hat (or Math Hat) from

5. Easy Thing 1 & Thing 2 Hand Print Craft from

6. Easy Cat in The Hat Hand Print Craft from

7. Lorax Windsock Craft from

8. Thing 1 & Thing 2 Recycled Planters also from

9. The Cutest Little Cat in The Hat Photo Keepsake

10. Dr. Seuss Bingo Printables from

Need to add to your Dr. Seuss collection?

November 13, 2018

Encourage Imagination with Disney - Easy and FUN DIY Mickey Mouse Ears Craft for a Toddler in honor of Make-A-Wish's Share Your Ears Campaign

This post is sponsored by Make-A-Wish Foundation but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

We're definitely big fans of Mickey & the whole Disney crew in this house... let me rephrase, we are HUGE fans of Disney and all things magical. I mean, Delainey's first visit to the Disney Parks was nearly a year ago when she was just one year old and we are so eager to go again we talk about it almost daily.

Unfortunately, we have to adult and get things done so we can't visit the parks every day, but I'm doing my best to encourage her imagination at home and I hope our love for all things magical will live on through her. From the excitement I hear in her voice when she talks about the "fiya- woks" at the start of every Disney movie, to the way she exclaims "that my disney duck" when she sees the Donald Duck stuffed animal she picked out during our last visit, it's truly wonderful to see her love for something I loved so dearly as a child too - dare I say, it's magical.

Disney isn't just the parks and the movies for us though, it's really about a dream coming true. It's about following your passion and making something happen with hard work and determination, Walt Disney really did something inspirational. While I'm still learning the ropes in life too, one thing I know for certain is he accomplished great things with his creative, innovative thinking. I hope to foster that same love for dreaming & creativity within my daughter - and that's the magic of Disney, in my mind!

Then, when you combine that Disney Magic, that pure creative joy, with the Make-A-Wish foundation... well - that's pretty much the most heart warming combination, most of us can agree on that!

With that said, Disney & Make-A-Wish have partnered up and we all want you to help save the day for kids with Disney wishes, yet again!

How can you do that?
It doesn't take much - 

Just "Share Your Ears"!

From now through November 17th, 2018, Walt Disney Parks will donate US $5 for each social share on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag "#ShareYourEars", up to US $2 million in donations - all of this in celebration of 90 years of Mickey Mouse & Thanks to Disney Team of Heroes!

That means, all you have to do to help those brave Make-A-Wish kids is share a photo rocking your favorite ears! Don't have a pair? I've got you covered! This DIY Mickey Mouse Ears project is so easy - it's a great way to spend time with your kiddo while encouraging them to use their "disney" magic level of creativity and imagination!

Want to get creative with your imaginative toddler? Here's how we made these EPIC watercolor ears, in just minutes!

For this project you will need:

1 sheet of cardstock
a plain headband
white crayon
a watercolor paint palette & the works [brushes, water, etc]
pair of scissors
hot glue & a hot glue gun

First, you'll want to print off this template I've created. Be sure to hit the "fit to page" when printing!

Next, let your kiddo scribble willy-nilly all over the cardstock with the white crayon. While you won't be able to see the markings now, they look so nifty once water color is applied.

Which brings us to our next step, painting with watercolors. This part is easily Delainey's favorite. She loves showing off her epic painting skills... and honestly, I don't blame her - she is pretty talented!

Now let your painted ear template lie flat until it's dry to the touch. Then using the scissors cut as close to within the template you can, removing the black edges.

Once cut, glue the two circle parts of each ear together, allowing the length of the ears to remain attached, then slide the headband through the opening. Position the ears where you would prefer on the headband and then flatten the bottom so the opening on the ear is attached to the headband - apply a liberal amount of hot glue and let dry.

Now add your favorite bow like this one, or rock with another fun accessory, if you so desire and get ready to show off in your ears!

April 4, 2018

Embracing Life's Messes, A Simple and Fun DIY project, & How We Clean It All Up!

Life is messy, we all know this... especially when kids are in the picture! From daily food fights with herself during lunch, to encouraging her creative spirit with crafts and other activities, I'm always cleaning up after my little blessing and her messes...

Today I want to share with you one of many ways we love to make messes... and how we clean it up in seconds! But First, we'll start with the fun stuff... We had a blast making this abstract painting. From wandering around trying to find some pretty pieces of nature to include to smacking a sponge into the canvas, we both loved every second of this craft.

For this project you will need:

Paint in a variety of colros
Tape or Hot glue
3-8 items from nature - think leaves, roots, weeds from your yard, etc... (Confession: I sent hubby to trim a neighbors palm so we could have a good variety of items. LOL. Get creative!)
Water in a spray bottle
Paint brushes and/or sponges
Libman Freedom Spray Mop & Cleaner

To get started, you'll want to trim up your leaves, branches, or other items and make sure they are a going to be easy enough to paint or sponge paint over. I will say, the flatter the item the better print it will create!

Attach to the canvas with a tiny dot of hot glue or a small folded piece of tape to try and secure it in place.

Next, you'll use your sponge or paint brush to apply the paint. Wild strokes are preferred... thank goodness D has the best little wild hands to help provide those! If you have a little one, let them go nuts... We just made our pretty new piece of art on the ground & cleaned up with our Libman mop shortly after completing our project.

Finally add some of the water from the spray bottle and swirl and blend it onto the canvas with a sponge or the brush... helping the colors to flow into one another.

Now, tell me, isn't this the most gorgeous piece of abstract art you've ever seen an 18 month old helpcreate? We definitely think so!

As you can imagine, paint is messy with a crazy, independent toddler, that's why the last step in our project is cleaning up! I just removed the plants from the painting and tossed them. Then, I grabbed our Libman Freedom Spray mop and it cleaned up our mess in just seconds. A few sprays and our wood floors were shining like they had never met Delainey!

The best part is, it's so easy to mop with this baby, that I can clean while she's snacking... I quickly grab it and go to town and by the time she says she is done... so am I! We both run out and throw the microfiber pad into the washer... and then it's ready to take on her next mess in just one quick wash!

Interested in finding out how Libman can make your DIY project clean up and spring cleaning a little easier? Check this out and sign up for their mailing list to snag a coupon on your new favorite cleaning supply!