Showing posts with label delainey2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label delainey2016. Show all posts

November 8, 2016

Delainey Kate: 2 Month Update

Oops, I'm a few days late... but Delainey is two months old as of November 2nd.

In some ways it feels like she's always been a part of my life and I'm in shock that it's only been 2 months... and in other ways, I feel like she just arrived and there's no way it's already been 2 months. Maybe this is just what parenthood feels like though?

Anyways, Baby Delainey had a big month:

She made her first craft with me before Halloween. We made little creatures with paint and her cute little footsies! Speaking of Halloween, that reminds me, she also celebrated her first holiday (other than Labor Day, which doesn't really count)!

She visited an amusement park for the first time and took her first nap on the beach. The amusement park was a joy with her, she slept a lot of the time and loved looking around and spending time outdoors... and well, she napped most of her time at the beach so she still has yet to really see it!

She now maintains eye contact, coos and grunts at us, and smiles all the time! She has a range of different cries that we are learning to identify, one that sounds like she's yelling "MAAAA!" and while it's pitiful it makes us laugh a little before we soothe her.

She is starting to gain control of her little head and loves to be sat up so she can look around at the world and take it all in. She has also rolled herself over a few times during tummy time, although we aren't claiming she can officially roll over yet because it's only happened a couple of times.

She loves being held and bounced around, especially by her daddy. He sings her a song with lyrics he made up for her and it may very well be her favorite song and oh-so-sweet.

Speaking of her favorite things, some other things she seems to favor currently include spending time outside, staring at the ceiling fan and the closet light when it's dark (what we use as a night light), and of course, she loves milk.

We think she may be a redhead, although it's hard to tell! Sometimes her hair has strong hints of red and other times we see blonde. She's a mystery... although, one thing that isn't changing much is her beautiful blue eyes! They are lightening some but still are very blue.

She's finally graduated into size 1 diapers and can fit into some of her 0-3 months clothing! Really, all I know is at two months old she's a dainty thing, but perfect in every way!

October 21, 2016

Lactation Cookies for Nursing Mamas: Help Increase Your Milk Supply While Breastfeeding with this COOKIE recipe!

If I'm going to be honest, I never thought I'd be so devoted to something like this... but I'm pretty passionate about nursing Delainey. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally on board with the "fed is best" movement - but for our family I believe breast is best (at least for now)! If you're a nursing mama, you know some days your baby cluster feeds enough that you feel you've run dry... while it's impossible to run out of milk if you're allowing your little one to nurse on demand, it is possible for you to do things to "up" your supply and hopefully help your milk become more established.

You can try all kinds of products, teas, tinctures, old wives tales, and more, but here's a little secret - you can eat cookies to help your supply! I've been experimenting with all kinds of items that are supposed to help and I stand behind this cookie recipe, I've noticed my supply seems to increase when I eat these... especially when I have a few a day!

That's right, I'm giving you a reason to eat a few cookies - every single day. That means you have the right to add cookies to your diet (in the plural form) whenever you want and the best part is that they will help you produce milk for your baby! What more could a new mama ask for? It's a bit like heaven, really - especially once you taste these little bits of gluten-free goodness.

Side Note: You can eat these "lactation" cookies whether you are breastfeeding a child or not, they are full of delicious and healthy ingredients for everyone... but these are especially beneficial if you're trying to up your milk supply!

For this recipe you will need:

1 cup butter (at room temperature)
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
4 tablespoons flax seed
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups gluten-free flour blend
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons brewer’s yeast (found at the health food store or amazon)
3 cup rolled oats
1 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup dried cranberries
3 tbsp chopped almonds


Start out by preheating the oven to 375. Now mix the flour, baking soda, brewer’s yeast and oats in a bowl and set aside while you cream together the butter and sugars. 

Now add the eggs, vanilla and flax to the butter and sugar mixture. Combining the ingredients thoroughly.

Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet, mixing well after each addition, then stir in the chocolate chips and the dried cranberries.   

Now drop cookie dough onto a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake at 375 degrees F. for 10 minutes.

Let these yummy little pockets of goodness cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes and then move to a cooling rack. 

Enjoy & Nurse, nurse, nurse!

October 2, 2016

Delainey Kate: 1 month update

It's official, Delainey Kate came into this world a month ago already and I can't even begin to describe how quickly this month has flown by. It's like I blinked and it's already been 30 days.

I'm going to do my best to give a monthly update on her until she decides it's time for me to stop. I'll let her call the shots when she's old enough to understand what this whole blogging thing is... until then, I get to share little bits of her life with you. With that said, she's basically my whole life so I'm really not sure what else to talk about anymore... I think other mamas can relate.

On that note, here's the up-to-date deets on little D:

She loves her mama, her daddy, her swing, and milkies!

She sleeps for 4 hour stretches at night, most nights.

She doesn't like long car rides or the sound of wrinkling plastic.

She's able to lift her head, roll to her side, follow objects with her eyes, & smile (they seem genuine too).

She's --lbs --oz and -- inches tall. (We go to the doctor tomorrow for her 1 month check up so I'll update with her height and weight soon...)

Her doggies love her, she's still getting used to them.

She tolerates photoshoots (for now), which I'm kind of obsessed with doing.

She chirps, neighs, and snorts and when she's crying she sounds like an "angry kitty".

Also, it's safe to say we are totally obsessed with her.

September 28, 2016

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin

It's funny how having a baby changes your view of everything... and after having my toddler niece visit this past week, I know things will just keep changing for the days, weeks, months, and years to come. From our plans for the future to the way we grocery shop, everything has already changed slightly.

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin

We're so excited for our future with her in it and I will say spending the week with an infant and a visiting toddler was a possible peek at our future with Delainey and a sibling-to-come. While those days are obviously far off in the future, this week gave me an idea of what should be in my diaper bag when it's time.

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin
Caring for two kiddos isn't an easy task, so kudos to those of you who are currently rocking two kids at the toddler and infant age and for those of you hoping to do the same (like me), I think this list will help you!

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin

We'll start with the essentials, at least for my family - the FOOD.

For D, a bag of milk and a bottle will do. We personally use the twist system and it's super convenient. Sometimes we bring along a different bottle, just in case.

For my adorable little niece, I had to be sure to pack a snack she'll actually want to eat and something I can bring with us anywhere. That's why I opted to bring Gerber Lil' Beanies. With 2 grams of protein and 1 gram of fiber in every serving, I feel like I'm providing her a nutritious snack and it's a win-win for us both, since she actually enjoys eating them too! Whether I hand her the Original or the White Cheddar and Broccoli, we're both delighted when it's snack time.

Speaking of snacks, I'm certain to keep something adult-friendly in our diaper bag at all times too. Since hubs is GF, we packed some of our favorite GF Bites into the bag! Paired with a water bottle we can all share, we're all set for snack time and we'll have no hangry fits in the future.

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin

Now that the food is addressed, let's get to the BASICS -

Packed with diapers for the little and an extra pair of underwear for the niece, the diapering kit is a must have for a diaper bag - of course!

Just in case mama needs to touch up her nails or the little one gets a snag in her dress that needs a trim, the Manicure kit comes in handy!

We pack the coconut oil because it's the ultimate cure for almost everything, makes an excellent lotion, is a great way to clean sticky messes, and more! We got this small sample size container from a health food store and it goes with us everywhere.

The Instax camera is another thing that goes with us everywhere, while we haven't snapped too many pictures yet - I love the idea of taking a picture and having it right at our finger tips! Playing with this handy camera and allowing my niece to take pictures with it is a ton of fun.

The hand sanitizer is a must have for mamas and toddlers, our hands get into some dirty situations and cleaning them up before touching a baby is a necessity!

It may seem silly but having lip gloss in your bag is a great way to make a mama feel cleaner and more presentable... and it's a great way to entertain an antsy toddler.

The activity cards aren't necessarily a must-have item but they are a ton of fun! You can use these handy cards to document the "big firsts" in your baby and toddler's life. From the first trip to an amusement park to a customizable "today" card, you can snap a photo of each event and share it.

A portable phone charger is something every mama needs in their bag in case of emergency. Your phone will never die randomly again with an on-the-go charger.

The little bottle holder device was gifted to us by a friend but a life saver when my arm gets a little tired. Place a bottle inside of it and rest it so baby has constant access to the bottle. I wouldn't suggest leaving babe alone with this, but it's great if your toddler is sitting in the back seat and wants to help you give baby a bottle.

Speaking of sitting in the backseat, babies and toddlers get bored on trips so be sure to pack toys for both of them. Rattles, magic coloring books, etc. Both kiddos will appreciate a little something to entertain them on car rides and waiting in lines.

The last "basic" item in my bag is my coupon holder. With coupons to some of our favorite places and a few vital documents inside, it's a lifesaver to have a small folder to place it all in. Saving money is important so stock up on coupons and place them in a small holder and fork 'em over when shopping, you won't regret it.

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin

With FOOD & BASICS covered, let's talk about the COMFORT items in my bag:

A breastfeeding cover is a must for those of us that are nursing and want to do so comfortable and conveniently, anywhere. I use this baby at restaurants, while shopping, and at friend's houses. It's a huge comfort for her and makes me feel less exposed.

A burp cloth and or a bib is an obvious item to stash in a diaper bag! When dining with an infant, a good burping is always necessary post-meal. Bibs are great when baby tends to spit up or if baby has a drooly day.

I like to put an extra blanket and headband or two in my bag as well. You never know when you'll need a fresh blankie or accessories as a girl mom!

The last item and possibly one of the most important is the baby carrier! My little loves being snug and when hanging out with two littles, having one of them in a carrier is great.

What's in My Bag? - Mama Must-Haves in a Diaper Bag for a baby & a toddler! #GerberWinWin

So tell me, whether your a mama of two or hoping to maybe become one... What are your tips for taking care of two or more kiddos at a time?

September 21, 2016

7 Tips For Living a Healthy Lifestyle with a Baby!

Leading a healthy life with a newborn can be difficult at times. I've heard all kinds of tips like "sleep while they are sleeping", "you can eat anything while breastfeeding and you won't gain", "you can't go out of the house until your baby is 6 weeks old", etc. While I'm certain every bit of advice has come with good intentions, I've come to realize living a healthy life with a newborn is kind of a "winging it" thing and you do what works for you.

Since I've kind of made my own healthy living plan with Delainey, I thought I'd share what works for both of us. I think it's great that I have so many people in my life willing to help me find our way in the world, so here's my two cents on how you can live a healthy life with a baby in tow.

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

1. Go with the less is more approach - We went overboard buying gadgets and dohickeys to make sure our daughter would be content... Now that she's here, I've come to realize she really didn't need nearly as much as we have for her. With two swings, a bassinet, a Rock & Play, a Pack & Play, and more, I feel like we could open an orphanage and still have space left for little one's to relax. I'm super happy we had enough to provide all these amazing things for her to choose to chill in, but I know with our next baby (yes, there may be another - at some point) we will be more of minimalist. If you're currently expecting, take a look at your registry and make sure you really need/want everything on there!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

2. Learn to snack healthier - It's easy to get carried away when you finally have your appetite back, especially when you are nursing a newborn and it feels like they are taking all of your nutrition the second it hits your body... I'll be the first to admit I eat "lactation cookies" like they are going out of style. But I've also found ways to eat healthier versions of my favorite foods. Outshine Simply Yogurt bars and Outshine Fruit bars have become my daily ice cream fix. Whether I'm enjoying Outshine Fro-Yo bar first thing in the AM while reading a book and watching Lainey on her monitor or I'm having a Fruit bar as a midnight snack, I know I don't have to stress about counting calories... plus, they just taste better than other popsicles (so that's a total WIN)! Want to try the Outshine goodness for yourself and #SnackBrighter? You can find a location nearby you that carries the deliciousness here!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

3. Increase your activity level slowly - Take it easy, let yourself get back into the swing of things at your own pace. While it's tempting to jump back into working out, you need to take it easy, as your doctor probably advised you. It's nice to go for a short walk with a newborn to get a little fresh air but be sure to listen to your body (and your intuition) and don't over do it!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

4. Find sleeping arrangements that work for you - While co-sleeping isn't recommended, it's what has worked for us so far. I don't plan on always snuggling up with her in our bed and I often place her in her bassinet whenever she's napping or I'm pumping, etc. but sometimes she just needs to be held. It's easier while we are doing middle of the night nursing and I know we both cherish the skin-to-skin time as well. This tip is a sensitive topic but I know it's what is working for our family so I thought I'd share with you.

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

5. Be sure to take a moment and relax - Whether you're enjoying an Outshine Simply Yogurt bar on your back porch while watching your little one relax on the baby monitor... or you need to take a long hot shower, be sure to take some time for yourself. As a new mom, I didn't realize I was skipping showers until I finally got around to taking one after a few days of being sticky and smelly. It's like your whole world gets wrapped up in baby and while it's an amazing thing to experience, you need to be sure you are taking care of yourself first. Treat yourself, allow yourself a moment to breath deeply, and be sure to make sure you are clean - a shower may seem so insignificant, but sometimes it's just what I need to mellow out and be the best mama for Delainey I can be!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

6. Invest in a new "mama friendly" wardrobe - If you are nursing, you'll want to buy yourself some nice nursing bras, a nursing tank top (or two), and of course, clothing that makes your breasts easily accessible. If you are hoping to achieve your pre-baby body in no time, I highly suggest looking into waist cinching undergarments as well. I know ot's easy to feel defeated when you try on your pre-baby clothing just after delivery, but give yourself time... it took you 9 months to put on the "baby weight", I suggest allowing yourself about half that time (if not longer) to lose it! In the mean time, buy yourself some waist cinching panties and a few new items of clothes that don't hug you as tightly and embrace the new curves!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

7. Follow your intuition - If something doesn't feel right, then don't let it happen. Whether you aren't sure about your baby's new pediatrician and the way they manage their practice or you just know something isn't healing right during your recovery, don't be afraid to speak up. I haven't had either of these issues but I know it's good to listen to what my mama instinct is telling me. If your in-laws are sick and insist on coming over, remind them that you and your newborn are more vulnerable and that they need to stay away until you both have less weak immune systems.You have the power to make decisions so be sure to use that power and tell others that something is making you uncomfortable,

So tell me, are you a new mama too... or have you done this whole parenting thing before? I'd love to hear any advice you have to share on how to lead a healthy life with a newborn, leave me a comment telling me below!

September 7, 2016

My Favorite Part of Parenthood + a Carter's Coupon!

This post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's official - Delainey Kate Harmon has made her way into this world! She came early and unexpectedly on September 2nd, weighing in at a whopping 7lbs 10oz and measuring 20 inches long. She's a little bit of sunshine arriving just after the tropical storm hit our area and I'd be lying if I didn't share that we love her with our whole hearts and souls.

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

Now, I may be biased, but she really has the most perfect little personality already. We giggle about her funny little habits (like the mean mugging face you see above), we stare at her in awe when she does something new, and we have already spent hours talking about her, her future, and what she will accomplish. So, I guess you could say my hubby and I have become doting parents and we couldn't be more proud, she's perfect in our eyes. She's stolen our hearts and it's 100% confirmed, my husband and I are both madly in love with her and this love is something we both have never felt before... it's unexplainable and amazing - yet, I know other parents know exactly what I mean.

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

While I absolutely love every single second I spend with her, I'll admit that my favorite part of parenthood so far may just be getting to chose adorable little outfits that compliment her personality perfectly. As a shopaholic and a fashion enthusiast, it's easy to see why I'm such a fan of tiny little adorable outfits!

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

It's safe to say we have a ton of cute clothing for her... maybe because shopping and adding pieces to her wardrobe has been a priority for me since we found out we were expecting; but I'll admit all the pieces that I love the most in her collection of cuteness are from Carter's! It may be because they have the cutest bodysuits on the planet... or the fact that I can mix and match almost all of the pieces in her wardrobe to make even more adorable outfits, but I must say Carter's is my go-to store when we're talking fashion for my Delainey Kate.

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

Why do I love the brand so much? Carter's offers a variety of sizes, which means I can keep my little darling fashionable through out every stage in her life... not just this one! While she's super cute now in her newborn outfits, I can't wait until fall when I can put her in her oh-so-fashionable 3 month outfit sets and then, when Spring rolls around in 2017 we will definitely have a full Carter's 6 month wardrobe to share with you again... because as I mentioned, I'm a little obsessed!
Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

I noticed recently that my Carter's location has stocked up on a great variety of holiday outfits, including Halloween costumes! They actually offer such a great array, it was hard to decide what to get Delainey on our most recent shopping trip for her. While I didn't buy her costume from Carter's, yet... I did find a Halloween outfit that I think her daddy will just adore. With such a cute style, I'm pretty keen on it as well and I've actually decided I'll be buying her Thanksgiving outfit on our next visit and I just know the little turkey will look adorable in it!

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

If you're like me, you probably don't even need another reason to love Carter's, but these character sets are just too cute for words so I have to share. After seeing the great price point on these beauties, it only made sense to me to stock up on a variety of cozy fall looks for my gal. From foxes to scottie dogs, Delainey will be stylin' in these sets while the fall weather rolls in and since they have short sleeve and long sleeve options - they are perfect for Florida winter too!

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

While the sets are almost too adorable, with a pair of pants and a bodysuit or two included, it's my duty to continue sharing all the great finds available at Carter's! After I saw their newer boho-looking collection, I knew she had to have a few pieces to rock during my favorite season!

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

With feathers and fringe everywhere, it's easy to see why I was gaga over these pieces... I almost walked out without buying a single piece of the line though, because all the items in littler sizes were already snagged by other adoring mothers. But luckily the awesome staff at my location took this bodysuit and feathery pant set off the manikin just so Delainey could rock the look this fall! While I managed to snag this look, I plan on looking at the other location nearby me to find the rest of the collection... because you can't ever have enough fringe and feathers on a baby, am I right?!

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

While I've bragged about all of my awesome finds recently, I feel the need to share the main reason I love Carter's so much for Delainey. You make think it's because they thrive on babysoft knits, making every outfit snuggly, cozy, and color-coordinated and that's a great guess... but I really love the brand so much because I can buy almost everything I need for her at one place! From cutesie bibs, to fun burp cloths, to tiny little shoes, they have every accessory and adorable addition to a baby collection a mama could need!

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

Now that you know that I'm a Carter's fanatic, I need to know - are you expecting or do you have a little one in your life that needs some cute new items in their wardrobe? Click here to find a Carter's nearby you (or shop online) and check out the items Carter's has for your little fashionable gal or guy! Don't forget to use the coupon below to help you save 25% off your purchase of $40 or more!

Being a parent has brought all kinds of joy into my life, but one thing I love the most about being a mom to a baby girl is all of the adorable fashions I get to style her in... Get the details on some of my favorite Newborn styles from Carter's, snag a coupon, and find out how you could win 1 of many $100 Gift Cards! #LoveCarters #BodySuitSweepstakes

Also, if you're also a Carter's shopping fanatic, you'll want to take a second to enter the Carter's cutest baby's first outfit giveaway on pinterest! The contest runs until 9/26 and 75 people will randomly win a $50 Carter's gift certificate! To enter, all you have to do is choose your favorite baby's first outfit via this link and pin! That's it! Good luck and I hope you win!