Showing posts with label babyshowergiftguide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babyshowergiftguide. Show all posts

July 16, 2016

Keep Your Babe Healthy with a TemporalScanner Thermometer

Thanks to EXERGEN for sending over this super convenient thermometer and making my adjustment into mom life a little easier,
regardless all opinions expressed below are my own.

Take your babies temperature easily with this awesome TemporalScanner thermometer! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

No one plans for their little one to get sick, it's just not something any expectant or new parent wants to even think about... but it happens. I hope we never have to deal with a sick child, but there's a good possibility that she may some day get a cold and while I'm not looking forward to that day, I want to be prepared if (or when) it happens. I'm being rational though and I'm not going overboard and stocking our medicine cabinet full of infant meds, but I am going to make sure I know if my little babe has a bug immeadiately with the help of our fancy new TemporalScanner thermometer from EXERGEN.

Take your babies temperature easily with this awesome TemporalScanner thermometer! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

What exactly is a TemporalScanner thermometer? It's a super accurate, non-invasive way to gauge my little darling's health, all from the comfort of our couch. There's not much I know about being a parent yet, but one thing I do know is that I want to keep my girl as comfortable as possible, especially if she isn't feeling well. I'm so glad to say that taking her temperature is just one less thing I have to worry about once she arrives and I think most expectant (or new) parents want that comfort as well!

Take your babies temperature easily with this awesome TemporalScanner thermometer! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

One great thing about the thermometer is that if the bug spreads, I can use it to find out hubby's temperature and my own just as easily as I can find hers. It's a family friendly device and won't make any of us feel uncomfortable. With patented software and a quick swipe across the forehead, we can all accurately find out if we are feverish or not in just seconds flat!

Take your babies temperature easily with this awesome TemporalScanner thermometer! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

Want to get your hands on one of these fancy new thermometers for your little one or maybe you want to invest in a worthwhile Baby Shower Gift that a mama-to-be can really get some use out of? The TemporalScanner thermometer is a great option for all mamas and can be found at several big box retailers! Get more information about the thermometer here!

Interested in finding more awesome items for babies and new mamas?
Click here to check out my Baby Shower Gift Guide!

July 12, 2016

Bambo Nature is This Ecofriendly Mamas First Disposable Diaper Choice!

Big THANKS to Bambo Nature for sending over these awesome, ecofriendly diapers to include in my Baby Shower Gift Guide, regardless all opinions expressed below are my own.

Motherhood is an adventure already, one I'm totally excited (and a bit nervous) to be partaking in. With so many decisions to make, a bucket full of surprises, and rewarding moments galore, my journey into motherhood has already been challenging and amazing and I imagine once Delainey arrives all of these decisions, surprises, and rewarding moments will multiply by millions and I can't wait...

Choosing a disposable diaper to use when outside the home & during our newborn's first weeks on the planet was a tough choice, until we found Bambo Nature! Find out why this Ecofriendly diaper is our first choice for our baby's bottom! #BamboBaby

With that said, making simple decisions while pregnant has been interesting... will we use this kind of pacifier or that kind? Will we choose the right pediatrician? What makes a pediatrician the right one anyways? Does she really need a swing, a bouncer, a pack & play, and a rock n' play? Will we adhere to standard vaccination schedules or choose to delay? There are SO many decisions we've had to make already and many more to make in the future, but one that really had me pondering was which disposable diaper is the best to use...?

Choosing a disposable diaper to use when outside the home & during our newborn's first weeks on the planet was a tough choice, until we found Bambo Nature! Find out why this Ecofriendly diaper is our first choice for our baby's bottom! #BamboBaby

It's true, we actually plan on cloth diapering a lot of the time (as I mentioned in my recent post about saving the environment), except we will be using disposables her first few weeks and anytime we go outside the home! So making sure we have the right disposables for her first diaper changes at home and all of the adventures we plan on taking her on is a pretty important decision. No one wants a blow out within the first few hours they bring their precious little baby home... or on their first trip to Target with their newborn in tow! We also wanted to make sure we chose a brand that is guaranteed skin-friendly, certified healthy, and guaranteed quality.

Choosing a disposable diaper to use when outside the home & during our newborn's first weeks on the planet was a tough choice, until we found Bambo Nature! Find out why this Ecofriendly diaper is our first choice for our baby's bottom! #BamboBaby

That's why after some intensive research we went with Bambo Nature. With the perfect fit for her tiny newborn frame, a super thin design, and NO phthalates, heavy metals, chlorine, formaldehyde, or other substances known to be harmful to her health or the environment, it's easy to see why Bambo Nature was the best choice!

Choosing a disposable diaper to use when outside the home & during our newborn's first weeks on the planet was a tough choice, until we found Bambo Nature! Find out why this Ecofriendly diaper is our first choice for our baby's bottom! #BamboBaby

I'm happy to say these ultra-soft diapers are still eco-friendly so while we won't be cloth diapering all-the-time, we are still doing our part to save the earth - one diaper at a time! Plus, with the capability to absorb so much in their unique 3-layer design while still remaining "top-dry", over-hydration won't ever be a problem for our girl - even after multiple wettings! So that means less diaper changes while still keeping our babe dry... what more could a mama ask for?

Choosing a disposable diaper to use when outside the home & during our newborn's first weeks on the planet was a tough choice, until we found Bambo Nature! Find out why this Ecofriendly diaper is our first choice for our baby's bottom! #BamboBaby

Bambo Nature doesn't just specialize in amazing disposable diapers though, they make baby wipes that are just as awesome, as well as training pants for your growing kiddo and they are launching a skincare line soon!
Choosing a disposable diaper to use when outside the home & during our newborn's first weeks on the planet was a tough choice, until we found Bambo Nature! Find out why this Ecofriendly diaper is our first choice for our baby's bottom! #BamboBaby
So tell me, are you looking for the perfect diaper for your little one? Look no further, Bambo Nature is the answer! Find out more about this amazing, natural brand and buy your first package (or subscribe and save) here.

Choosing a disposable diaper to use when outside the home & during our newborn's first weeks on the planet was a tough choice, until we found Bambo Nature! Find out why this Ecofriendly diaper is our first choice for our baby's bottom! #BamboBaby

Interested in finding more awesome items for babies and new mamas?
Click here to check out my Baby Shower Gift Guide!

July 4, 2016

Find Inspiration for Your Baby's Nursery & Give Back with Lorena Canals Rugs

Big Thanks to Lorena Canals for sending over this beautiful rug to include in my Baby Shower Gift Guide,
regardless all opinions expressed below are completely my own!

Getting Delainey's room together has been an adventure and we're not even closed to finished yet... We went from thinking we were going with a "Where the Wild Things Are" theme whenever we first found out we were expecting to deciding on a feminine mermaid theme once we knew our babe was a girl. We've went through a handful of different color schemes, because let's face it, I can be a bit indecisive at times. We've looked at a variety of furniture and finally decided on the pieces that we needed to be a part of her room; but one I item I knew was perfect from the get go, oddly enough, was the rug I found from Lorena Canals. Adding one of the washable rugs they make is a must for any nursery or children's room!

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

While it's true that most rugs for kiddos are soft and they are often used for tummy time, these beauties are washable and similar to a blanket in many ways yet they stay put and add the perfect stylish touch to any kid-friendly room! Plus, they get major bonus points from this mama to be because they fit in most standard washing machines! So there really are no worries when baby has a little spit up mishap during playtime, all you have to do is toss the rug into the wash during nap time and it'll be clean and ready for round two of playtime before baby even wakes up!

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

With a classic design that'll match her room through out the years, our Lorena Canals Mix Ramlal rug is going to be the perfect addition to all the changes her room undergoes through out the years. I love it's simple coloring and the fact it's uniquely made, just like all of their rugs... plus, since it's washable we don't have to worry about mishaps with finger paint or other fun adventures while she grows!

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

These rugs obviously aren't just your plain ol' big box store option though... Lorena Canals rugs undergo an extensive handmade elaboration process based on the selection of the best raw materials, the use of only natural dyes, the control of non-child labor in the production process, and the compliance of quality and safety standards for children - making these beauties even more unique!

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

The best part about Lorena Canals rugs though, is the fact the company provides schooling for children in Northern India! With the purchase of a Lorena Canals rug, you will help a child attend school. Lorena Canals believes that education is the key to mobility and vital to breaking the poverty cycle so they give back whenever possible. So not only are you rewarding your babe with an awesome new rug when you buy a Lorena Canals rug, you're rewarding another child with an education!

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

Sold in over 30 countries and promoted by so many amazing people including one of my favorite celebs, Chrissy Teigen, Lorena Canal rugs are the answer to spicing up the look of your nursery, no matter what them you choose.

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

Are you decorating your little darling's room in a pineapple theme? They have a rug for that.

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

What about a desert theme? They have a cactus rug you'll be gaga over.

With Ombre rugs in shades of emerald and coral to lavender blends, it was a little difficult to narrow down my choice between all of the beautiful options... but the classic look of the Mix Ramlal rug was the perfect choice for us and our nursery that I'll be officially unveiling soon! Are you looking for inspiration for your nursery? Check out these adorable baby rooms enhanced by a gorgeous Lorena Canals rug and leave me a little message sharing your favorite look in the comments below!

Give back to a child in need while decorating your child's nursery beautifully with a Lorena Canals Rug! #BabyShowerGiftGuide

Interested in finding more awesome items for babies and new mamas?
Click here to check out my Baby Shower Gift Guide!

June 19, 2016

Travel Safely & Stylishly with the CYBEX Agis Travel System!

This post was sponsored by CYBEX as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received the CYBEX Agis Travel  System to facilitate my review.

Traveling with little ones is easier than you think! Find out how the CYBEX Agis Travel System can keep your baby stylish and safe on your next adventure...

We've had such a busy couple of weeks and I just have to share what's been going on... The last 10 days or so we took a trip back to the midwest to see our family and had the chance to spend so much time with everyone we love!

Traveling with little ones is easier than you think! Find out how the CYBEX Agis Travel System can keep your baby stylish and safe on your next adventure...

It was a great visit, full of fun and laughter, a little road trip in between families, and lots of love! We were even spoiled with a cute mermaid shower with childhood friends and our closest family and while we didn't take many pictures during the occasion, it was great to celebrate Delainey and her upcoming arrival.

Traveling with little ones is easier than you think! Find out how the CYBEX Agis Travel System can keep your baby stylish and safe on your next adventure...

With all of the traveling and the knowledge that soon Delainey will be arriving, I had a lot on my mind. From discussing the big stuff with my husband like how we plan to parent to thinking about how we are going to travel with her next year, it's all becoming a reality as the weeks until her arrival get shorter! Luckily, with our CYBEX Agis Travel System we won't have to worry about her safety on our next visit to see family.

Traveling with little ones is easier than you think! Find out how the CYBEX Agis Travel System can keep your baby stylish and safe on your next adventure...

This stroller carseat combination from CYBEX is made for travel! It makes life so much easier and more convenient, and it's pretty obvious as first time parents we're definitely going to need those benefits! With a one-hand fold up stroller that will hold little Delainey until she's 55lbs and a car seat that's super safe and even certified for airline use, I can be certain our girl will be traveling in style and safety!

Traveling with little ones is easier than you think! Find out how the CYBEX Agis Travel System can keep your baby stylish and safe on your next adventure...

Are you looking for a Travel System that fits into your life well? If you plan to go on adventures, by plane, train, or automobile, I'm confident in saying that the CYBEX Agis Travel System from Buy Buy Baby is a great way to be on-the-go with a little one in tow! Find out more about the car seat and stroller combo here.

June 17, 2016

The Most Sophisticated Baby Bedding Set: Ruffled Medallions from Just Born

Thanks to Just Born for sending over this adorable bed set for me to include in the Baby Shower Gift Guide, regardless all opinions expressed below are my own.

If you saw my most recent Baby Shower Gift Guide post, you'll notice that we are getting little Miss Delainey's room in order! We still have some big decisions to make, like deciding whether or not we'll paint the walls in her room, but I'm certain I'm loving the color of her furniture and most recently the addition of a matching bedding set just for her!

Choosing a baby bedding set can be a difficult task, luckily Just Born has the cutest styles made with the highest quality materials! If you're on the market for a nursery bedding set then check out the adorable Just Born styles that could work for you and your little one!

This dreamy Just Born bedding set is the perfect match for our grey furniture. Their chic and stylish sets are all beautiful but the Ruffled Medallion set it beautiful in her room. The little ornamented features, the ruffles on the bed skirt, and the soothing gray color are exactly what I had in mind when I picture her room.

Choosing a baby bedding set can be a difficult task, luckily Just Born has the cutest styles made with the highest quality materials! If you're on the market for a nursery bedding set then check out the adorable Just Born styles that could work for you and your little one!

The classic style and structure of this bedding set is something that will grow with Delainey into her toddler years and since it's such a timeless style, I'll be able to use this bedding set again if we have another little princess in the future.

Choosing a baby bedding set can be a difficult task, luckily Just Born has the cutest styles made with the highest quality materials! If you're on the market for a nursery bedding set then check out the adorable Just Born styles that could work for you and your little one!

Are you looking for a bedding set for your baby? Interested in spoiling your best friend with a new set for the little one she's expecting? Just Born has some of the cutest sets on the market and since they are available at some of the most popular baby stores (like Babies R' Us, Buy Buy Baby, and Amazon), you're sure to find the look you desire! While the look of the bedding set you choose is important, you can also rest easy knowing that Just Born products are made with the highest quality materials and designed for your baby to sleep safely and soundly while you get some rest as well!

Choosing a baby bedding set can be a difficult task, luckily Just Born has the cutest styles made with the highest quality materials! If you're on the market for a nursery bedding set then check out the adorable Just Born styles that could work for you and your little one!

Just Born doesn't just make adorable bedding sets though, they offer a little bit of everything a babe needs! From muslin blankets to hooded bath towels, everything snuggly your little one needs is available in adorable styles from Just Born! I'll be featuring an adorable Deluxe Swaddle from Just Born in a few weeks, because there are so many items I want for Delainey from Just Born that I couldn't fit them all in one post.

Choosing a baby bedding set can be a difficult task, luckily Just Born has the cutest styles made with the highest quality materials! If you're on the market for a nursery bedding set then check out the adorable Just Born styles that could work for you and your little one!

So tell me, what's your favorite bedding set from Just Born? Are you a fan of the Animal Kingdom set or the Classic Aqua collection? Check out the entire Just Born line up and tell me all about your favorites in the comments below!

Interested in finding more awesome items for babies and new mamas?
Click here to check out my Baby Shower Gift Guide!

June 11, 2016

The Right Crib Mattress for Every Baby

Thanks to Naturepedic for sending over a mattress to include in my Baby Shower Gift Guide,
regardless all opinions expressed below are completely my own.

While decorating our daughter's room, we have been overwhelmed with all of the choices on the market for each and every product. From bottles, to diapers, to the big pieces like furniture, it's a bit complicated to decide which one of each item will be perfect for our babe. Once she's here she can help us figure out what will work best for her but some things we have to figure out on our own before her arrival. One thing that had us a bit perplexed until recently was the crib mattress - with so many options to choose from it was hard to decide what mattered the most to us.

Finding the perfect mattress to include in a nursery is a tough decision, but once we found Naturepedic we knew it was the right choice for our family! Organic, comfortable, and safe - everything parents want and babies need!

Did we want a mattress that offered safety? Did we want one specifically known for design? Would it be best to buy one adored for it's comfort? Is it necessary to buy a mattress that is allergen friendly? Is there a crib mattress that is all organic? Can we find one that is completely fire protected so we know she's safe in the event of an emergency? In the end, we decided we wanted all of that and more and went with the Naturepedic Lightweight Organic Cotton Classic Crib Mattress.

Finding the perfect mattress to include in a nursery is a tough decision, but once we found Naturepedic we knew it was the right choice for our family! Organic, comfortable, and safe - everything parents want and babies need!

With two stages of firmness, this lightweight organic cotton crib mattress offers everything we need for our dear little Delainey.

Finding the perfect mattress to include in a nursery is a tough decision, but once we found Naturepedic we knew it was the right choice for our family! Organic, comfortable, and safe - everything parents want and babies need!

One side for her baby stage and one side for when she is at the toddler age, perfectly designed for her to be comfortable but still firm enough that we don't have to worry about her. Another aspect of the mattress that I really love is that it's waterproof, while still offering a nice contemporary look - the mattress every parent needs for their little babe.

Finding the perfect mattress to include in a nursery is a tough decision, but once we found Naturepedic we knew it was the right choice for our family! Organic, comfortable, and safe - everything parents want and babies need!

As I mentioned safety was a deciding factor for us as well and with a perfectly snug fit and a test ran for no chemical emissions, this little mattress is the perfect place to let our darling get her beauty rest. Plus, the design of the mattress is the perfect fit for our crib and it's so lightweight that I don't have to stress about making her bed.

Finding the perfect mattress to include in a nursery is a tough decision, but once we found Naturepedic we knew it was the right choice for our family! Organic, comfortable, and safe - everything parents want and babies need!

It's easy to see why Naturepedic is the preferred brand for so many parents (and 150+ different hospitals), when you do a little research you can find dozens of awards and certifications for being the safest, healthiest option for your little one to rest on! Since a baby spends so much time in a crib getting their rest, it's important to make sure the mattress they are sleeping on is the best and luckily we found the best in Naturepedic and are excited for Delainey to get to sleep on her mattress for years to come!
Finding the perfect mattress to include in a nursery is a tough decision, but once we found Naturepedic we knew it was the right choice for our family! Organic, comfortable, and safe - everything parents want and babies need!

Are you looking for a crib or toddler mattress? Check out the different options Naturepedic carries and tell me which one catches your eye the most! I'm certain they have an option that fits you and your child's needs!

Interested in finding more awesome items for babies and new mamas?
Click here to check out my Baby Shower Gift Guide!

June 2, 2016

Baby Showers Aren't Just for Babies: Spoil Mama with A Thousand Wishes from Bath & Body Works

Thanks to Bath & Body Works for sending over this fantastic smelling set to include in my Baby Shower Gift Guide, regardless all opinions expressed below are completely my own.

I've always been a huge fan of Bath & Body Works, as most women are! I can remember misting myself whenever I was a teenager about to go out with my boyfriend, who eventually became my hubby. It's one of those brands that has lasted for years and years and their signature line never disappoints!

Baby Showers are meant to celebrate mama & baby, so don't forget about the mom-to-be while you are spoiling baby! Find out how you can treat any expecting mama to a "celebration in a bottle" with A Thousand Wishes!

Whether I'm stocking up on scents for myself or trying to find a special gift for a friend, I know I can count on Bath & Body to have the best of the best! From their new scents to the scents I grew up spritzing myself with, I know I can find something every one loves! Plus, my Grandma Joy has always spoiled us girls with a little package full of Bath & Body Works goodies for Christmas, every single year. I guess you could say I've grown up a "Bath & Body Works" girl.

Baby Showers are meant to celebrate mama & baby, so don't forget about the mom-to-be while you are spoiling baby! Find out how you can treat any expecting mama to a "celebration in a bottle" with A Thousand Wishes!

So you know I had to include my favorite scent from one of my favorite brands in my Baby Shower Gift Guide for mamas. Especially because all new moms want to smell pretty, even if it means spraying on a little Fine Fragrance Mist as they head out the door, with a little baby in their arms and a tiny bit of spit up on their t-shirt.

Baby Showers are meant to celebrate mama & baby, so don't forget about the mom-to-be while you are spoiling baby! Find out how you can treat any expecting mama to a "celebration in a bottle" with A Thousand Wishes!

America's favorite Bath & Body store is determined to make every woman feel pretty... that's why they offer so many amazing product! So whenever they found out I was expecting they sent over well wishes and a little gift of A Thousand Wishes, a "celebration in a bottle" and the perfect way to make any mama to be feel like a million bucks! This scent is the best way to feel oh-so-pretty without overdoing it... and if you've ever smelled it before, I think you'll agree!

Baby Showers are meant to celebrate mama & baby, so don't forget about the mom-to-be while you are spoiling baby! Find out how you can treat any expecting mama to a "celebration in a bottle" with A Thousand Wishes!

Do you want to spoil yourself with A Thousand Wishes set? You're in luck... I've teamed up with Bath & Body to make sure you look & smell your best, no matter what stage of parenthood your currently dealing with! Enter to win this awesome little prize pack with the giveaway tools form below:

Now that I've shared one of my favorite ways to spoil myself and other new mamas, I'd love to hear what your favorite Bath & Body Works scent is...? Also, if you have any other great gift ideas for mamas, I'd love to hear all about them in the comments below!

May 31, 2016

The CYBEX Agis Travel System is The Best Choice!

This post was sponsored by CYBEX as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received the CYBEX Agis Travel System to facilitate my review.

The CYBEX Agis Travel system provides the safety all parents are looking for with a sleek, easy to use design!

When you're a first time parent, it's hard to know which brand to choose of anything. There are so many options on the market, from car seats, to breast pumps, to swaddle blankets - making the choice on which item is right for your little bundle of joy can be a bit overwhelming.

The CYBEX Agis Travel system provides the safety all parents are looking for with a sleek, easy to use design!

I researched high and low to find the best travel system for our little Delainey. We wanted something safe yet sleek, that accommodated her needs and ours and we finally found the CYBEX Gold Line Agis Travel System! The safety and design are precisely what I wanted in a stroller and car seat pair and it's easy adapting and it's super smooth driving makes it perfect for our busy lifestyle.

The CYBEX Agis Travel system provides the safety all parents are looking for with a sleek, easy to use design!

I have to share the fact that the Agis M-Air 3 is so lightweight and agile, yet it still offers our babe a super comfortable place to relax and enjoy the view. With a 3-in-1 travel system, you really can't go wrong - converting it from a simple stroller, to a buggy, and even using it as a base for her car seat when we don't feel like waking her, this travel system is what parents dreams are made of! Plus, with my hands full, it's easy to close into a compact package with just one hand and can be stowed away compactly without having to worry about it falling since it's free-standing when folded!

The CYBEX Agis Travel system provides the safety all parents are looking for with a sleek, easy to use design!

Another reason to love the Agis M-Air 3 is the fact that it comes with the coolest matching car seat, The Aton 2. This car seat is up to date with the latest safety technologies and it's honestly so soft I'm contemplating reaching out and asking CYBEX to manufacture an adult seat for me to relax in as well! With an ultra-lightweight way about it and an energy-absorbing shell, this car seat is super safe without you having to worry about lugging around a bunch of extra weight!

With Delainey growing up in Florida, we want her to be protected from the harsh rays of the sun as much as possible so I'm a huge fan of the foldaway canopy with UVP 50+! Plus, it's easy to install this baby using LATCH or just the vehicle belts and there will be no user errors because an indicator confirms installation is correct and secure, so no worrying about transitioning her into a different vehicle - thank goodness!

The CYBEX Agis Travel system provides the safety all parents are looking for with a sleek, easy to use design!

While I'll stop bragging about how much I love that this system in a second, I will say that I adore the fact that this will grow with my girl, from 4lbs to 35lbs in the Aton 2 car seat and all the way up to 55lbs in her gorgeous Agis M-Air 3 stroller! It's safe to say we'll be rocking the CYBEX Agis travel system for years to come!

The CYBEX Agis Travel system provides the safety all parents are looking for with a sleek, easy to use design!

Are you interested in the fantastic Agis Travel System? I'll let you in on a secret, it's only available at Buy Buy Baby! Before you go in to snag your new beautiful travel system, be sure to sign up for coupons... it's always better to save a little cash when your with child!

The CYBEX Agis Travel system provides the safety all parents are looking for with a sleek, easy to use design!

With all of that said, I'm still trying to figure out which brand of everything else to buy! If you're an experienced parent, I'd love to hear which brands you love the most for anything that's a baby necessity... Leave me a comment filling me in on all the details below!

May 29, 2016

Officially Announcing Baby Harmon's Name & Sharing Our Love for The Cotton Cupcake Shoppe! { + a Giveaway}

Thanks to The Cotton Cupcake Shoppe for sending over the cutest personalized items for our little gal to wear, she's going to be so adorable in these and we're super happy to have been able to share our big news with the world with your help and expertise in embroidery!

I'm going to put this out there for anyone planning on having a child or even contemplating the idea, naming a child has proven to be a super difficult task... I'm not sure how people can just know. Maybe my hubby and I are just super indecisive, maybe I'm just picky or he's too traditional but we've had quite the adventure trying to figure out what our daughter's name will be.

Although, nicknaming her came easily and from the time we found out we were expecting we started calling her our little pineapple. She's been known as the pineapple or our pineapple for about 20 weeks now and while the nickname is super cute and may even be one of her nicknames for life, she may not appreciate being named after a fruit that wears a crown when she's an adult so we had to settle on a real name.

We went through list after list, had narrowed it down to handful of names, finally decided on a first name a few weeks ago, then had the hardest time choosing a middle name. But we finally figured it out, I think the name we've chosen is perfect for this little miracle we've been blessed with and I'm so excited to say she's officially named!

I was thinking we might wait until she was born to announce it on the blog, but it's too much fun to finally know her name and not call her by it. Plus, I love personalizing items and I can't imagine hiding some upcoming projects from you, so without further ado, Baby Harmon is officially going to be named Delainey Kate Harmon.

We decided on Delainey weeks ago, it's the perfect mixture of sweet and classic, but choosing a middle name was shockingly more difficult for us. Kate is our final choice because my middle name is Katherine and my mother and sister share the middle name Kaye, so it's kind of like we are continuing a family tradition with a K middle name but adding our own little twist for her.

Not only have we decided on a name for our babe, we've started personalizing items for her... Click here to learn more about the Cotton Cupcake Shoppe and check out all of the adorable items she carries, including the beauties I shared up above.

From the perfect little pineapple onesies, to burlap art stitched with a sweet quote to hang on baby's walls, to adorable customized hats perfect for showing off your little one's name, this little shop makes the prettiest items and I knew I had to share her work with the big news of announcing Delainey's name...

The Cotton Cupcake Shoppe all started whenever Amber, the owner's, third daughter was 4 months old. She had her in an adorable onesie but noticed it was missing something, she embroidered on her nickname and it's all history... Her little one time addition to her baby girl's clothing turned into a gorgeous shop full of the perfect personalized creations for all babies!

The thing I love most about her shop is that she has a true passion for everything she creates and it really shows. The items she makes are truly unique and one of a kind and I'm so honored we were able to share our daughter's name with you showing off her detailed work.

It's true, the official announcement has been made, we've named our daughter! Find out her name and learn more about our new found love for The Cotton Cupcake Shoppe and all of the gorgeous personalized items in the shop...

Interested in finding out more about the Cotton Cupcake Shoppe and possibly ordering a few personalized pieces for you littles? You can find her shop here and don't forget to follow her instagram so you can stay up to date on her latest creations!

It's true, the official announcement has been made, we've named our daughter! Find out her name and learn more about our new found love for The Cotton Cupcake Shoppe and all of the gorgeous personalized items in the shop...

It's true, the official announcement has been made, we've named our daughter! Find out her name and learn more about our new found love for The Cotton Cupcake Shoppe and all of the gorgeous personalized items in the shop...

Plus, you have the opportunity to WIN an adorable creation from her shop! Use the giveaway tools form below to enter to win an ADORABLE arrow hat from The Cotton Cupcake Shoppe!

Interested in finding more awesome items for babies and new mamas?
Click here to check out my Baby Shower Gift Guide!

May 26, 2016

Trendy Headbands for Your Little Fashionista from Rug Belly Boutique!

BIG thanks to Rug Belly Boutique for sending over a handful of headbands to include in my Baby Shower Gift Guide, regardless all opinions expressed below are completely my own!

These adorable accessories for your baby and toddler are the perfect way to make sure your little diva always looks like a true fashionista! Find out more about Rug Belly Boutique...

If you've been following the blog, then you know I'm expecting a girl in September... which means I'm also stocking up on clothing and accessories because that's what every little diva needs in her life, right?!

These adorable accessories for your baby and toddler are the perfect way to make sure your little diva always looks like a true fashionista! Find out more about Rug Belly Boutique...

While there's a million different items I want to stock up on before my princess arrives, I knew I needed to add a few adorable little headwraps and top-knot headbands to her growing collection of cuteness! So when I found Lauren's Rug Belly Boutique on Etsy, I instantly fell in love!

These adorable accessories for your baby and toddler are the perfect way to make sure your little diva always looks like a true fashionista! Find out more about Rug Belly Boutique...

Her shop is full of the cutest, trendiest hippie-inspired headbands on the market and I love that my little girl will look like a true fashionista while she's sporting her new headbands from the shop!

These adorable accessories for your baby and toddler are the perfect way to make sure your little diva always looks like a true fashionista! Find out more about Rug Belly Boutique...

Ranging in size from 0-3 months all the way up to 4T (with custom sizes available as well), you can rest assured Rug Belly has the style of headband you'll want for your little darling for years to come! Plus, the super soft fabric won't be a bother to your babe's head, a huge win for both you and your little!

These adorable accessories for your baby and toddler are the perfect way to make sure your little diva always looks like a true fashionista! Find out more about Rug Belly Boutique...

Not only does Rug Belly sell some of the cutest headbands, they also carry some pretty adorable rompers! I guess you could say Rug Belly is a one stop, ultra hip shop for all little divas needing to accessorize and I'll be honest, I can't wait for my girl to be here so I can make sure she's always rocking one of these adorable and super soft headbands!

These adorable accessories for your baby and toddler are the perfect way to make sure your little diva always looks like a true fashionista! Find out more about Rug Belly Boutique...

Are you interested in staying up to date with your new favorite accessory shop for your little gal? Follow Rug Belly on Instagram and be sure to add Rug Belly boutique to your Etsy favorites today!

These adorable accessories for your baby and toddler are the perfect way to make sure your little diva always looks like a true fashionista! Find out more about Rug Belly Boutique...

Interested in finding more awesome items for babies and new mamas?
Click here to check out my Baby Shower Gift Guide!

May 19, 2016

The #1 Rated Car Seat: Chicco KeyFit 30 Zip

Thanks to Chicco for sending over this gorgeous seat to facilitate this review, regardless all opinions expressed below are completely my own.

Picking out the right items for baby is tough, find out why the #1-rated car seat is the best of the best!

I'm guessing I'm not the only first time mama (or parent, for that matter) that wants to do everything by the book. I'm searching high and low for safety ratings, the latest information on all the products I get for my girl, and I'm even asking my friends and family for their recommendations when it comes to what we need to make sure she's healthy and safe.

Picking out the right items for baby is tough, find out why the #1-rated car seat is the best of the best!

Whenever I heard that Chicco wanted me to review one of their amazing, highly-recommended car seats, I knew I couldn't say no. As a #1 rated car seat, it was easy to fall in love with this beauty, especially in the dashing emerald shade with a colorful and fun zipper!

Picking out the right items for baby is tough, find out why the #1-rated car seat is the best of the best!

For added style and convenience, the zip-off canopy, the zip-on visor, and the zip-around boot make this a car seat with gorgeous detail and the perfect accessories!

Picking out the right items for baby is tough, find out why the #1-rated car seat is the best of the best!

What makes this car seat so amazing? The ReclineSure® Spring-Loaded Leveling Foot is a great place to start describing the amazing-ness. This feature is included to help achieve proper base angle in vehicle seat. Another reason to fall in love with the Chicco KeyFit Zip is the SuperCinch® One-Pull LATCH Tightener, this feature applies force-multiplying technology to help achieve a tight and secure fit with a fraction of the effort!

Picking out the right items for baby is tough, find out why the #1-rated car seat is the best of the best!

If you have a super small baby, this car seat is a great option too. Supporting babies ranging in weight from 4lbs all the way up to 30lbs, this car seat is versatile and a great option to allow your darling to grow with.

Picking out the right items for baby is tough, find out why the #1-rated car seat is the best of the best!

This car seat really offers everything a new mama could need to keep her darling safe and since it's absolutely adorable, it's definitely the one I'll be putting in my car! Plus, with all the other amazing Chicco items, I know this brand and more specifically this car seat is one that I'll be able to trust for a long time!

So tell me, which car seat do you recommend if you're already a mama... or if you're expecting, do you think the Chicco KeyFit Zip would be a good fit in your life? I'm excited to hear what you have to say in the comments below!