September 5, 2017

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

Now that my little sass is officially one, it's like a little learning switch was clicked on and she's absorbing everything. She repeats a lot of what we say now, she is suddenly standing on her own (I have a feeling she'll be taking steps any day now), and she is constantly wanting to explore. It's pretty amazing watching her mind act like a sponge, really soaking everything up and I feel so blessed I get to teach her all of life's lessons and more.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

While I'm so excited D is learning new words and physically developing, I also want to nourish her soul. I want her to learn to always have a giving, caring heart, to do the right thing, and to just be a good human and I think that's something we need to start fostering now. So today, now that her birthday celebrations are winding down, we decided to set up a little lemonade stand.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

And... instead of her pocketing all the proceeds, we are raising funds to help a charity that we feel passionate about supporting - We are dishing out some delicious lemonade #ForRMHC!

The Ronald McDonald House Charities provide places for families to stay within steps of the hospital where their children receive the medical care they need. I know what you're thinking... it's a hard pill to swallow, thinking about a child being critically ill - but it's a reality. While it's something I never hope to face, it's something several people are dealing with right this second. To give you an idea of what I mean by several, in 2016, RMHC provided 2.4 million overnight stays to families with sick children!

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

Let's do the "math"... That means 2.4 million families were able to spend the evening with their little one a tiny bit less worried, 2.4 million people were able to snuggle their sweet child to sleep, those same children were able to feel the comfort of knowing their parents were just seconds away.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

It's amazing that RMHC was able to help so many children and their families... but the numbers are still growing in 2017. So, they have challenged everyone to truly raise love. Their goal is to raise enough to help provide 12,500 more stays for families, so that they may share a smile, hugs, and just simply spend more time together.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

I guess you can see why I knew this was the perfect way to teach Delainey about giving back, it's practically common sense to want to help these families out. So on that note, I'm sure you're asking yourself, "What can I do to help?"
How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

And the answer is simple - donate... or you could always start your own RMHC fundraiser to help give back! Find out more about how you can do either here!

Once you decide to start your own fundraiser, whether or not you're hosting a bake sale, planning on juggling your heart out to entertain the masses, or setting up a chalkathon... it's easy to do your part and help these families going through a tough time out. Just spread the word and let the magic of caring hearts work, at least that's what I told Delainey. Raising love and funds for these kids was easy peasy once we had our lemonade dished out.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

While we were only making proceeds one quarter at at time, we're proud to say we made enough to send over a tiny sum to RMHC and can't wait to set up our little "lemonade shop" again soon to continue raising funds for our favorite children's charity.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

So tell me, how will you raise funds for these kids and their families? I'd love to hear your plans for fundraising and how you plan on giving back in the comments below!

September 2, 2017

6 ways to Ensure Your Little One is Safe in Honor of Baby Safety Month + a Giveaway

This post is sponsored by Chicco, regardless I'm a HUGE believer in the #TurnAfter2 campaign. With that said, all opinions and beliefs discussed below are solely my own.

So, it's September and my child is ONE and if I'm going to be honest, I'm still trying to deal with this fact. While I'm so incredibly excited to watch her grow, I'm also just distraught about how quickly it's happening. It's so bittersweet watching her turn into this rambunctious toddler and sadly, there's nothing I can do about how quickly she's growing and how fast time is slipping into the future.

I've decided to face it, while I can't stop time, I can do my best to keep her safe... and I'm fairly certain I'm not the only mama that feels this way. That's why today I want to discuss safety, after all it's Baby Safety Month! So here's 6 ways that you can ensure your little toddler isn't going to get into too much trouble.

1. Keep things clean - Once baby becomes active, it's time to really start cleaning - especially the surfaces they can reach. From the floor to the ottoman, we've been redecorating thanks to our tiny little explorer and her curious hands! We've moved glass into containers she can't reach, we've rearranged cords and replaced handles on drawers. It's been a lot of work and we still have more to do but keeping a tidy, organized home is important for her so she can still seek, discover, and explore without getting hurt!

2. Know first aid - While we're on the topic of getting hurt... it likely will happen at some point, no matter how clean or safe your home is. Show of hands who has already taken a tumble?

While you can't prevent every little scratch or tumble, learning first aid could come in super handy the day that happens... so you might as well learn today! From infant CPR to knowing how to use a defibrillator in a emergency situation, knowing  all things related to first aid is the best way to ensure your baby and those around you are SUPER safe... and bonus points, you literately could save the day one day... and it only takes a few hours to learn First Aid basics. Look into a class nearby you!

3. Turnafter2 with Chicco’s Fit2 Infant & Toddler Car Seat - Speaking of learning, did you know that #Turnafter2 isn't just a suggestion but a law in most states?! Luckily, I've always been a huge proponent of extended rear-facing and knew the second Chicco announced the Fit 2 that we had to have one!

Why did we choose the Chicco Fit2 Infant & Toddler Car Seat over other car seats? It's simple, Chicco's been in the baby gear business for over 50 years and they know what they're doing! We were using their previous model, the KeyFit 30 and knew the Fit2 would be perfect for us! What's different about The Fit2? It offers two positions, making it easier to practice extended rear-facing because baby fits more comfortably in the toddler position for longer.

On that note, earlier this year Chicco launched TurnAfter2, a national movement designed to increase the number of children who ride rear-facing longer. This movement is about educating us, the parents, about the benefits of riding rear-facing longer. You can find out all about the movement here... and if you're interested in being a part of the movement, be sure to use the hashtag #TurnAfter2 to show off images of your little cutie riding rear-facing.

4. No Cart Surfing - Speaking of car seats, I've seen SO many people think it's okay to place your car seat across the back of a shopping cart... or sometimes I've seen mama's think their carseat is "latched correctly" when placing it in the little seat where a child would sit once they get older. Either way, it's not an okay place for a baby's car seat to remain. The safest way to take baby in the store is either by placing the car seat within the cart or by carrying the baby, so please don't make the mistake of placing your car seat ON the cart and not IN it!

5. Smart Song - While D is still a little too young to teach lyrics to a song, I plan on teaching her a song all about her. I want her to know her information young, including all of our names, her address and one of our phone numbers. That way if she, heaven forbid, ever goes missing, she'll know exactly how to communicate who she is, who her parents are, and where she should be.

6. Teach Manners - Speaking of being taught, I think it's important to discuss teaching a baby manners. From how to gracefully pet a new dog to saying please & thank you, we're working on D's manners and politeness already. This may not seem like a safety thing, but it kind of is. She's learning to ask before action, which could save her in the future.

That's all I really want though, her to be safe in the future... and I think most mamas feel the same way! So tell me, will you be sharing a #TurnAfter2 photo or teaching your toddler a "smart song" in honor of Baby Saftey Month? I'd love to hear how you plan to keep your precious babe safe in the comments below!

Want some awesome news? Chicco is giving away a Fit2 car seat to one of my lucky readers! If you want to enter just use the giveaway tools form below!

August 22, 2017

A Day in The Life of Delainey

Life is funny, I used to dream of being a mama... and now look at me. Parenthood is more than I dreamed of, I'm not going to lie, everyday is centered around catering to my sweet girl. I spend every second wrapped up in a lack of sleep and a constant state of concern for her well-being, mixed with an overwhelming amount of love and pride. I could have never imagined how much her little cry would break my heart and how amazed I would be each time she does something new. It's like I knew being a mother would be this amazing experience, but I had no idea how incredible it really is to have someone call me mama... until it happened.

I'm not going to pretend everyday is perfect, because... we're human. Some days D is a sassy mess and on occasion, I can be the sassy one. I like to think we are the type to only serve up organic fruits and spend hours every day doing DIY activities, but the reality is some days we don't change out of our jammies because we are too busy watching Sid the Science Kid and eating food from a pouch. The truth in the matter is, as long as we love her and protect her, I think she'll be alright.

With that said, today I want to give you a little view inside our daily life. Today I'm sharing what a Day in the Life of Delainey looks like.

5:30AM - Time to wake up, family! Delainey wakes up almost every morning and wants to nurse and snuggle.

6:30AM - Daddy and Delainey get up and start their day. Lucky mama gets to sleep in. Typically this duo makes espresso for us and then spends a little time outdoors.

7:00AM - Snack time for Miss D. She can't stand the idea of waiting for breakfast so she needs something pronto! Usually it's a teething cracker or some fruit, but it depends on the day.

8:00AM - Delainey helps her Daddy make breakfast... and she loves it. Watching him cook is a favorite activity of hers.

8:30AM - Mama wakes up and plays while breakfast is being served!

9:00AM - Still eating breakfast, typically tossing pieces down to her dog... unless it's blueberries, strawberries, banana pancakes, or avocado - then those are all hers!

9:30AM - Time to clean up, polish off with a tiny bit of milkies (and usually we sneak in a bath... which she still isn't really a fan of).

10:00AM - Simple as that. Read her a book, give her some milk, and snuggle and the girl is out for a nap.

11:20AM - Delainey is usually bright eyed and bushy tailed by this time. We normally get dressed for the day and take on some activities, like modeling for our favorite small shops or a fun DIY project!

12PM - Lunch time rolls around quick everyday. Since we have practiced Baby Led Weaning, typically D just has some of what we're having or we make something just for her. From noodles to jackfruit, she has a variety and loves it all.

12:30 - We play a little and burn off that energy!

1:00 - We read books, we play in her room, she roams the halls on all fours and sometimes she chases after the dog.

1:30 - This is around the time we have started to give her a daily dose of probiotics! Which one do we use? Evivo!

I recently shared a post about items every breastfeeding mama and baby need and mentioned that we were using Evivo. What I think I need to mention again is why we're choosing to give her a daily dose of Evivo...? The answer is simple. Evivo helps restore and maintain health in a baby's gut! I like to think of it like this - if good gut bacteria are thriving at this age, it's more likely that she'll have a healthy metabolism and immune system later in life. I want to set her up for success, that's we choose Evivo.

2:00 - It's usually time for a second nap around now....

3:30-4:00 - It's wake up time... and someone is ready to explore.

4:30-5:30 - Depending on if her Daddy is home or not, we spend time outside exploring, do water play, have fun with DIY projects, and well, occasionally, we are slackers and we just watch some TV during this time.

5:30 - And just like that, it's time to chow down again. This girl loves her food so she eats solids like it's nobody's business.

6:00 - By this time she is playing in her room, we start her night routine by reading a little and getting her pjs on.

6:30 - Around now she starts to nurse to sleep and she's out by around 7-ish...

And then it starts all over again the next day!

Interested in trying Evivo with your little one? Click here to learn more.

August 19, 2017

7 Tips to Help You Perfect The "Instagram Flatlay"

Brand repping has a range of duties, from showing off the shop owners work to showing love on social media. Most of it is actually pretty easy, especially if you love the shop, already play "mama-razzi" and you just enjoy sharing on social media... ahemmmm, I'm not the only mom like that, right?

While repping isn't too incredibly difficult, one thing that takes some practice is an Instagram flatlay. I'm not saying you have to be an artistic genius to achieve a great flat lay... but I am saying you need to have an "eye" for product placement. I don't know if it's the years I put in as a retail manager (shout out to Francesca's Collections) or if I'm using my "painting knowledge", but I absolutely LOVE putting a flat lay together. It's almost like I've created a true masterpiece whenever it all comes together and makes an eye-catching image... and today I want to share how I achieve that look.

Want to perfect your flatlay? Here's a few tips to help you up your game! Oh... and be sure to give us a follow (@Sunkissed_Sweetheart) so you can see these babie and a ton more
bubble romper from k&e couture || bow from Darling Diva Boutique Bows
1. Keep a theme - Instead of going all willy-nilly, choose a "theme" and stick with it. I recently did a few travel related flatlays for some of our favorite small shops. I included things that I planned on having Lainey wear or play with while we were on vacation. Soon I'll be doing Fall and Pumpkin Spice themed flat lays! The possibilities for a theme are absolutely endless, so just pick one and stick with it. Grab that flamingo romper and then walk around the house looking for all things tropical, it's easy once you get the hang of it... and kind of fun to find little bits of your daily life, like baby's favorite book or toy to photograph and capture forever.

bubble from skyroseco || bow from Kenzie's Kollections || sunglasses from Carter's

2. Use a basic background - This one is easy-peasy. Score a foam board from the $1 store and use it to photograph your goodies. It makes your background crisp white and if you use an editing program, it's easy to adjust the white balance and perfect your photo even more!

3. Natural lighting is the key - This is true for all photography, in my book. Natural is best. It looks better and is easier to edit straight off of the camera, so find a well-lit table top or use the futon in your guest room, just chase the indirect sun and find the perfect lighting!

outfit from matilda jane || bow from Darling Diva Boutique Bows

5. Find your style - Here's the thing... there is actually more than one way to do a flat lay. You can build a little tower of adorable-ness and share a "stack lay". You can do a daily post and include an #ootd flatlay that showcases what baby will wear and play with each day, you can only photograph one item, standing alone (which would make for a great "stock photo" type shop image for marketplaces like etsy)! There really are tons of different ways to go about showcasing items... but the easiest is kind of a random, eclectic way of showcasing items. Just placing them perfectly on the foam board and adjusting until it looks just right.

6. Such great heights- While placement of the items is key, making sure you take the photograph from the right angle is of prime importance as well. You'll want to be above your surface, able to shoot from directly above, allowing each item in your flatlay to be showcased perfectly. I use a stool and lay my flatboard on the ground, but do whatever works best for you!

7. Don't take it too seriously - While achieving a great flatlay is something some are able to do on their first try, for others it takes a few times before a shop notices your talent. Don't fret. Just keep working on your flat lay game and I guarantee shop owners will notice and begin reposting soon! Also, don't be scared to try something different. Pair pink converses with a purple outfit, if you like it. Think outside the box and enjoy sharing!