April 15, 2017

6 Ways to Help You Get "Your Groove" Back!

Thanks to Olay for sponsoring today's discussion, they know what a mama needs! With that said, all opinions expressed below are completely my own.

Getting back into the swing of things as a new mom isn't always easy. So today I'm sharing six ways to help you get "your groove" back! #28daysofOlay

Are you ready to get your groove back?

No, we aren't talking about anyone named Stella today... and getting your "groove back" is most definitely easier said than done as a new mom. It's hard enough to find the time to shower and put product in my hair, as I've shared recently, so talking about getting back to being the old you is basically like discussing how you'll be riding a unicorn to your next rainbow convention. The thing is when you give a child life, your life is forever changed and getting back to who you were pre-baby just isn't going to happen.

Getting back into the swing of things as a new mom isn't always easy. So today I'm sharing six ways to help you get "your groove" back! #28daysofOlay

While you won't ever be the "old you", that doesn't mean you can't get back into the swing of things, you can totally still find your groove again. I'm easing back into "my groove" and well, some days I walk around with my hair in a top knot and peaches on my ear lobe, but as I'm getting used to life with a little wild child, the days that involve a little hair straightening and a dress seem to be happening more and more often and for that I'm thankful.

Getting back into the swing of things as a new mom isn't always easy. So today I'm sharing six ways to help you get "your groove" back! #28daysofOlay

Okay, so I'll admit, I haven't entirely perfected "my groove" and I'm far from a "supermom", today I want to share a handful of ways to hopefully get you feeling a tiny bit more like a human and a little less like a meal on heels. Whether you're in the same, stay-at-home-mom, breastfeeding 24/7, teething like it's no bodies business boat, or you're sailing the treacherous seas of a sassy toddler, I hope you're able to find a little piece of you again and maybe a little peace of mind... and here's how I suggest you do that:

1. Make lists and schedules - I'm the queen of list making here on the blog, but believe it or not, I stink at staying organized in my daily life. That's changed since having D though and I'm working on prioritizing and I've even made a daily schedule and a meal plan as of late. Living spur of the moment is all fun and games, until you have kids... then it's seriously time to start making a plan so you can get stuff done and that's where lists and scheduling comes into play.

2. Find your people - Speaking of play, finding your people and getting some "play time" in is so important for mama mentality. Instead of always jabbering in baby talk, take a day off from mom duties every once in a blue moon, and treat yourself to a pedicure with your bestie or a walk around the block while playing pokemon with the neighbor kid, whatever suits your fancy - just find your people and spend time with them.

3. Freshen up with Olay - Speaking of finding things, once you have kids you will need to find skin care products that work for you. While life is full of rewarding moments as a parent, I will say having Delainey has aged me a little. Smile lines, a few wrinkles in my forehead... I'm starting to look 28. Instead of stressing (and possibly causing more wrinkles), I'm doing my best to prevent anymore signs of rapid aging by being proactive and that's why I participated in Olay's 28 Day Skin Study.


Instead of guessing which products I need, I used Olay's Skin Advisor Tool and found out my I'm in need of the Depuffing eye roller, because hellloooooooo dark circles... and the 7 in 1 Total Effects Anti-Aging Moisturizer is the perfect product for my freckled, sunkissed skin, it's light enough to feel comfortable but definitely gets the moisturizing job done! I grabbed both on a Walmart run and my life and skin care routine forever changed!


Adding these two products to my daily routine for the last 28 days has been life changing. I feel like a whole new woman, with a fresh face... and that means a lot for a tired mom.


Are you interested in finding out which Olay products would help your skin? Whether you're a "young mom" hoping to prevent more damage and those pesky under eye circles or your the Gigi of a precious little babe, it's time for you to meet your match. Check out the line and find out which products are best for you here.


4. Own your truth - Admit that you can't do everything - as much as you want to. We all want to be super mom, but honestly, some days we need a little help. If you're having a rough day, ask a friend to come over and get some baby snuggles. If you need a break from the chaos, step outside and lay down in the hammock for a little bit while dad wrangles the kids. It's okay to ask for help... and it's also totally okay if you are a planner and great at multi-tasking too, keep up the good work, just know it's good to take a break and breathe every once in a while as well.

5. Do your thing - While taking care of a baby is time consuming, finding time for your hobbies will help you feel more like you. So once baby goes down for the night, bust out some paints and canvas or pull out your violin and get to strummin'.

6. Move - I don't mean pick up and move to another city... unless that's something you want to do, then hey - go for it. I mean get out and wiggle around on the dance floor or take a class at Orange Theory, get your body on the move and your "groove" will be back in no time. There's just something about those workout endorphins!

With that said, it's time for me to be on the move... but I'd love to hear about where you stand with "your groove"? If you're in the swing of things and feeling fine, I'd love to hear how you got there and if you have any tips to share... and if you're in the same hot-mess-mom-in-transition situation as me, I'd love to hear about your struggle with your minion. Tell me all about it in the comments below.

April 10, 2017

My Little Secret: The Best Boutiques to Buy Bows for Baby Girls

I never thought I'd be that mom... but here I am and I'm guilty of being the one.

That's right, I'm proud to have that baby on my hip that is rocking a bow the size of Texas on her precious little head.

Judge me, if you will... these bows are a way of life for us now. I guess I'm a stereotypical southern mama, but I like my girl dressed up like a present everyday with a bow on her head almost every waking hour.

We don't just wear oversized bows though, D sometimes will rock a tiny bow too. We like variety, we like color, and we like cute.

Interested in knowing where we get our bows? Consider this the "insiders" list of bow places. The little black book of all things bow-tiful. Here's our "top secret" list of boutiques we love to shop... and I guess I should let the cat out of the bag already, I may have some coupon codes mixed in as well. So go ahead and get ready to shop, ladies.

Without further ado, let's get this bow party started.

Side note: These shops are listed in no particular order, we love them all equally.


Accessories By Sabrina offers adorable custom bows, with everything from rainbows to watermelons, she's able to make a bow to match whatever you want... and we love the personal touches she adds to each order. Mention code "Delainey10" to save!



Diva Darlings Boutique Bows -If you want gorgeous, southern style bows. DDBB is the answer. We are obsessed with these creations and while she currently isn't accepting orders, she will be again in May... be sure to keep an eye on the group and have your list ready so when she opens customs you'll be able to snag a spot and get your order in quickly! Also... be on the look out for ready to ship bows on occasion!


Kenzie's Kollections - We fell in love with this shop and all of her creative bows instantly. The styles she offers can't be found anywhere else and the cute factor is through the roof! From cookies and milk, to petite little lace bows, to rainbow puff filled bows, she has something for everyone! Want to score a discount on items in her etsy shop? Use the code insta10 to save!



Bloomology Boutique - One last shop we have to give a big thumbs up... If you know me, you likely know this is my little side gig now a days! I hand make each item and put all my love into each bloom! So go ahead and join the group and get ready to shop with me!

We shop some other amazing bow shops but those listed above are the best of the best... so get shopping, ladies!

OH and if you decided to shop one of our favorite small shops, be sure to come back and let me know what you think of your beautiful bows!

April 7, 2017

6 Ways to Make Play Time & Learning Fun with Your Little One


It happened so quickly... but some how I have a "big girl". She may only be 7 months but she's sitting up, giving standing up a try on occasion, and so full of sass each and every day... I like to say she's seven months going on seventeen. While she's already a little diva, I will say I know we are just so blessed to have this little life in our hands.


This little life has been given to us to nurture, to play with, to enlighten. It's pretty incredible, sometimes intimidating, occasionally infuriating, and absolutely almost always blissful, all at the same time. If you're a parent, you likely know what I mean.

On that same note, you'll understand what I mean when I say playtime has gotten more intense with D's new sense of self. She no longer just needs me to be in the same room while she plays with her toes and stares at the fan. She wants a little bit of interacting, a lot of stimulation, and dare I say, she's interested in learning?! This age is so fun, everyday she discovers something new and watching her do that is so rewarding. With that said, here's 6 different ways to make playtime more fun with your 6-12 month old!

Learning doesn't have to be boring, here's 6 ways you can make learning into playtime for your little one!

1. Sensory Play - Sensory Play can involve everything, from playtime fun with Lamaze's Freddie the Firefly to colorful blocks and water inside a tray! We just try to encourage Delainey to learn through hands on activities. So sometimes I make the water a little warmer than others and I teach her that it's "warm", then we toss the "green block" around and "splash" in the water. I repeat these words over and over, while letting her play and learn. It's not the fanciest way to play but she loves it! While this is a simple example, we look forward to more sensory play activities and that leads us to...


2. My Friend Emily - This adorable little Lamaze doll may very well be D's new favorite. Emily is the perfect first doll for my little princess and with all kinds of interesting textures, bright colors, and different sounds, she's a great toy for my baby who loves sensory play! Not only is she stimulating to D's senses, she is a wonderful introduction to role playing and will even help D develop social skills. The best part is, she can go with us everywhere and not get lost. We can just clip her to D's stroller and off we go with Delainey's "Friend Emily". Do you want to get your little one a doll like this? Find out more here.


3. Outdoor I-Spy - Another way to teach Delainey about her senses and the world around her is playing outdoor I-spy. While the game is a little different because she can't exactly talk yet, it's still fun for both of us. We lay in the hammock and look up, with parrots, doves, colorful leaves, and all kinds of foliage surrounding us, it's easy to find items to have her look at... but I will say the screeching of the parrots is her favorite sound to follow. She just loves those loud little buggers! While you may not have parrots in your backyard (unless you also live in Florida), you probably have cardinals, blue jays, or a chipmunk or two... use the opportunity when a leaf crosses your path to talk about what you're seeing.

We don't just do this outdoors either, sometimes we narrate what's happening inside the house too. Like when I'm washing my hands, I'll tell her what I'm doing. If I'm petting the dog, I'll tell her that too. It sounds a bit like a Morgan Freeman narrative of my life sometimes, but I imagine it can't hurt to tell her what she's seeing. I like to think I'm even developing her language skills by doing this.

4. Stacking Rings - Speaking of developing skills, the Lamaze Stacking Rings are a great way to teach your baby dexterity and coordination. With crinkly rings and so many colors, D is a pretty big fan of knocking these over and digging through her pile of pretty colors until she finds her favorite... She also LOVES the rainbow ribbons on the top--like that's possibly the coolest thing she's ever seen. We're still working on stacking the rings back, but she loves this toy with all of its crinkly sounds and bright colors... plus it gives us another thing to narrate in our house! Haha. If you want one of these cool stacking rings, check it out here.


5. Dress up - Playing dress up may be my favorite thing to do with my sweet girl. She doesn't hate it either though... and it allows her the opportunity to learn new things and laugh a lot. We do everything from dressing up for tea parties to taking photos for our modeling (well, brand repping) gigs. She loves being able to see all the pretty fabrics and since I've already told you all about how we narrate, I'll just say that I love talking fabric and pattern detail and such with Delainey too. My little fashionista has become so stylish, it's a bit ridiculous... but oh so cute.


6. Art - Speaking of cute, that's what baby art is. We love making art together too. For almost every holiday or special occasion, D and I have gotten creative and made something beautiful! From Frankenstein feet paintings in October when she was only a month and half old to little Dr. Seuss inspired one fish, two fish foot paintings at 6 months old, she loves being able to feel the coolness of paint on her digits and I love seeing what she comes up with!

So there you have it, 6 fun and easy ways to make play time and learning fun with your little one! Do you have any special tips or fun ways to make learning fun and playtime a productive time in your child's life? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below!

March 27, 2017

Baby's First Vacation: Keep Little Ones Stylish & Comfy with Carter's!

This post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

Everyday with Miss Delainey is an adventure, the little chickadee keeps us on our toes already and makes everyday full of wonder... but we're actually planning our first real adventure with our sweet girl soon. We are brave souls and we are planning on taking our car-seat-loathing baby on a road trip to Gulf Shores to spend time with family this summer.

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

While that means we are going to have to somehow convince her that her car seat isn't so bad, that also means I'm learning to pack for 2, for the first time. If you know me, you know I'm a chronic over-packer for any trip and you also know I love fashion, especially baby fashion... so it probably doesn't surprise you that Delainey's suitcase is fairly large and stuffed to the brim with seriously cute items from Carter's!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

Baby Clothes may very well be an addiction for me, I mean the thrill of finding something super adorable for my sweet girl... what could be better? Luckily, Carter's makes it easy to find cute clothes for a great deal and their new line is so stylish, I was nearly beside myself when choosing what to bring along with us on our trip!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

We snagged some shorts, a handful of tops, a couple of sets of pjs, and some beachy essentials... and, if I'm being honest, I still think we may visit again sometime soon so we can score some sweet Spring dresses and a few summer outfit sets! With that said, here's what's going inside Delainey's luggage (so far):

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

The first few items I decided to pack for D were the graphic tees we scored as a Doorbuster from Carter's, because I mean what could be more perfect for playtime with her cousins and more fitting for our vacation than graphic tees? Uhhh, nothing!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

With a little poodle friend to make our poodle loving family smile, a happy day shirt because every day is a happy day with this girl, and a yoga shirt because this family loves yoga, these cute tee's are bound to be a hit among our family!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

To go with our graphic tees, we just had to have the Ruffle Twill shorts, in two different colors so we could mix and match and have fun with her wardrobe! The pink and mint were the two that work best for us, but with the variety of colors, we may add a few more to her stash of Carter's cuteness for the trip!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

The Little Traveler Sets were a must have, because hello cuteness... and how perfect is the name of these sets for our vacationing tiny tot? The two sets match perfectly so I got a little crazy and mixed and matched.

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

One day we are going to wear the stripes and the black pants another day we are going to rock the elephant tank with a pair of the ruffle shorts and maybe another day we'll wear a cardigan if it's feeling breezy, the options are almost endless. That's one of the things I love the most about Carter's - the versatility and how each item can be worn so many different ways!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

On the same note as the little traveler set, I thought our little traveler needed a beach towel of her own and we all know sunglasses are a necessity for a diva on the beach!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

The flamingo towel pairs perfectly with all of her cute Carter's swimsuits... and luckily, I've been stashing up on those beauties since before she was born! A day on the beach just wouldn't be complete with out Carter's cuteness involved, am I right?

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

After a day on the beach, it's always nice to get cleaned up and go out on the town, so that's exactly what we'll be doing one night while on our family vacation this summer. Obviously, for a nice dinner, D needs to be dressed for the occasion.

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

While I want her to be looking snazzy, I'm certain after a day at the beach she'll want to be comfy as well, so I found a compromise in the Ruffle Sleeve tank for some comfortable "fancy" clothes for the little diva. Paired with the bubble shorts from the traveler set and a big ol' bow, she'll be all set for the evening and looking stylish while still cozy!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

After a long day on the beach and a night out on the town, there's nothing better than putting on some cozy PJs... especially if they have mermaids on them, am I right? I think Delainey agrees! We can't wait for PJ party fun with her cousins, but for now hanging with a unicorn in her mermaid pjs will just have to do!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

While we all are pretty excited about the vacation, I guess I should address the fact that we practically live on vacation here in Florida... and that's why we love Carter's so much, they make items precious enough to bring on our family vacation with us, but comfortable and casual enough that we wear them around town and for play everyday too.

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

So tell me, what do you and your little's have coming up this summer? Are you planning a little spring adventure right now? Maybe you're contemplating a trip to the coast or  a little staycation in your own town! No matter where you vacation, be sure to stock up on essentials to keep your kiddo comfy from Carter's and don't forget to use this coupon to get score some even better deals on the adorableness!

Taking your little one on their first trip is exciting and with Carter's to help, their vacation wardrobe can be stylish and comfortable - just what baby and mama want! #LoveCarters

Love Delainey's bows? They're from Darling Diva Boutique Bows and 21 Blessings!