Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts

July 30, 2017

Breastfeeding Must Haves: 8 Items Every Mama & Nursing Baby Need!

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

Motherhood is full of ups and downs. From sneaky, sweet little giggles while playing peekaboo to overdramatic tantrums when she doesn't get her way, Delainey is already keeping me on my toes and she's not even a year old yet. While she's keeping me on my game, I'm doing my best to keep her as healthy and well-fed as possible!

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

I'm happy to say, she loves food... but the girl is still very much a milky baby and while it's been a tough journey, breastfeeding seems to work well for us. With that said, we had a learning curve... just like all new moms and little babies. It took me a little while to figure out what all we really need to make our breastfeeding journey successful, but I think I've finally narrowed down that list and today is the day I'm sharing it with you.

So if you're an expectant or new mom that wants to give breastfeeding a good ol' "college-try"... then take notes, girlfriend! These items are all MUST HAVES for breastfeeding and should be on your registry or added to your to-do list pronto!

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

1. Breastfeeding Pillow - Seriously everyone needs a breastfeeding pillow, not just new moms. It makes lounging the most comfortable ever and I'm not gonna lie, I sometimes use it to support my arms while I'm reading... because hello comfort! *giggles*

But in all seriousness, we wouldn't have made it this far in our breastfeeding journey without a great nursing pillow to support us. When D was a newborn, she was a constant cluster feeder - without having a pillow to help support her, I would've had truly wobbly arms and never have gotten anything done.

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

2. Nose Aspirator - While the idea of dealing with the removal of boogers and snot isn't so appealing, it's just the part of the reality of parenthood. With that said, a nose aspirator is a must on days when baby is a little stuffy and won't latch correctly. We've had a few meltdowns mid-feed due to a little congestion and once her nose is cleared, she's good to go again!

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

3. Evivo - Speaking of good to go, I had no idea that Delainey needed a probiotic already... until recently! No shame here though, as I said, we're on a learning curve! After finding out a probiotic is not only recommended but necessary for my little milky milkerson, I started giving my sweet girl Evivo.

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

What exactly is Evivo? You can get the full details here. But in short, it's an activated probiotic, clinically proven to restore her little belly back to it's natural state. The first of it's kind, it helps release nutrients in my milk to create a protective environment in her gut, which in turn helps her build a better immune system and builds a healthy foundation for her life.
Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

Plus, I think she likes the fact that this "medicine" includes her favorite thing ever... milk! Find out more about Evivo can help you on your breastfeeding journey here.  Plus you can use the code "ev7-t6tbadc8" to save $10 off your Evivo 4-week starter kit!
Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

4. Baby Toothbrush - The next item on my list of must haves for a breastfeeding baby may seem strange. But once your sweet baby gets to the "teething stage" a finger toothbrush is a must. Not only does she enjoy gumming on it, she is learning a life skill at a super young age and you're preventing bad bacteria from growing in her mouth - it's a win - win situation, really.

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

5. Tank Tops Galore (and Nursing Bras) - If you're in for the long haul with nursing, you'll want to learn the double shirt method pronto!

It's simple really - wear your nursing bra, a tank top, and an overshirt. When it's time to feed baby, remove your tank strap, unhook the clasp of your nursing bra, and bon appetit for baby!

Side note, I often just take the straps and entertwine them with my nursing bra clasps so my tank stays up but my bra is easy to unhook at a moments notice.

6. A Good Pump - Another item that's great if you're extended breastfeeding, a reliable pump! I actually don't pump as much as I thought I would, but when I do it's important that it works well! Find one with adjustable speeds, easy to use dials, quiet features, and (while you can't predict this) hopefully one that allows your milk to flow! Read reviews and make decisions based on what your insurance will cover!

7. Lactation Cookies - I'm a hardcore believer that cookies are necessary for everything... but these cookies really do help increase milk production. Check out this recipe and make a batch to see for yourself.

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

8.  Reusable Water Bottle - The last item on my list, but definitely not the least important - a water bottle. Staying hydrated is the MOST important thing to keep your milk flowing... at least for me! Be sure to have water with you at all times, drink it like it's your hobby, and then drink some more. It's so important for both you and baby, so don't skimp!

Breastfeeding isn't easy, no matter what! But these 8 MUST HAVE items make nursing a little more comfortable for both mama and baby! #SmartasAMother

While I'm not an expert, I think breastfeeding for almost 11 months, without ever supplementing, now gives me a little bit of authority... right? With that said, I'd love to hear if any fellow nursing mama's have any tips for new mom's... or if any of my new mama friends have any questions about breastfeeding, I'll do my best to answer them - leave a comment below and let's chat!

July 6, 2017

6 Ways to Get Out of a "Rut" & Embrace Your Inner Child [+ a DELICIOUS rainbow of Sparkling Mojito recipes]!

Ever felt like you were stuck in a rut?

Most of us can answer, "Of course...", because we've all been there, done that. It's like some days I just need a little pick me up - ya know, a little something to remind me what life is all about outside of just this sweet babe. We all have those days - the days when you just need to see something new and beautiful, when you just want to feel those warm fuzzies inside and you can't help but smile and well, luckily I think I've found the secret to that something we all are longing for. And really, it's so simple... you'll be like me and saying "duh" once you make this small adjustment.

To find that little spark in your life, sometimes all you need to do is be a kid again. Make life happier with just a pinch of COLOR, a sprinkle of Sparkling Ice, a touch of your favorite song from the 90s, maybe a piece of new jewelry, and just a little taste of new things. Seriously, think about it, who isn't happy when they reflect on their favorite parts of childhood?

I mean, just watching this kid smiling at her necklace, it's a good reminder that sparkles are fun for all ages - we both love to wear them... and well, I love them in Sparkling Ice form inside of my favorite adult drink.

It's totally okay and acceptable to embrace your inner child, at any age, and love on the things that used to make you happy as a kid. So today I'm sharing six ways you can get out of a rut and embrace your inner child!

1. Dance like no one is watching - That's right, I'm giving you FULL license to let lose and go all Footloose on your kitchen floor. Whether you're home alone or babysitting a house full of chitlens, turn on some good tunes and get down. I'm not even kidding when I say, this may be the secret to happiness - feeling the beat, smiling from ear to ear, singing along with the song, and getting your blood flowing while shaking your booty, there really isn't a better way to feel like a kid again than to physically let loose and act like a kid.

2. Style your hair differently - It's true, something as simple as swiping your bangs to the left instead of the right can totally change the way you feel about yourself and about life. If you're looking for something a bit more dramatic, grab some colorful hair dye and do something your inner 5 year old would love - add some pink low lights or get a little wild and dye your hair like a mermaid. Whatever you decide, I'm sure however you switch up your do will be perfect for you.

3. Clean - Speaking of things being perfect, sometimes being a kid again means taking the time to be an adult first. So before things get too crazy kiddy-like, maybe it would be a good idea to make sure your house feels all tidy and clean. I remember learning "everything has a place" as a kid and to this day, my heart feels a little happier when things are in their place and my house looks nice and tidy.

4. Treat yourself - Sometimes it's nice to have something new. It doesn't have to be anything big either, just like when you were a kid! Find a pair of socks that are your favorite color, spend a moment picking out a bouquet of flowers, or maybe even just grab a movie that you love to watch and spend the evening on the couch enjoying it. Spoil yourself with a small little "happy" and you won't be able to stop smiling.

5. Pay it forward - Remember that feeling of donating the change from the grocery store cashier to the Salvation Army guy ringing a bell? Those warm fuzzies you get from helping others may be favorite, I mean what better way to bring a smile to my own face than also helping bring a smile to someone else's face? You don't have to donate to a charity to pay it forward, although that's a nice way to do so, sometimes it's nice to pay for the guy behind you when in the drive thru or leave a gift card on a new mom's car when you see "Stork parking" at a shop. The possibilities of how you can spoil someone and make them smile are nearly endless, just spread joy and I guarantee you'll feel happy.

6. Try a New Recipe & Eat the Rainbow - While kids tend to be picky, your adult palette is probably longing for something new. Skip the mac & cheese and head to the grocery store, buy foods you've never tried before, in an assortment of colors. Head home and fix yourself a colorful, delicious meal and enjoy.

After you've had a rainbow meal, maybe it's time to drink the rainbow too? Today I'm sharing FOUR different easy to make Mojito recipes that will rock your world and totally make you feel happy as a clam.

For each of these delicious colorful cocktails you will need:

Sparkling Ice in a variety of flavors
Mint Leaves
1/4 tsp Key Lime Juice
1.5 oz Coconut Rum
1/4 Fresh Squeezed Lime
Muddler  (Confession: I used the bottom of a spoon, because YOLO.. and mama wanted a drink!)

Preparing for this cute cocktail is key - begin by adding the mint leaves, the lime juice, and the fresh squeezed lime into the cup together and muddle.

Next you'll add ice and Sparkling Ice, the part that gives this drink it's unique flavor! We went with a variety from Strawberry Kiwi to Black Raspberry and they all are delish!

Side note: I'll be honest and tell you, they are all so refreshing and delicious - it was hard to stop after one!

Following that you'll want to shake and/or mix it all together.

Finally, add a pretty little garnish and your all set!

That's it, now bottoms up and enjoy your cocktail! I guarantee you'll be smiling while sipping these and you'll definitely want another... and another. Luckily, you have 15 delicious Sparkling Ice flavors to choose from so you'll be able to truly taste the rainbow and smile. Life shouldn't be bland after all so Be Not Bland and give these tasty beverages a try!

June 30, 2017

I'm {THAT} Type of Mom...

I'll be honest, it feels like just yesterday I found out we were expecting Delainey and at the same time, I feel like she's been a part of my life forever.

Parenting is funny like that, one moment it's intense, raw, and emotional like when you're making big decisions for your kids and the next moment you both can sit down and start playing with a simple piece of tissue paper and it's playful, uncomplicated, and so perfect. The days fly by, yet you're counting down the hours until bedtime.

That's the thing, though. I imagined having this little life play a part in mine for 7 years. I dreamed of the day I would hold her little hand, I wished for precious, little chunky cheeks to kiss on, I longed for her and her presence. So it's safe to say I knew what I was getting into when I became a mom, but I really had no idea at the same time.

What do I mean by that?

I mean, I thought I knew everything before she came into the world. I thought I knew the type of mom I would be. I claimed I would never apply harsh chemicals to her skin, I knew I would make her all her baby food, I said she wouldn't watch TV and I planned on solely cloth diapering her. I just knew I would babywear her all the time, so while I was expecting I bought every type of carrier on the market... and well, I made lots of assumptions about how our day to day life would be.

But the reality is, sometimes life doesn't go the way you plan - especially when it involves being the caretaker of a spirited little sweetie like D.

So I'm not that mom.  Delainey has worn sunscreen and she's been exposed to diaper rash cream *gasp*! While I'd love to say I mix up her purees every single day, I don't... because I've learned that's just not me. Instead, she eats organic food from pouches while she watches her favorite TV show.

And if I'm being frank here, she runs around nakie more often than clothed and we use Huggies to keep her bum clean and dry and she pretty much despises being worn in her carriers... because she's my little wild one and she loves to have freedom to explore and learn.

While, it's not the type of mom I thought I would be... it's the type of mom I am and it's the type of mom Delainey needs in her life. Luckily, Delainey seems to like her life without who I thought I would be and she adores me just how I am.

I'm the type of mom that takes off work to go spend time at the beach in the middle of the week (then walks around with a sandy butt, as the evidence shows above😂). I'm the mom that shares bites of all my food so that my kiddo doesn't feel left out. I'm the mom that plays dress up, reads books, and loves to surprise her kiddo. I'm Delainey's mama, the one that soothes the cries, wipes away the tears, and kisses her forehead, the one that snuggles her, and makes her laugh just by looking at her silly. I'm the one blessed enough to answer her when I hear her call out "mama".

Are you a parent? If you are, I'm sure you know the bittersweet nature of it all. While learning the ropes and getting this parenting thing down pat isn't the easiest... I have found a way to easily get our Huggies home thanks to Sam's Club!

I just add a month's supply of diapers and a big ol' box of wipes to my cart & check out! It's that easy to keep her clean, dry, and comfortable and the best *and easiest* part is you'll save $10 on any two items or $18 on any three items just by shopping at Sam's Club!

We're so happy about our savings, we dance sometimes... because again, if you're a parent, you know how expensive it can be to a raise these little blessings!

With that said, I'd love to hear ways you've found to save a penny (or two) while raising your kiddos... or if you're in the new bundle of joy stage like (still) are, I'd love to hear how you plan to save money in the future!

June 22, 2017

Summer Fun with Mama Mocktails - 3 Delicious, Non-Alcoholic Party Drinks from Ocean Spray!

This post is sponsored by Ocean Spray, regardless all opinions expressed below are my own.

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

Summer is officially here... and you know what that means, backyard get togethers, little pool parties, and sunset shindigs will be on the agenda! While I'm looking forward to the fun, this year I'm rocking a new title and well, that's MOM! I'm so lucky that Delainey loves me so much... and it's pretty precious that it's her one and only word. It really does mean the world to me to hear her call for me.

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

While my new title this year is the sweetest, it also means that I'm not going to be participating in the adult beverages served at the previously mentioned events. I mean, maybe one here or there, but as a breastfeeding mama, I'm holding back on my alcohol intake and former party animal antics.

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

With that said, that doesn't make me a total party pooper either... or at least I don't think so. I love to go have fun with friends and family still... I just do it without adding alcohol - just like delicious Ocean Spray Mocktails!
Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

What's that? You have a baby shower coming up and you can't figure out a fun drink to serve? I've got you covered!

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

Maybe you've been craving your favorite cocktail, but you're also expecting a baby in a month...? Here's a drink for you and it tastes so delicious - just like that drink you were craving!

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

That's right, you can have your "cocktail" and drink it too... without any alcohol, that is. Made with real fruit juice and no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives?! Count me in... and I'm fairly certain Delainey is thinking the same thing.

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

Want to have fun in the sun this summer without involving alcohol? Check out these three delicious mocktails from Ocean Spray & find out all about the taste that takes you away - I mean, picture it, you're in paradise sipping on a delicious coconut full of Tropical Citrus Paradise. The sweet flavors washing over you as you feel the breeze and hear the waves crashing against the shore. Well, I mean, that's how I feel as I'm sipping on this deliciousness anyways.

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

If you're craving something a little less tropical, pair the Cranberry Sangria with a pinch of sparkling water for a taste you'll love! Also, you can add in some fruit and place the delicious mixture in pitcher for a gorgeous addition to your next get-together! This Sangria not only looks the part, it tastes equally as delicious as the adult variety and hey, you can share the fruit with your kiddos now too!

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

Lastly, check out the Cranberry Peach Bellini if you're looking for a sweet, sophisticated drink.It's the sweetest of the three and also my favorite. Imagine yourself in Italy, enjoying a gondola ride down the Grand Canal, sipping on one of these delicious beverages... or at your bestie's baby shower nursing your new baby. Wherever you drink this yummy mocktail, I'm sure you'll love the refreshing treat as much as I did.

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

So, if you're in the same boat as me and not exactly partying this summer but still wanting to be a part of the fun - check out the Ocean Spray Mocktails line! If you give them a try or have already tried them, I'd love to hear your thoughts on these creative blends in the comments below.

Looking for a fun, delicious treat to sip without the added alcohol? Find out more about these 3 amazing Mocktails, you can just pour and sip!

May 23, 2017

When Life Gets Messy, #HugTheMess!

It's been a crazy week, with all kinds of intense happenings here in our little Florida abode. From the loss of our sweet, spunky poodle just a few short days ago to family (from all over the country) visiting us during the same week, we have all had a lot going on!

We had and still have a lot going on--I was overjoyed once we finally had a moment to relax. I knew making a mess was a must for Delainey and I, not just because she's a cute little terror that loves getting messy, but also because I knew I needed to let out some creativeness. When feelings get messy, I'm a firm believer that I should let that all out by getting my hands a little messy... and that's definitely something I want to teach Delainey! Productively expressing her feelings will be a common happening in our house and I can't wait to sculpt clay and finger paint with my sweet girl, but this time we decided tie dying was the way to go.

But first things first, prior to getting messy, I had to make sure D was out of her adorable clothes and ready to be around some serious mess. A diaper was her only attire for our fun little project and I wanted something reliable and comfortable so we could enjoy ourselves without worrying about D's bum - that's why I chose Huggies Snug & Dry. The perfect diaper for all kinds of activities, especially messy ones! With increased absorbency, I knew we wouldn't have a leaky problem mid-project and that was an absolute necessity, especially because I had a case of rainbow hands by the end of the whole ordeal.

With that said, we had a blast getting messy. Delainey talked me through it all while I dyed all the pretties! Side note: Instead of going out and buying a bunch of new onesies and tees, I used a handful of stained onesies we already had and made them adorable again. It's all about hugging the mess after all.

After our tie dye adventure was completed, I had to clean up quick because with an 8 month old, you have to do everything pretty speedy. I immediately grabbed for a One & Done wipe from Huggies and, as always, only one wipe came out - allowing me to speedily wipe off some of the dye and pick up my sweet girl quick! We all know having only one wipe come out of the package is a must when you are in a "messy situation", so I was more than pleased about this fact!

Do you have a mess you need to clean up? Maybe a little some booty wears diapers in your house? I suggest you check out the amazing deals on Huggies at Family Dollar, "clip" a few of their coupons for your next visit - like one for $2 off your diaper purchase, and then breathe easy knowing you chose a reliable diaper AND you get to save a little cash while you are at it!

Want to see our final product? I'll be sharing it on social media today! Keep your eye out for some pretty tie dye and don't forget to "snip" some Family Dollar coupons for your next visit!

May 9, 2017

The Truth about Postpartum Life - 10 Not so Pretty Things No One Tells You About Having a Baby

Here's the thing, having a baby is the biggest blessing in the world... I'm so lucky to finally have my little blessing. She is very well my biggest accomplishment in this life and I'm SO proud of her and so proud of myself for giving life to this wonderful, sweet, little light.

And well, you know, I'm not trying to be a party pooper but everyone only really talks about all of the amazing parts of having a baby. You hear about the happy moments, sometimes even the touching moments, but no one mentions the uhhhh... not so pretty parts of motherhood.

It's true, life isn't all rainbows and butterflies after giving birth - contrary to popular belief. No one mentions that:

1. Your stomach turns into a pillow -  I had high hopes that my tummy would bounce back from being stretched out enough to hold a volleyball sized baby to a flat and toned little tummy, but then I woke up from that dream and saw my stretch marks and my giant belly. Not everyone is as unlucky as me, but it's totally normal to have a flabby belly after giving birth.

Honestly, I'm 8 months out and just now starting to feel like I really need to do something about it - i.e. exercise more enthusiastically. Some people are more gung-ho about getting back into shape and those are the people that likely bounce back a little easier. With that said, embrace your extra fluff while also working on your fitness and maybe take a minute or two to cuddle that baby - there's nothing wrong with some curves and the stretch marks will fade, babies don't keep - after all.

2. You're, uhhh, going to be a little damp - Well, honey, I've got some news, you thought that crazy amount of discharge was going to stop when you had your baby - wrong! And... I mean, eventually and unapologetically your pesky Aunt Flo will be paying you a visit again sometime - that's just mother nature for you.

Luckily, U by Kotex Fitness Tampons, Pads, and Panty Liners are a thing - so you're saved! Whether you need protection while toning your core during yoga class or you plan on running a marathon, U by Kotex Fitness are made to fit and form with your body and provide comfortable protection for your busy self.

That's right, you don't have to worry about any nonsense - U by Kotex & Walgreens have you covered! Plus, I have your back - use this rebate offer & save on these postpartum (and all the time) essentials!

3. Watch out... Here comes Big foot! - Yes, mama, I'm talking about you! Okay, well maybe not really but... if you're a shoe hoarder like me you may want to start destashing on ebay while you're pregnant. It's a sad but true fact, your foot grows while you are pregnant and it doesn't shrink back - much like your stomach. The good news is, you now have something to look forward to - shoe shopping!

4. Sleeping in a Pool - This sounds like a luxury vacation... right? WRONG! Another odd but true thing your body does postpartum is sweat profusely at night. I can remember waking up drenched and wondering what had happened, I was cold, I slept without blankets, and still - covered in sweat. It's actually your body ridding itself of all those amazing hormones that helped create your baby... but it's disgusting and you'll probably want a couple of changes of sheets so you don't have to sleep in your own sweat again and again.

5. Go ahead and Start Calling yourself Betsy - If you're breastfeeding that is definitely going to feel like your new name and you'll practically feel like you have udders too. Breastfeeding is such a rewarding part of motherhood but it's not an easy task. At first it hurts... and don't let anyone tell you any differently. Then it's constant, like almost 24/7. You'll want to give up... and it's totally okay if you do - fed is best, after all...then there's always the possibility of engorgement or mastitisis.

But that's all worth it for the benefits of breastfeeding, in my opinion... and the good news is, it all gets better and easier.

6. Want a new hairstyle? Well, you're going to get one. I've always had SUPER thick hair, never had a worry in the world... then I had D. Now my hair is thin, stringy, and gets greasy easier... and somehow lost some of its natural curl. Hair loss is a horrible part of postpartum that I absolutely thought wouldn't effect me... but it did. Oh and did I mention you'll have some hair growth in places you never have before, thanks to those totally awesome fluctuating hormone levels.

7. Party time on the Potty - Well, it's really the opposite of a party... but I wanted it to sound fun. Your first postpartum bowel movement after having your baby will be uncomfortable, to be frank. I was terrified, maybe even more intimidated than I was to give birth. Turns out, I really didn't have much to be scared of. But trust me, you'll be intimidated to poop after having your baby... even if you went while giving birth, which if you didn't know - $h*t happens all the time during child birth and it's totally normal. Oh... and I'm a person that prior to having a baby never even admitted to tooting, now look at me writing about bowel movements on my blog - so I guess you could say your comfort level regarding things like this will likely change as well.

8. Be mindful of postpartum depression and anxiety - Speaking of comfort levels, be aware that postpartum depression & anxiety are both very real. Be careful of the thoughts you choose to focus on and seek help if you are feeling desperate or especially uneasy.

While I luckily didn't really seem to suffer from postpartum depression or anxiety, I've experienced both in my life time and never want anyone to feel that discomfort. While neither condition is preventable, I suggest you take some time and do something for yourself every once in a while, make sure you seek support from your spouse, your family, and your friends, and just try and live in the moment.

9. It's time to discover your new skin - That's right even your skin changes. If you developed stretch marks, those are definitely a huge change so I'm sure you know what I mean. What you don't know is that your skin will likely react differently to your favorite lotion, it may burn easier in the sun, and your skin care routine may need to even be changed to give you the best glow you can get.

10. No longer you - Another thing that no one mentions is you literally are no longer who you used to be. You are "mom" and while that title is a huge honor, it also means you are no longer just living for you. Your life is now ran by a tiny milk-loving dictator and that means you're in for one crazy, sweet, wild, enjoyable ride.

With all of that said, there's one other thing no one mentions... that's the highs. The heights your emotions will reach from watching your child grow and learn. The first time you see your child smile, the first time you hear the word mama, those first tumbling steps towards you... and your heart will swell with a level of joy and pride you've never even dreamed of feeling before, and that... that is what makes it all worth it. That is what motherhood is all about.