Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

September 14, 2016

Little Wins for New Mamas #ZonePerfectLittleWins

I have been compensated by ZonePerfect for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

Life as a new mama has proven to be an interesting adventure. While it's definitely the most rewarding and amazing thing I've experienced in my life, it's also been tiring and intense. I'm not complaining, having little Miss Delainey is everything I've ever wanted... but some days I need a moment to myself that includes something that'll boost my energy level, my mindset, or sometimes just a little something to help me adjust my attitude. While it's easier said than done, today I want to share 7 tips to help a new mama adjust to life with a newborn... I hope these tips help at least one other new mom out, I know they definitely work for me.

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

1. Accept the help! I know it can be difficult to sit back and let others do things for you, especially when you have a nurturing personality... but sometimes you just HAVE to let others do things for you. After having a baby, you really need to step back and let others "do" for you. Whether you need the dishes loaded in the dishwasher, your shower scrubbed, or your laundry washed - be sure to designate duties to family members when they come over to visit your little bundle of joy!

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

2. Sometimes you just need to take a moment and eat something delicious and sweet. As a breastfeeding mama, I occasionally feel like I'm drained - for more reasons than just not sleeping enough. When I start feeling that low energy level I like to grab a ZonePerfect bar (I up my stash at Walmart) and give myself a moment to enjoy. Whether I'm in the car or Netflixing on the couch, it's nice to have a healthy snack to enjoy and in flavors like fudge graham or dark chocolate almond, it's easy to see why I'm such a fan! Life is all about the little wins and I like to celebrate the #ZonePerfectLittleWins!

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

3. Let your creativity flow. You would think creating life would be a huge creative outlet, but it isn't really the same. Whether you want to create something for your babe's nursery wall or take a moment to scribble with a marker in a coloring book - take a little bit of time and let your creative juices flow.  While your health won't necessarily improve just from coloring or getting creative, it's bound to help you keep your stress levels lower making for one happy mama!

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

4. Spend time skin-to-skin with baby - this isn't just for baby's benefit either. Spending time skin-to-skin with your little bundle of joy helps trigger hormones that make you happy - like Oxytocin! Plus, your giving your baby the love and affection they crave, making for one happy baby, which makes you the happiest mama on the block!

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

5. Don't stress about numbers! I know I personally expected weight to fall off of myself, my dear daughter to gain weight like a champion, the amount of milk I was producing to pick up, the amount of diapers I was changing to adjust... and none of these numbers adjusted the way I was hoping, at least not at first. That's when I stopped paying as close of attention and things started falling into place.

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

6. Don't compare yourself to your other mama friends! This is something I knew before becoming a mama, but it's hard when a handful of people you know are at the same stage in life and your wondering how they are doing so much more than you... some days it's hard for any of us to get up and get a family dressed and out the door, other days it's amazing how much you can accomplish.

Life as a new mom is so rewarding but sometimes you need to treat yourself to a "little win". Find out more... #ZonePerfectLittleWins #LittleWins

7. Treat yourself. Spend a little bit of dough on yourself and grab a Starbucks on your way home from running errands or a pediatrician's appointment. Take a few hours to yourself and get a manicure and pedicure at least once a month. Allow yourself time to indulge in yourself and you'll be happier and a better mama because of it!

So tell me, are you a mama...? If so, do you reward yourself with "little wins"? I'd love to hear all about your little wins in the comments below!

August 18, 2016

Nine Tips to Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

I'm still awaiting the arrival of my little darling, although we are in the final count down with less than a month until she makes her debut into the world... I guess you could say I'm a bit of a planner though, because I'm already starting to figure out how I'm going to adjust into a healthier lifestyle once she arrives.

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

While I don't plan on heavy work outs or dieting by it's definition, I do want to work towards my pre-pregnancy body as quickly as possible so I'm starting to work out my nutrition plans, take into consideration which work outs are plausible, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to make a few minor adjustments to my schedule to ensure both her and I are getting everything we need out of life. If you're a new mama or expecting any day now as well, today's post is for you... we're going to be in the same new baby situation soon and I'm hoping we both are able to achieve our goals quickly!

It's true, all of the steps that lead to a healthier life are fairly important, we all know a healthy lifestyle begins with nutrition so I'm taking the time to plan this part of my life out first and I suggest you do the same!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

I'm a bit of a sugar addict and I love snacking but instead of grabbing for "the bad stuff", I've replaced my snack options with Weight Watchers healthier snacks! It's great because I'm still able to indulge in chocolate and ice cream but I don't have to worry about the calories with the WW versions!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

The best part is, I can pick up all my favorites any time I'm grocery shopping at Publix! If you're a mama like me trying to get your body back, I highly suggest you check out all the delicious options they have in stores. They literally have a little bit of everything from Double Caramel Swirl Ice Cream cones to a "turtle-esque" Caramel with Crispies candy and even sweet baked goods like Red Velvet Snack cakes and dairy products like Light String Cheese, now you can enjoy all your favorites without feeling guilty thanks to Weight Watchers!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

It's so easy limiting my snacks to the healthy Weight Watcher options, that I'm also going to start meal planning and measuring my food out in advance. Portion sizes and the quality of the food we eat plays an important part in weight loss! If you are striving for a healthier version of you, I highly suggest you start meal prepping in advance! It'll make the new mama life easier and it'll make you healthier!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

The last item on my list of ways to adjust your nutrition to get your pre-pregnancy body back is to try and intake more water. I've always aimed for half of my body weight in water and after Delainey arrives I plan to drink even more! Our bodies are made up of H2O so be sure to drink plenty of water to supply your body with the nutrition it needs to function properly.

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

As I mentioned, nutrition is always the first step when working towards a healthier version of you,  but we can't forget fitness when we're talking about getting healthy! I'm fully aware that I'm going to have to limit myself at first when Delainey is born and that's okay... but once I get the go ahead I'm ready for some real fun!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

Speaking of fun, that's my first fitness tip... Stop taking it so seriously! Spend a few minutes at the beach chasing after a ball while playing a game with a friend or take a couple seconds and practice yoga before you head out for the day. Either way, your body will feel revitalized and your health goals will be achieved a lot quicker!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

Another way to make sure you keep your fitness on track as a new mama is to use a heart rate monitor to make sure you are working towards your full potential! HRM are easy to operate, most are super stylish now-a-days and they keep track of all kinds of different stats, from the amount of steps you walk in one day to the hours you rest, all without you having to press a button.

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

As I mentioned, I don't plan on jumping in head first to working out again, so instead of jumping into a work out routine that could cause some serious stress on my body I'm going to start out nice and easy. Walks around the block with a friend will be my first "work out", then I'll work my way up to practicing yoga, and lastly, I'll head back into the gym to get some weight training done... but it all needs to happen in "baby steps", after all Rome wasn't built in a day!

The last few items I want to address regarding your healthier lifestyle are actually all about your daily routine. While some of these things may be a given to a select number of people, it seems as though a majority of people don't take these things into consideration while trying to lose the baby weight!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

We'll start with making sure you are getting enough rest... and with a baby we all know this is easier said than done. I suggest what everyone else says and that's to "sleep when the baby is sleeping". This may not always be ideal, but it'll help your body do what it needs to do in order to heal properly and ultimately, lose the baby weight!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

Another adjustment to your routine you should consider is allowing yourself to set realistic goals. I mean we all have aspirations to look like a famous celebrity or even just a better version of ourselves, but let's start small. Grab a dress that you used to love to wear and your favorite pair of heels and place them in plain sight... that way when you are tempted to overindulge you can see your weight loss goal directly in front of you and choose healthier options instead!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

The last tip I have for new mamas to help get their pre-baby body back is to breastfeed. I know this isn't always a possibility and I'm not insulting you if that's the case for you... but if possible, breastfeeding is a great way to shed extra calories and of course, feed your baby!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

It's easy to say I'm going to do all of these things, so I'm wanting to hold each other accountable instead of just sharing this post. So tell me, are you a new mama hoping to lose weight or a seasoned mom that has already whipped her body back into gear? Either way, tell me all about your healthy lifestyle adjustments and how they benefited you in the long run, especially as a mama! I'd love to find some work out buddies and maybe some women that have more advice to share!

I'm hoping with our nutrition adjusted, our fitness plans altered, and a few lifestyle adjustments, you and I should be ready to lose our baby weight in no time flat! Now I just can't wait to bring Delainey into this world so I can join you on the adventure back to our pre-pregnancy bodies!

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Weight Watchers, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #WWFoodsAtPublix

August 17, 2016

Six Ways to Remain Confident (or Gain Confidence) While Pregnant! #BeComfydent

Let's play a little game, what do these phrases have in common?

"Are you expecting twins?"...

"WOW! You look like you're a month overdue!"...

"You're huge!"...

"You're going to POP any day now!"...

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

You may have guessed it, but for those that didn't know, these are all statements I've heard a handful of times over the last few days from complete strangers. While I'm certain every person that uttered these words to me didn't intend to hurt my feelings - honestly, they kind of did. Then I remembered I'm a confident, beautiful woman, growing a life within my body and shook off all that negativity. If you've been pregnant before or you are currently expecting as well, you know it's tough learning to accept your body when you are carrying a child, no matter how blessed you feel so today I want to share how I've changed my mindset and hopefully I can help another mama change hers if she gets these comments from a stranger any time soon!

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

Now I'll agree, it's hard hearing every strangers opinion as they walk by and it's even harder watching stretch marks pop up all over the place, but the best part is you are working toward a great end result... that little baby of yours! While it's tough to learn to accept your body during any part of pregnancy, it's totally possible and it may actually be easier than you think. While I'm 9 months pregnant and the last comment listed above may be the truest of the four, I've finally learned to accept my body the way it is and I want to share a few ways I've mastered this "art":

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

1. Let yourself enjoy pregnancy. This may be the easiest and the hardest part of pregnancy. I love every single second that I'm pregnant, but at the same time things get a bit uncomfortable during your 9th month of pregnancy. I've learned to just let your mind accept that your body knows what it's doing and that you can't compare your bump to your besties, you both are two different people so it only makes sense that your bumps are different. Whether your bump is the size of a planet or tiny, appreciate the fact that you are growing a life within it and embrace the beauty of knowing it will all be over fairly soon. Take photos weekly and embrace watching the beauty that is growing within your body!

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

2. Wear undergarments that make you feel confident and dare I say sexy. I recommend Hanes, simply because they keep me comfortable, cool, and confident during these warm summer months.

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

With the amazing Get Cozy ComfortFlex Fit Wire-Free bra it's easy to feel cozy and cool, plus with a versatile style I feel like I can wear my favorite bra with any outfit and not worry about how I look. Offering a sleek silhouette that doesn't show under any outfit, pull-over comfort, and a $9.99 price tag, I'm totally in love with this bra and will be rocking it postpartum, no doubt about it!

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

With that said, my new Ultimate Comfy Support ComfortFlex Fit Wire-Free Bra is also another new favorite of mine. With lining on the cups to protect myself from pregnancy mishaps or the non-pregnant woman from an awkwardly cold situation and a versatile look to build on, I'm in love with how comfortable these bras are and I highly recommend you look into adding one into your undergarment collection.

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

Now I suppose I can get to the point and share what all pregnant women want to hear, my underwear have been upgraded to ultimate comfort without sacrificing cuteness. My new Hanes Cool Comfort underwear may be the most important part of staying confident while pregnant. Available in Bikini and Hipster styles I'm always able to stay comfy without sacrificing my confidence, leaving me feeling beautiful! The best part is the Cool Comfort wicking fabric keeps you cool while providing all day comfort, plus the super soft cotton is just what any woman wants in a pair of undies... additionally, you can't find a better deal on panties, with a price point of $13 for a pack of six I'll be stocking up on these beauties to make me feel "comfydent" even after baby arrives!

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

3. Concentrate on the end result - your baby! While it's easier said than done, spend more time worrying about baby than your body shape. Spend a few hours shopping for clothes for baby or maybe take the time to organize babies items in their closet, it's easy to distract yourself from worrying about your growing waistline with so much to be done for the baby on the way!

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

4. Educate yourself. Instead of worrying if your belly is the right size, learn about it. Spend a few minutes finding books that will help you master the art of pregnancy, then read all you can about the stage of pregnancy you are currently in.

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

5. Stay active! While walking is more like waddling at this point, I suggest you take a few minutes each day to walk around the block or even around your favorite place to shop. If walking is too much, spend a few minutes doing some yoga, even if it's just a pose in the morning and a pose at night. It may not seem like much, but the activity is good for you and baby and it'll keep your mind off how round your bump is while also helping your body digest food, circulate blood, increase oxygen flow, etc.

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

6. Spend time with your husband, spouse, partner, or whatever you call your other half. Tell him about how you're feeling and I bet he's smart enough to let you know that he truly loves you and your belly, it doesn't matter what shape it is or how round it gets...

There you have it, six different ways you can learn to embrace your growing baby bump and gain confidence. I know it's easier said than done, but take it from a girl who has heard every questionable statement from a stranger during her pregnancy... it's okay to love your body while pregnant and even better, be confident! Rock what your mama gave you and what you're giving your baby!

Remaining confident during pregnancy can be difficult at times, here's six ways to keep yourself feeling amazing without much effort! #BeComfydent

So tell me, have you been in the same boat as me? Are you currently? I'd love to hear how you kept your cool and remained confident during your pregnancy, especially during the third trimester - leave me a comment telling me all about it below or share this post with others and use the hashtag #BeComfydent!

August 15, 2016

I am a True Athlete Going for the Gold with Babbleboxx! #BabbleBoxxGold

This post is sponsored by on behalf of Single Edition Media.

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status!#IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

This year, inspired by so many athletes, I really want to "Go for the Gold". While I'm not a super-fitness level athlete, or anything close, I am inspired by those that are capable of such great achievements and I can strive to be the best version of myself that I'm able to be.

While I'm very pregnant currently, I should be having my baby girl sometime soon and once I get the go ahead to get back into my work out routine, I'm going for my own sort of gold medal. I want to get back to the size I was whenever I found I was pregnant. I had lost so much weight and felt great and while I'm super excited to be a mama, I'm also excited to work towards getting my body back into shape. I've done it once, I know I'm capable of doing it again.

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

With all of that said, I'm lucky enough to have been spoiled by Babbleboxx recently and everything inside my "Going for the Gold" Babbleboxx will be great motivation when it's time to get my butt in gear! Ranging from skin care to compression pants, I'll be looking and feeling great from head to toe!

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

I suppose I should start with Purpletale, the most convenient and effective skincare solution I've used in a while. This all in one facial kit has 5 simple steps to lovely skin - starting with a foam cleanser for step one, followed by an ampoule for step two, then step three is an invigorating bio-cellulous sheet mask, quickly applying facial cream for step four, and step five is a neck cream! The complete solution left my skin feeling amazing and I even was told I'm glowing... and I don't think it's the hormones.

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

The next item in my Babbleboxx was the Casio Baby-G watch! With a patriotic red, white, and blue look to it, I feel like I'm a true Olympian athlete going for the gold when I'm rocking this beauty! Whether I'm running to a doctor's appointment and trying to stay on time or taking a dip in the ocean to try and keep my fitness in check, I love that I'm able to keep on schedule while looking cool with this water and shock resistant watch.

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

The next item in my Go for the Gold box was a whole bunch of amazing Vitamin Shoppe True Athlete supplements! I'm in love with the Vitamin Shoppe Jaxx cup that I'll be drinking the supplements out of and once Delainey is here! I'm super excited to try the Energized Training Formula in Fruit Punch. I have a feeling it will be a must-have for a new mama. I'll be sure to use this unique creatine, arginine, and beta-alanine based formula with caffeine and AstraGin to help get my body ready for the workouts before they even begin.

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

I'll also be making sure I get enough protein in my diet with the delicious Natural Whey Protein Packets, the perfect way to make sure my diet is balanced enough to handle the fitness routine I'm planning!

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

While I'm excited to try out all the supplements, I've always been and will be a huge fan of water. After trying JUST water in my Babbleboxx I found a new favorite kind... because we all know some bottled/packaged waters taste better than others. JUST water is a refreshing paper-based water bottle, responsibly sourced, produced, and packaged for improved environmental and community impact, in partnership with hometown USA... and at just 99 cents a bottle, it's refreshingly affordable for everyone and absolutely a replenishing treat after getting your heart rate elevated.

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

The last item in my Babbleboxx but certainly not the least is the 2XU Mid-Rise 7/8 Compression Tights. With a power comfort waistband for a sleek fit and graduated compression engineered to promote maximum blood flow, these tights will be the perfect way to make sure I'm getting the most out of every work out, especially leg day! I love that they are going to help reduce muscle soreness while also allowing me to look amazing while getting my work outs in. Are you interested in snagging a pair for yourself? Click here and use the code 2XU20 and get 20% off your order!

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

While I'm totally obsessed with everything that came in my Go for the Gold Babbleboxx, I'm pretty excited to share Delainey's arrival and get back into my normal fitness routine sometime soon as well! Be on the look out for some great work out tips and don't be surprised if you see some photos of me rocking my Baby-G watch and 2XU compression tights in fitness posts in the near future!

Are you ready to go for the gold? Check out the items that arrived in the "Go for the Gold" Babbleboxx and achieve the ultimate athlete status! #IAmATrueAthlete @VitaminShoppe #BabbleBoxxGold

So tell me, what's your favorite fitness product? Have you tried the Vitamin Shoppe True Athlete supplements before? I'd love to hear all about your favorites in the comments below!

August 14, 2016

10 Reasons You Should Join Planet Fitness on August 15th!

Thanks to Planet Fitness for sponsoring today's discussion, regardless all opinions expressed below are my own.

It's pretty obvious if you look back at my fitness posts over the years that I'm a big fan of Planet Fitness, I've been sharing my journey with PF since January 2015 and I even continue to visit my local club while rocking my baby bump. If you've ever visited a Planet Fitness, you know why I'm such a big fan. Whether you've been to a location nearby you or not, today I want to share 10 reasons you should sign up for a Planet Fitness membership during the awesome sale happening August 15th!

10 Reasons You Should Join Planet Fitness:
Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

1. The low cost is obviously one of the most enticing reasons to join Planet Fitness but during their current sale, you'll really get the most bang for your buck! If you join August 15th, the cost is even lower than any other day! You can sign up online or at a club on this 1 special day, for only $1 down and $10 a month, with absolutely no commitment. If you want added benefits, sign up for the Black Card, for the same amount down and then $19.99 a month.

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

2. Planet Fitness prides itself on being a non-intimidating, hassle-free, welcoming fitness club where everyone feels comfortable, including uncoordinated and out of shape people like myself. I like that I don't have to worry about meat heads or pushy sales people, I can walk in and get my work out in with other everyday people just trying to achieve the same thing. The judgement-free zone is a safe place for everyone and I love it!

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

3. Planet Fitness is great because many of the clubs are open and have staff on hand 24/7, making getting your work out in a possibility day or night. An added bonus, is all the clubs have huge, nicely kept locker rooms so you can slip in a work out on your way to work or just before you head out with friends for the evening... whenever is the most convenient time for you.

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

4. Not only are Planet Fitness locations accommodating, they offer some amazing benefits like unlimited fitness training included in all memberships. That means you can have a professional help guide your work outs and really get the most out of your membership, without paying an extra penny!

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!
5. When you sign up for a PF Black Card you have access to over 1,100 locations, the opportunity to have a free guest accompany you at every visit, use of their awesome massage chairs, and more.

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

6. If you want to squeeze in a quick workout you can do one of the two circuits they offer. One is 12 minutes and the other is 30 minutes and both offer a full workout, combining both strength and cardio and timed with a red/green light system so you know when it's time to switch.

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

7. You don't just join a fitness club when you join PF, you join a community. Planet Fitness provides members with access to "Planet of Triumphs", an online community that celebrates all accomplishments and inspirational stories of its members.
Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

8. Not only do you join a community and fitness club when joining Planet Fitness, you can help your community as well. PF is a proud partner with Boys & Girls Clubs of America and STOMP Out Bullying. They have already given $1.3 million in grants and donations to help fund both programs and are proud to help give back to the communities they are a part of.

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

9. Planet Fitness has interesting surveys that you can participate in, if you want. The most recent survey was all about how confident we feel in our swimsuits and the findings are intriguing. They noted that 1/3 of Americans would rather visit the dentist than wear a bathing suit during the summer... while 76% of people admitted they are more critical of their own appearance in a swimsuit than they are of others. Those numbers mean that we need to stop judging ourselves and PF is a great place to stop that self-judgement and start helping yourself.

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

10. While this list includes 9 other amazing reasons you should join your local Planet Fitness, I can think of one more reason you should join your local club and it's the most important reason - your health! It's time to take matters into your own hands and get healthy, sign up for a Planet Fitness membership today and I promise you won't regret it!

Planet Fitness is the best and a lot of people know that's the truth! Here's 10 reasons you should join the fitness club on August 15th!

So tell me, will you be signing up for a Planet Fitness membership on August 15th? If you're already a member, I'd love to hear about why you love the club or if you are planning on joining tell me what your fitness goals are in the comments below!

July 18, 2016

5 Tips to Stay Healthy & Fit This Summer! #MomsLoveAmwell

Thanks to Amwell for sponsoring today's discussion, regardless all opinions expressed below are my own.
Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

Staying healthy during the summer time is easier said than done... with so many enticing sugary foods like ice cream and slushies and the heat defeating any notion of working out, it's easy to get off track with a diet and exercise plan. It's especially easy when your 8 months pregnant, so trust me, I understand!Whether your a fitness fanatic or a couch surfer, today I want to share 5 simple tips to help you stay healthy this summer.
Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

1. Drink Water - Staying hydrated helps prevent illness, keeps your body healthy, helps maintain your weight, and fuels your daily activities. Since we're mostly composed of water and it's easy to get dehydrated in the heat, it's obvious why this is so important!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

2. Catch Plenty of ZzZ's - Getting enough sleep is an important part of keeping your body healthy any time of year, so be sure to keep up with your sleep habits all year long! Spending enough time in dreamland can help protect your physical and mental health and quality of life, so why not let yourself sleep in a few days a week?

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

3. Eat Fresh - I'm not using a popular sub chain's slogan, I'm suggesting you buy fresh produce so you can reap the rewards! Not only can you find a wide selection of deliciousness in-season, your body will feel more energized and refreshed after eating fresh!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

4. See Your Doctor - Save money and time using Amwell and see your doctor from the comfort of your own home! Using any electronic device (phone, tablet, or computer), you can visit with a professional and better health is literally in the palm of your hands. Whether you want to chat about your weight concerns, a recent problem with headaches, or your child's battle with pink eye, Amwell has professionals available 24/7 that can help make sure your body and mind are in tip top shape! That's why Moms love Amwell... it's quick and provides a peace of mind.

Set to become the "Amazon of Health Care", Amwell is the perfect way to treat illnesses conveniently. Want to give the service a try this summer? Click here & use the code TELEVISIT42 and your first "visit" will only be $1!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

5. Try A New Routine - Hit up a local gym and try out a new class, find a swimming pool to do laps in, or even start doing yoga in your own home - trying a new exercise that keeps you cool while working up a sweat is the ideal way to stay fit during the hot, hot summer months!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

So tell me, how do you stay fit during these hot, hot summer months? If you have any helpful tips to share, I'd love to hear all about them in the comments below... Plus, be sure to head on over to Amwell and visit with a doctor about ways you can stay fit this summer!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

June 23, 2016

Feel Healthy, Happy, & Energized with Vega® Clean!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of White Wave. The opinions and text are all mine.

Even though I'm pregnant, I'm still on a health kick and so is my hubby. Instead of sympathy pregnancy weight gain he's been hitting the gym more and taking the dogs for walks around the block trying to keep his heart pumping however he can. I'm pretty proud of his hard work to stay in shape, especially because I'll need him to help motivate me to get in shape once Delainey comes.

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

Since he's been working out a little more than usual, I've also wanted to support him by offering him a delicious Vega® Clean Protein drink post workout! Sometimes I even send him out the door with a little "pre-workout" thanks to Vega® Clean Energy! These two delicious drinks are the perfect workout fuel for anyone since they are plant-based, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Made without Dairy, Soy, Artificial Colors, Flavors, or Sweeteners - but they still taste delicious!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

You can be prepared for anything life (or your trainer) throws your way with Vega Clean Protein and Energy on your side! Whether it's a hardcore ab workout or a day spent wandering around the mountains, Vega Clean is the answer to keeping your diet on track and your body energized!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

With 25 grams of protein in a complete, premium, plant-based blend from peas, hemp, alfalfa, and pumpkin, you can't go wrong with Vega Clean Protein! Plus, your stocking your body up with all the essential amino-acids including 4 grams of BCAAs, while only adding in 130 calories to your diet. I know which protein shake I'll be adding into my daily routine once my babe arrives and I'm so happy I'm able to share this deliciousness with my hubby in the meantime!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

Vega Clean Energy is the best way to get your day going, other than starting out with a good workout, of course! Packed with 80mg of caffeine from green and black tea and electrolytes, you'll feel immediate and sustained energy from carbohydrates unlike other pre-workouts that leave you feeling jittery and uncomfortable!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

Interested in giving Vega® Clean a try for yourself? #FuelYourBetter with @VegaFueled! Use the code "VegaFit" on their website and receive 20% off your order AND free shipping! This offer is only valid for a couple more weeks though, so be sure to order before June 30th!

May 5, 2016

5 Ways to Curb Cravings + Stay Fit While Expecting

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Planters. The opinions and text are all mine.

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

It's easy to lose track of your fitness goals, especially whenever your rocking a baby bump; you're encouraged to "eat for two" by everyone around you and you sometimes crave foods that you know are sinfully bad for you... and well, I'm not saying you shouldn't indulge on occasion, but after a recent conversation with my doctor, I realized my nutrition and fitness while carrying around my little one is super important!

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

I want to provide my baby with the best of the best whenever carrying her around inside the bump, just like I plan on doing once she's made it into the world, so I'm making healthier choices when it comes to snacking. If you're in the same boat as I am, or just looking for wholesome snack options to add into your daily routine, here's 5 delicious ways you can curb your cravings and still get plenty of nutrients in your system.

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

1. With sweets on my mind nearly all the time, fighting off sugar cravings is my number one goal. Instead of reaching for a slice of cake or choosing to eat a pound of chocolate, I've been trying to eat more fruits to provide myself and the baby with vital nutrients while still giving us both the sugar rush we want!

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

2. With sweet cravings comes the desire for something savory as well and that's where Planters peanuts come into the picture. Every one ounce serving of dry roasted or oil roasted peanuts delivers 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients to my system. Can you say delicious and nutritious?

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

3. As you can probably guess, my next craving tends to be for spicy foods! I used to want chicken wings smothered in hot sauce, but as we all know, those aren't the healthiest food to be snacking on... so I've started reaching for Planters Chili Lime Peanuts. With a true KICK in the first crunch and a gentle lime taste, these are my absolute favorite snack at the moment! Plus, peanuts contain "good" fat, which help keep blood vessels supple and cholesterol lower.

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

4. Another craving I've been having often is delicious cheesy pizza. While I don't always ignore this craving, I have gotten better about choosing healthier foods in it's place. I suggest grabbing for a dairy based treat when you're craving something like pizza, I personally snack on a yogurt and while that doesn't provide the exact same flavor satisfaction, it's still a tasty way to provide the baby and myself with the calcium we need!

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

5. The last craving on my list that I've really had to try ignore is soda (and sometimes even coffee)! With the extra little zing of caffeine, it's a hard to tell myself no on tired days... so instead of reaching for a sugary, over-caffeinated beverage I tend to make myself a glass of tea! It satisfies my craving for caffeine without overindulging!

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to nix your fitness goals. Check out these 5 simple ways to curb your cravings and stay fit while expecting!

I'm not an expert on nutrition by any means, but so far my little tricks to curb cravings seem to have helped me so I hope they can help you as well!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Planters . The opinions and text are all mine.