May 7, 2019

Weight Loss & Fitness Quotes to Keep You INSPIRED!

Weight loss isn't easy - it's not just about a diet or some quick fix, it's a lifestyle change. With that said, I'm embarking on a pretty strict change in my routine this week and in the spirit of staying committed to my weight loss I wanted to share with you some of my favorite weight loss quotes.

Feel free to pin to your diet Pinterest board or share on facebook - we all need a bit of jolly inspiration on occasion!

"A little progress each day, adds up to big results."


 "You don't get what you wish for, you get what you work for."

 "When I lost all of my excuses I found my results."


"If it's important to you, you'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse."


"If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results."


"The body achieves what the mind believes."


 "We won't be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose."


I'm learning everyday to let the space between where I am and where I want to be inspire me and not terrify me.


April 29, 2019

DIY Simple Dreamy Rainbow Cloud Craft for Toddlers

We're always finding ways to get crafty around here. D asks me daily to make something, so when she asked me if we could make a rainbow earlier this week - I was up for the challenge. With April Showers, comes beautiful rainbows... right?

This simple rainbow craft is one we will leave up on our fridge for a while, it's so cute and makes our house feel a bit more cheery and whimsical- especially knowing how much fun Delainey had making it.

For this craft you will need:

Paper plates
Cotton Balls
Strands of Tissue Paper in a 5 pack of colors, cut into 1" wide inch pieces

To make this beauty we simply:

I cut the paper plate in half and on the "rounded" side I had Delainey help me glue cut up strips of tissue paper in alternating colors.

Allow that to dry and then flip the plate over and add a scribble layer of glue. Fill that side in with torn up bits of cotton balls, creating your own cloud.

Allow all the glue to dry & hang on your fridge! Your little rainbow loving toddler will LOVE making this craft and seeing it hanging in your house later will bring joy too!

April 25, 2019

Refresh Your Home

This post is sponsored by

There's just something so refreshing about spring, it's rejuvenating to see plants come into bloom and life blossoming again - even in Florida, it's a notable difference and one I always look forward to each year.

I don't look forward to just the spring weather, though... I actually am always eager to refresh our home in the spring time and thankfully Babbleboxx sent a bunch of goodies over to do just that!

We'll start with something I'm dying to do, freshen up the cabinets in our kitchen with N-Hance. While we haven't started this process, mainly because our house is actually a rental... I was sent a test kit and I'm here to report, this is the answer to your cabinet painting DREAMS. While they make your cabinet beautiful, they actually provide a durability that paint can't even come close to matching. I tested this out for myself, with the sample kit they sent over - I beat both samples with a hammer, scratched them with a penny, and even used some sand paper to see what damage I could do... and as you can tell - the painted "cabinet" didn't even stand a chance. The N-Hance'd cabinet is still in pretty decent condition for taking a true beating - so I know how I'll choose to refinish my cabients in the future...

And... here's some more amazing news about N-Hance, you can pick ANY color and they can match it. So if you want pink cabinets in your kitchen, have at it... or even add a touch of dark to a light kitchen with a dark espresso color - the options are endless! What color are you dreaming of? Get more info on N-Hance Wood Refinishing here.

While I'm day dreaming of a makeover for our kitchen, I'm stoked to report that my new ECOVACS DEEBOT 600 is cleaning up around the house for me. This handy little robot vacuums with ease, with smart motion technology to clean both hardwoods and carpet and compatible with Amazon Alexa, I'm not gonna lie - this little gadget is my new best friend.

Cleaning up a mess is as easy as clicking a button and with multiple cleaning modes, it's like I never have to stress about a mess again. Want more info on the best robot vacuum? Check out the ECOVACS DEEBOT 600.

The last item Babbleboxx sent over to refresh our home was the Scrub Daisy set from Scrub Daddy and if I'm being real, it's probably my most favorite item in my house right now. With such happy little details and such strong scrubbing power - what's not to LOVE about this adorable dishwand set?

These handy little sponges are not only cute, but super strong, while also being scratch-free and soap dispensing - making doing dishes an absolute breeze... no wonder they are "smiling" sponges!

Want to get yourself some new happy sponges? Check out Scrub Daddy and click HERE to save $1!

So tell me, how do you plan to refresh your home this spring?

March 30, 2019

7 Unexpected Ways You SHOULD Be Deep Cleaning Your Home

This post is sponsored by The Libman Company but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Let's face it, life is messy. It's especially messy with a adventuresome toddler, a creative hubby, and a couple of wild pups running through your house. Between the canines tracking in mud from playing out in the Florida sun showers to the collections of leaves and dirt my two favorite people bring back from their adventures in the park - our house is constantly whirling with a little bit of a mess inside, that I'm always trying to tackle.

While we haven't necessarily mastered how to rid our house of every 'mess' made, we have learned to embrace the mess some... and recently, after realizing how grimey parts of my home were looking, I decided to really DEEP clean. From scrubbing our cabinets til they were sparkling to making sure our tile floor looked superb in our sunroom, I've actually mastered how to deep clean - easily.

I'm not trying to brag or anything, but our house was getting to a state of emergency.. and something had to be done about it. So this year spring cleaning isn't just about Marie Kondo'ing our closets, it's about deep cleaning our digs and making sure we all can breathe a little easier. I mean, I'm not going over everything with a white glove, but I am making sure everything is clean and comfortable so we all feel more cozy in our little abode.

With that said, here's 7 ways you should be deep cleaning your house that you may not have considered yet:

1. Wipe your blinds - This is something that I literally have neglected since we moved in a few years ago and while it isn't a "pressing" matter, it's something I realized had to be done. I use an old sock and a vinegar and water mixture in our Libman mop bucket to wipe these babies down. They air dry quickly and the grime and dust that I was able to remove was astonishing.

2. Deep clean your floors with a Libman Wonder Mop - So, this is embarassing to admit, but I have a feeling I'm not the only one; I've always thought sweeping and a quick mop was all my tile floors needed, but when I took a closer look at the tile in our sun room I realized my thoughts were incorrect and this just wasn't cutting it.

So I grabbed an upgrade to the traditional "mop", a Libman Wonder Mop, plus a bucket and their powerful cleaner, while grocery shopping last week and decided to tackle our floors with what I thought was going to be a long, tedious process. But mopping with our Wonder Mop was actually super easy and quick to dry and it left our floor looking luminous - a word I would never have used to describe our tile floors previously.

With the power wringer to quickly remove water from the mop, my floor dried so much faster than if I used a "regular mop" and the microfiber Grip Strips helped clean the floor so much deeper than a little mop pad can. What to test out an upgrade on the "traditional"? Find a Libman mop at your local retailer and check out their website to score $3 off your super awesome new mop!

3. Take your vent covers outside and hose them down- This may sound too easy, but it's a sure fire way to make sure your breathing in clean air. Just simply remove your vents from their proper places and spray them down outside, wipe each one down with a clean cloth and replace. This removes any built up dirt and makes sure dust isn't gathering on the vent, so it's a must-do each spring!

4. Scrub down your cabinets with a heavy-duty dish brush - While this isn't a must, it's something that is so rewarding if you have the time. Use a heavy-duty dish brush, you know the kind that you fill with soap within the brush, and SCRUB those cabinets. Wipe down with a wet wash cloth and your cabinets will literally sparkle.

5. Use your Libman Wonder Mop to clean your baseboards - This may seem crazy, but it's so much easier than getting on your hands and knees to get that dust and dirt off the boards on your floor. I get my Wonder Mop slightly damp, with a little bit of cleaner in the water,  then gently and carefully run it along each baseboard to clean off any sign of dust, it takes about 10 minutes to get every baseboard in my whole house and we all breathe a little easier with that hidden dust gone.

6. Change your air filter monthly - This is literally SO obvious, yet it's something that I think a lot of us forget to do. Change your air filter for your a/c monthly and we actually have a super old central a/c in our rental and have to add bleach into a part of it to make sure it runs as cleanly as it can. I don't suggest blindly pouring bleach, but if you have an older unit maybe ask a tech about doing this to ensure it's running as efficiently as possible.

7. Clean your mattress - This may sound crazy but make a mixture of lavender essential oils and baking soda and use a strainer to sprinkle the concoction over the top of your mattress, let sit for about 15 minutes and then vacuum it all up and make your bed. This will help remove odors and leave your bed feeling heavenly.

That's all the deep cleaning advice I have to share with you today, but I'd love to hear your tips and tricks to a tidy home - leave a comment & fill me in!