November 27, 2017

5 Ways to Tame Toddler Tantrums

Some days are easier than others parenting Delainey. The days when she's an angel and so easy to please are the best. But we also have the days when she is a terrible teething mess, when all she does is throw tantrums and toddle around whining. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for everyday with her but the latter is definitely more challenging.

While we can't find a cure all for her temper tantrums, yet... we're working on it and today I want to share FIVE ways to tame toddler tantrums!

1. Communicate - This first idea is maybe the most obvious but also likely the most complicated since most toddlers throwing tantrums are still learning to communicate.

When we hear our sweet girl winding up for a fit, we've started encouraging Lainey to "use [her] big girl words" and also teaching her sign language. Instead of letting her throw a fit when she wants a snack, I show her the sign for "eat", say the word "eat", and then provide her with something to eat.

While she can't tell me she wants to go to the park just yet, soon enough I have a feeling she'll be chatting away and asking to do all kinds of fun activities... but for now, I'm going to try and tame her tantrums by helping her learn to talk.

2. Identify & Treat - It's also pretty important to try and identify why your toddler is throwing a fit.

If he's sleepy, it's time for a nap. If he's aching, maybe try some essential oils. If she's hungry, feed her a snack. And if she has diaper rash, the only way to prevent and treat it is Desitin Maxium Strength. I'm not going to lie, I would say like 50% of the time when we just can't figure out what's going on with D, she seems to have a bit of diaper rash randomly pop up. I blame it on teething, but who really knows? All I do know is that we put red to bed and help make things better with Desitin.

3. Learning - Another way we try to solve tantrums in our house is letting her roam free... Whether that means walking down the street (and letting her choose which direction we wander) or just wandering around looking at ant hills in our backyard.

With that said, sometimes (when she has diaper rash), she gets to explore SUPER freely and by that I mean, in her birthday suit. Not only are we allowing her to feel, touch, explore, and learn in a different way, she's also getting fresh air on her bum - which is great for diaper rash too!

4. Explain - While we've been working on her communication during a fit, I've been trying to get better at using my communication skills as well. Instead of just telling her "NO!" when she's doing something she's not supposed to, I'm doing my best to try and tell her why she can't do it.

For example, instead of just exclaiming when she goes for an outlet, I immediately respond "no", but then I pick her up and point at the outlet and explain "OW! That's electricity, baby girl. That can hurt you very badly, so no-no touch! Okay, Delainey?"... and while she may not understand it ALL right now, I think she seems to somewhat and she also tends to listen better after I explain why something is a "no-no".

5. Understand - Speaking of understanding, try not to get too carried away trying to prevent and tame  tantrums... remember that your little one is just a kid. Learning something new each day, exploring and taking it all in and while that's amazing, it's also overwhelming for them and I know we all can understand what that feels like. So don't freak out if nothing helps to calm a fit sometime this week, it happens to the best of us and it'll likely happen again.

So tell me, how do you tame tantrums in your home? I'd love to hear in the comments below!

A Letter to My Daughter: This is The End & The Beginning


My sweet one -

As I sit here, writing this letter to you, my dear daughter, I can't help but laugh and cry simultaneously.

This is such a joyous time in our lives, you're gaining independence, you are becoming a little tiny woman... and I'm so incredibly blessed to get to be a witness to the miracle that is your life. I'm so thankful to be the arms you run to, the one that you seek comfort in, and occasionally still, your source for nourishment.

With that said, we've been slowly cutting down on feedings, going from the moments when I thought it would never end, when all that would comfort you was cluster feeding, to each day slowly lessening the time you spent nursing, and now... well, now you only need me for a tiny bit of time each day, mainly suckling as a source of comfort as you drift off to sleep.

And as you lay here, I can't help but feel pure adoration watching you slowly go from your wild, curious self to a sleepy, sweet little bundle of love. I also can feel my heart getting a little heavier, my soul aching because these sweet moments with you will soon come to an end.

My sweet girl, it's so crazy to me how quickly you have grown. You are now almost fifteen months old, that's almost 456 days of pure love and devotion - each day dedicating several periods of time to special, sweet moments between just you and I.

That's over 450 days we have spent together - learning, growing, struggling, and successfully mastering breastfeeding, 10, 950 hours since your first latch and so many minutes spent admiring your beautiful face while watching you receive the nourishment you have loved so much.

Through every bit of pain as we had to adjust our position and finally learned to get an excellent latch I knew nursing you was the right choice. For each and every inch that you've grown and each time we've seen the scale go up a pound, we've celebrated our achievement. Each time you peek up at me, every time I see the way you embrace me, I know, deep within my soul every single second of our 15 month breastfeeding journey was worth it.

Breastfeeding isn't just something we have experienced though, it's part of who we both are... and it has been since you took your first breath. So seeing this all come to an end is bittersweet and amazing in so many ways.

Maybe it's knowing that you need me that makes ending this all so hard, maybe it's the fact that it's truly a connection unlike any other... I'm not sure. But as the tears stream down my face as I think of you, my little nursling, I know and will always know breastfeeding you was the best decision I could ever make and I wouldn't take a second of this journey back.

You are worth it.

And, although our breastfeeding journey is coming to an end soon, this is only the beginning of another more amazing journey together. Just remember, I'll always be here to comfort you, I'll always be the one that helps you to learn, who encourages you to grow, and who hopefully helps you achieve success through the struggles.


Always & Forever,

Your mama

Are you a breastfeeding mom or mom to be? As you probably picked up on, nursing is so worth it all. With that said, not everyone has a breastfeeding journey as easy as ours was... some need nipple shields, others can't handle the pain, and some breastfed babies even need probiotics specially formulated for them... and that's where Evivo comes into the picture.

With breastfeeding and D's health being of utmost importance, it comes as no shocker that we have her on a probiotic to make sure her gut is as healthy as it can be. Evivo not only helps her gut stay healthy now, but we're setting her up for a healthy future too. If good bacteria (like what Evivo offers) are thriving before a baby is fully weaned from breast milk they're more likely to develop a healthy metabolism and immune system later in life. Learn more about Evivo and how it can help your baby from the inside out here.

November 23, 2017

My 14 month old's Christmas List...

I can remember when I was little I would sit down with a catalog and circle all the toys that I wanted for Christmas each year... ranging from art sets to dolls, I was spoiled and always got what I wanted and then some.With that said, Delainey is only 14 months old so she won't be circling any items in a catalog or browsing online with me for toys, but I have a good idea of some of the items on her Christmas list this year and today I want to share them with you, whether that's to inspire you to grab something super cool for your little one or to start shopping for your grandbaby. So happy shopping...

Let's get started with the most epic little princess ride, possibly ever. This would be perfect for any little princess that loves to explore, especially one named Delainey Kate.

Next on her list, the most precious little princess tent. Completed with a cute little rug and some decorative lights and she'll have a sweet cozy place to hang out now.... that eventually can grow with her into a reading nook.

Another item that I think every little girl would love is a "play kitchen"... and since D is OBSESSED with being in our kitchen and watching us cook, this beautiful little play kitchenette is at the TOP of our list.

Okay, well, maybe this item is more on mama & daddy's list, but it's definitely FOR her - this little bench would make the perfect toy box/organizer for all of her wonderful toys and it would also match our house pretty well, so that's a win!

Another item every Florida girl has on her Christmas list this year is a water table and this one definitely won't disappoint!

One item that I know D would absolutely FLIP over is this little playset, she's obsessed with playgrounds so having one at her house would make her way too excited for words!

I'm not going to lie, this "roller coaster" looks like it would be a great toy for all ages of children and it's such a good deal!

Since D is in love with birdies lately and she's always been a foodie, a placemat like this one is perfect!

I'm certain we'll have more to add to her list and I'll even be sharing a handful of great gift ideas in our upcoming gift guide... but that's all we have in mind for now. So tell me, what do you think it something every toddler should have? Can you remember a Christmas gift from your childhood that took your breath away... what was it? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below!

November 16, 2017

My Curves Weight Loss Update & Some Perspective for Those Also on a Weight Loss Journey

Thanks to Curves International for sponsoring today's post, regardless all opinions expressed below are completely my own. Are you ready to get #CurvesStrong?
It's time.

You may remember around 3 weeks ago I officially owned up to my faults. I admitted that I've been slacking on the work outs and decided to become a member of Curves and change my lifestyle.

Not only am I excited to tell you that I've lost 8 lbs in those 3 weeks, I'm stoked to say I feel better about myself and more confident now as well... and it's not just the few lbs I've shed, it's the new lifestyle. *Curves Fitness members on average lose 5 lbs. over a 20‐week period. I received promotional consideration.

There's just something about how fresh the air feels after a great class or a nice little walk with Delainey and the way I feel after eating a healthy, satiating meal, there's no way to really describe it other than refreshing and with each bite I know my food is more nourishing than any fast food ever could be.

It's funny how just changing a few little parts of my day can entirely change the way I view the world. Although, life is all about perspective isn't it...? Well, so is weight loss and today I wanted to share a few pointers on perspective when it comes to weight loss, things we all need to hear!

1. Strong, not skinny - I constantly have to remind myself to focus on the end goal, you likely should be doing the same. We aren't working towards being tiny, necessarily, we're working toward a long, healthy future. I'm sure we all want to be around to see our kids graduate, but that obviously involves leading a healthy lifestyle and taking care of our bodies. Aim for a strong, healthy, balanced lifestyle and your life will flourish.

2. Food is for nourishment, not satisfaction - Speaking of flourishing, as we know, food is one those things in life that is absolutely necessary... but here's the thing, it doesn't always have to be super flavorful and insanely tasty. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love pumpkin pie as much as the next lady, but making sure you're supplying your body with what it needs via your diet means cutting back on carbs and sugars and allowing your body to process the foods you are eating. Make sure you're focusing on the content of your food and not always just following your taste buds.

3. Working out is fun, if you let it be fun - This one is hard for me to always remember, especially on my "lazy days"... but once I'm at Curves and in my routine, I always feel great... and that rush you get post work out proves to me I always make the right choice when I choose to get up & active.

4. Rome wasn't built in a day and I didn't gain all this weight in one day either - Simply meaning, we can't expect all of these extra lbs to just fall off when we're ready to shed our baggage. It's going to take work and dedication to meet (or exceed) our goals, but it'll be worth it in the end. Smalls goals are just as exciting to celebrate as big ones, so today I'm celebrating 8lbs and soon I'll hopefully be celebrating a more substantial weight loss!

So tell me, do you have any weight loss tips or advice on keeping things in perspective? I'd love to hear it in the comments below!