Showing posts with label sponsored. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sponsored. Show all posts

October 18, 2017

6 Ways to Ensure You Have a Happy Baby!

Having a happy baby is easy.

Okay, okay... well, some days it is and some days it's a little bit more difficult! But most days, it shouldn't be too complicated to keep your tiny tot happy.

I'm not a parenting expert but I will say D seems pretty dang happy most of the time. I'm pretty proud of that... but I can't take all the credit. Her dad is a rock star and she seems to always have just had a pretty optimistic disposition, so we're lucky in that sense.

With that said, I wanted to share a few tips with you. So... here's 6 ways to ensure you have a happy baby:

1. Give Time - This may be the easiest, but definitely one of the most important ways to ensure happiness. Give your child as much time as you can, whether that means setting your phone down while playing in the backyard or playing tag while at the playground instead of instagramming. I'm certain giving time is one of the most important ways to show your kid you care.

2. Gratitude - Another way to ensure your kiddo is happy is to always live a thankful life. Whether your little princess wants to hand you a rock, a blade of grass, or a petal from a flower, be thankful and smile. Let your darling know you appreciate the gift, just like you appreciate their sweet soul for giving it to you.

3. Happy Baby Organic Infant Formula - This formula modeled after breast milk is the next best thing to the breast. While every baby and every breastfeeding journey is different, with this formula you can find comfort in knowing you are providing your child with the nutrients they need! Want to learn more about this formula and how it can benefit your smiley little sweetie? Click here!

4. Encourage - I bet you've noticed a smile and a kind tone go a long way in life, in most situations anyways. The same is true for your mini me. When she takes a tiny tumble to the ground clap and rejoice instead of gasping and running to the rescue. Why? Little one's love encouragement and it'll help teach them independence.

Another example - instead of scolding when your little tike is slowly sliding down the stairs, maybe offer to race him down the stairs instead. That way you both get what you want - the independence for your little one and the pace you need to get out the door, without a fit involved!

It's all about how you look at the situation, so if there's a positive way to spin things - always try that route. Both you and your little one will be happier that way.

5. Explore - Another great way to encourage your kiddo to live a happy life is to encourage them to explore. Watching each season come to life, gazing into the horizon while swimming at the beach, and letting them wander (within reason) are important ways to establish independence and trust at an early age, which obviously make for happy kids!

6. Above all, Love - It's hard to explain how to love someone, you just do. But making sure your child feels love is probably one (if not THE only) goal you should have as a parent. I'm going to be the obnoxious parent that yells it at D as she's running into school, that leaves notes in her lunch box, and then holds a sign up  reminding her at all her sporting events. But for now, I just cover her in kisses and make sure she feels secure and attended to.

October 14, 2017

Moms Don't Get Sick Days: Why I Chose to Ask an Expert Today!

Today's conversation is sponsored by Samsung via MomTrends.

Moms can't be sick, it's an unspoken rule. But if you're feeling under the weather, check out how you can EASILY and QUICKLY be seen by a medical professional from the comfort of your own couch...

It was bound to happen... and for the first time since I had D, it happened today.

Y'all... Today, I woke up with a sore throat, a scratchy feeling in my ears, a slight fever, and an overall BLAH feeling. Oh, freaking no. My life is busy, as is, there's no time for being sick. Moms don't get sick days! It's just like an unspoken rule or something, we literally can not be sick.

Moms can't be sick, it's an unspoken rule. But if you're feeling under the weather, check out how you can EASILY and QUICKLY be seen by a medical professional from the comfort of your own couch...

I wasn't sure what I was going to do... but I knew I had to act fast. I'm sure you can relate, mom life doesn't leave much time for contemplating decisions. With a toddler bouncing around in bed with me and growling like a wild animal, I knew it was time to start the day... whether or not I felt up to it or not. So I made my plan and executed it, almost flawlessly, may I add.

The first thing I did was gargle with salt water and make myself a cup of honey-lemon tea.

Next, I knew I had to see a doctor, but wasn't sure how I was going to swing that with Miss Crazy Pants in tow. Then I remembered, I can just use my phone! Samsung Health makes it all easy as pie.

So...instead of trying to get myself and D dressed & put together for an in-person Doctor's visit, I was able to consult with a qualified physician from the comfort of my couch using Ask an Expert on my Samsung S6 Edge. I can't even begin to tell you what a relief this was.

I didn't have to worry about D catching something while waiting for me to be seen at a local urgent care, because we were literally able to watch her shows while I waited to be "seen" by the doctor.

I love how convenient Asking an Expert was, I literally just pressed a few buttons, chose who I would see, and then waited a few minutes until it was time... and of course, D had to say hello and help me discuss my symptoms.

Then... He told me to take it easy, get some rest, and make sure I'm getting plenty of Vitamin C. HA! And while I wish I could do all of that, it simply isn't going to be happening any time soon, at least while I have D in my care. So I amped up the vitamin C and we did our very best to take it easy today, which still included lots of time playing and chasing my tiny boss around the house.

While I'm not feeling a hundred percent myself yet, I think I'm on the road to recovery and I'm thankful I was able to Ask an Expert and confirm it was just a common cold without even having to leave my house.

Are you feeling a little under the weather or maybe your sweet pea is breaking out in a rash? If you're a Samsung user, here's some good news (even though I'm sure you're stressing):  you can see a doctor easily, just like I did! PLUS, I have a discount code you can use, save $10 when you use the code 'SAMSUNG24'! But just so ya know, this expires 3/31/18.

Disclaimer: Compensation for this post was provided to me by Samsung via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Samsung or MomTrends. Ask an Expert (Online Doctor Visits) is a service offered through Samsung Health that helps you easily connect to medical and wellness experts from your phone. Samsung Health requires a compatible Android phone and a Samsung account. The Online Doctor Visits service is available in the U.S., except in Arkansas. The service is not for people suffering from medical emergencies or serious life-threatening conditions.  If you have a serious medical concern, please call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency department.

September 29, 2017

Staying Comfortable and Cute in Gerber + a DIY Elephant Planter Project inspired by Gerber Childrenswear

I'm super excited to share that Delainey and I are now paid Brand Ambassador for Gerber Childrenswear! What does that mean exactly? It is just is a fancy way of saying this post is sponsored, as always all opinions expressed below are mine alone!

As you know, I have quiet the fashionista on my hands, she loves to dress up and one of her first words was "bow"... so it's safe to say she's a little diva.

WHO does she get that from? Don't look at me! HA.

While we're constantly loving on our favorite brands, Gerber is one that we just keep coming back to. Maybe it's the fact that it's a brand that's been around for generations, so there's a bit of nostalgia while I slip a bodysuit on her that's the same brand I wore when I was little?

Maybe we love Gerber Childrenswear so much because they offer all the basics we'll need, as well as fun coordinated sets like the new ones you can find at Walmart...?

I think it's safe to say, we both like Gerber apparel because these bodysuits make it easy to complete the inevitable diaper changes through out the day with higher-in-the-front snaps. Plus, the ability to slip these on and off her quickly is a huge bonus!

I just know I love that she's snug, safe, and comfortable in her Gerber bodysuits no matter what we're doing. Running errands, gardening in the backyard, or even if we are just having a cozy day around the house crafting... we throw her in a Gerber bodysuit with some matching accessories and she's all set and still perfectly stylish for a one year old.

We love our new set of Gerber Childrenswear bodysuits and socks so much, we dedicated our recent day of crafting to the adorable little elephant design on our favorite suit of the bunch.

Next time maybe we'll attempt her giraffe friend, but for now, here's the deets on how we made this adorable little ele-friend planter inspired by our Gerber bodysuits.

For this project you will need:

1 Gallon Jug
Paints (and painting materials) - purple, white, and black for us
Ribbon (if you want to add bows)
Soil & An elephant ear seedling (or a seed of any type of plant will do)

You'll start this project by laying down newspaper, to protect your surface from a toddler with a paintbrush. Next, you'll want to cut the top portion of the jug off, leaving the handle of the jug to play as the trunk of the elephant.

Next you'll want to paint the entire jug one color, in a thin even coat - we used a light purple. Let this dry.

Then add on the details like the D on both sides of the "body" of the elephant to make the ears in a coordinating color, we used a darker purple to match our Gerber bodysuit.. and then add a little half circle for the eyes! Don't forget to scribble on a little tail too!

Next you'll glue two pieces of ribbon together, wrap a smaller piece around that, and glue the ribbon to the ears of the elephant.

Once it's all dry and ready, go ahead and plant your little seedling (or seed) and your little elephant planter is good to go!

It's that easy to get crafty with your toddler and you better believe they will have a blast... well, at least Delainey did!

Oh yeah... and once your done crafting up an elephant planter friend, just a reminder: you don't want to forget to check out Gerber's coordinated baby apparel collection at Walmart! Whether you're looking for your little one or an expectant mama in your life, I guarantee the comfortable, adorable and affordable items in their apparel collection are perfect for any occasion!

September 25, 2017

9 Ways to Find Balance in Your Life as a Busy Mom

This post is sponsored by

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

So, as you've probably noticed around here - my life is totally different as a parent. I thought before I had D that I'd still write about all kinds of things lifestyle related, but you can pretty much tell as you scroll through... I spend all my time mom-ing now. Taking care of baby business and basically living the life of a toddler's snack chef is my 24/7 - I'm not complaining though, this is the life I've always dreamed of. Delainey truly is a blessing and I'm so thankful to get to spend all my time with her.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

With that said, I've had to learn to make time for myself too. I'm learning to master the art of balance in my life, in more ways than one really. It's been a struggle over the past year or so, but now that D's nearly 13 months, I'm starting to get the hang of things... maybe? She's teaching me lessons at the same time I'm trying to teach her about life, it's a balancing act in itself and one that'll be a lifelong thing - that's what parenthood really is, after all.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

Ultimately, finding "me" time and still making more than enough time for her is my goal. I've been trying to do more for me, without taking away from her... so I've been practicing yoga a little more with her as my partner, meditating as much as possible while embracing her wild and crazy noisy self, and contemplating ways we all can work on balancing our lives - hence today's post.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

There's no coincidence I started this new balanced lifestyle in September either, it's National Yoga Month - which means I'm not just trying to balance my life, but I'm working on my "yoga-game" lately as well and trying to find more balance there. The thing is, yoga isn't just an awesome way to build physical balance, it's a great way to center your mind and find balance mentally as well. Are you wanting to find more balance in your life? Here's my list, inspired by my most recent Peace, Love, and Yoga Babbleboxx goodies:

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

1. Flow - While drinking plenty of water is one important way to maintain balance in your life, the way I'm addressing flow today is more in the manner of "going with the flow". While practicing yoga, listen to your body. When you're having a rough day, try not to sweat the small stuff. Let things roll off your back, instead of worrying about every detail, and you'll soon discover, life is much happier this way.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

2. Hard Work -  When we have a million voices screaming at us to quit, it's easy to give up... but the thing is - quitting won't get us anywhere.

Whether it's anxious thoughts overwhelming you while prepping for a gym session, the thought of needing to quit while in a tough yoga pose, or the overwhelming urgency of needing to eat making you desperate to break your diet, there's no need to "quit". Hard work always pays off, in your thoughts, in the gym, while practicing yoga, and even when you stick to a tough diet.

With that said, making sure you are getting enough protein as a momma on the go can be tough. Check out how you can ensure your body stays nourished with Ascent Protein — The Official Sponsor of Hard Work. Coming in flavors like chocolate, vanilla bean, and lemon sorbet, I'm always craving these and love being able to make sure my body is getting what it needs, easily in yummy shake form! Want to try this delicious "reward" for all your hard work? Use the code 'YOGA' for 10% off!

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

3.  Escape - I know I'm not the only one that just needs an escape every once in a while. It's not even just limited to a "mom thing". So when I find a book I just love, I have to share. Plus this one is a #1 New York Times Best Seller & one of Oprah's Book Club Selections in 2016, so you know it's good.
Love Warrior is a painfully honest book written by Glenn Doyle Melton, about life, about love, about trusting. We are all born to be warriors and this women's memoir is a reminder that we all are powerful, capable, and brave enough to fight for what we want. At the same time, it's super raw and open, about everything. If you're looking for a gripping book, you know, the type with little bits so well-phrased and interesting that you highlight the pages... this is it.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

4. Energize - Kombucha is something I've loved since I tried it, not only because it's healthy... but it's actually super tasty! I love trying new foods and I'll try anything once, but the first time I sipped kombucha, I knew it was a life-long love type of thing.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

With that said, KeVita Master Brew kombucha has me feeling the same way. Fermented with a kombucha tea culture, has live probiotics, organic acids, organic caffeine (hellllllooooooooo life source), and it's also verified non-alcoholic!

I try to limit myself on kombucha since D is nursing still but I can't wait to try all the invigorating flavors! With options ranging from pineapple peach to root beer, they have kombucha everyone will love.

5. Nourish - On the same yummy note, B.O.S.S. Bars are a new family favorite! With amazing flavor combinations and premium, all raw ingredients. These are "treats" I don't have to hide from Delainey when I'm snacking... but sometimes I sneak away for a second anyways, just to savor the flavor and treat myself, without having to share! LOL.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

Why do I love these so much? With paleo flavors like Dazzle, Think, Move, Smile, what's not to love? I think so far we have enjoyed the 'Smile' bar the most, although they all are delicious gluten-free snacks. Which flavor catches your interest the most? Grab a stash of these goodies here and you can score free shipping on any 5-pack and/or case of 12 on their website through October 15, 2017 w/code BABBLEBOSS (or you can always score some on Amazon Prime)!

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

6. Sweeten - Some days, life just needs a little sweetness added to it. The most recent addition to the In the Raw sweeteners, NEW Organic Stevia In The Raw is the best way to add that bit of sweetness without worrying about GMOs. This natural sweetener is my favorite way to make sure my espresso tastes just right... and since it comes in tiny little packets, I take it everywhere with me.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

7. Freshen - Let's be honest, some days we don't have time to take multiple showers... but chasing these babies around definitely makes us feel a little heated alllllll day long. Or is that just me? Either way, I sometimes feel the need to freshen up mid-day... and when I don't have the time to take an all out shower, I reach for Simply Summer's Eve Cleansing cloths. These little handy-dandy personal care wipes help balance your natural pH and wipe away unwanted, odor causing bacteria - the perfect way to make sure your lady bits stay fresh, no matter how active you are! 

8. Switch Perspective - Life really is all about perspective, trying to find the positive in every situation is really the best way to look at things - in my eyes, anyways. No pun intended. The thing is, that isn't always easy. When things get rough, it's best to allow yourself to be upset for a moment. Then push past it and find a way to look at it differently.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

When baby is throwing a fit and all you want to do is cry with her, instead sit down, get on her eye level and start to play. I almost guarantee that little shift in your behavior will alter her behavior as well. Life really is all about how you look at it, so try and enjoy every moment and find the good in it all. Some days it's nice to take things in from an admiring 1 year old's stance, she definitely makes the mundane seem interesting and the boring seem bright... and what is there not to love about that?!

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

9. Embrace - On that note, learning to embrace the crazy, the long nights, the crying, and the tough moments has probably been my biggest struggle as a parent. Therefore, it's where I've had to work at balancing life the most since D's arrival. I can honestly say I'm still working on embracing it all, but I try and take it all in now. I find balance in embracing all parts of our daily life by trying to remind myself she's only little once, regardless of how tough she can be.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

Even on my busiest of days, I love the moments she needs me. When I'm struggling to get things done, I still love when she just wants mama snuggles and nothing else will do.... and when she only laughs at me and nothing else can make her giggle, those are the moments I'll always cherish. I feel honored that she loves me so much, with this extravagant, over-the-top, adoring type of love... and the thing is, I somehow love her so much more than that.

So tell me, how do you embrace parenthood? How have you achieved balance in your life as a parent? ...or if you're still navigating through the first few years of parenthood (like me), be sure to leave me some input on how you're managing to balance your life right now! Also, be sure to check out all the goodies I shared today, for your chance to refresh, sweeten, and nourish your soul.

Today I'm sharing nine ways you can attempt to find balance in your life as a busy mom - from embracing the silly to meditating through the craziness, this is balance in motherhood.

September 5, 2017

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

Now that my little sass is officially one, it's like a little learning switch was clicked on and she's absorbing everything. She repeats a lot of what we say now, she is suddenly standing on her own (I have a feeling she'll be taking steps any day now), and she is constantly wanting to explore. It's pretty amazing watching her mind act like a sponge, really soaking everything up and I feel so blessed I get to teach her all of life's lessons and more.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

While I'm so excited D is learning new words and physically developing, I also want to nourish her soul. I want her to learn to always have a giving, caring heart, to do the right thing, and to just be a good human and I think that's something we need to start fostering now. So today, now that her birthday celebrations are winding down, we decided to set up a little lemonade stand.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

And... instead of her pocketing all the proceeds, we are raising funds to help a charity that we feel passionate about supporting - We are dishing out some delicious lemonade #ForRMHC!

The Ronald McDonald House Charities provide places for families to stay within steps of the hospital where their children receive the medical care they need. I know what you're thinking... it's a hard pill to swallow, thinking about a child being critically ill - but it's a reality. While it's something I never hope to face, it's something several people are dealing with right this second. To give you an idea of what I mean by several, in 2016, RMHC provided 2.4 million overnight stays to families with sick children!

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

Let's do the "math"... That means 2.4 million families were able to spend the evening with their little one a tiny bit less worried, 2.4 million people were able to snuggle their sweet child to sleep, those same children were able to feel the comfort of knowing their parents were just seconds away.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

It's amazing that RMHC was able to help so many children and their families... but the numbers are still growing in 2017. So, they have challenged everyone to truly raise love. Their goal is to raise enough to help provide 12,500 more stays for families, so that they may share a smile, hugs, and just simply spend more time together.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

I guess you can see why I knew this was the perfect way to teach Delainey about giving back, it's practically common sense to want to help these families out. So on that note, I'm sure you're asking yourself, "What can I do to help?"
How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

And the answer is simple - donate... or you could always start your own RMHC fundraiser to help give back! Find out more about how you can do either here!

Once you decide to start your own fundraiser, whether or not you're hosting a bake sale, planning on juggling your heart out to entertain the masses, or setting up a chalkathon... it's easy to do your part and help these families going through a tough time out. Just spread the word and let the magic of caring hearts work, at least that's what I told Delainey. Raising love and funds for these kids was easy peasy once we had our lemonade dished out.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

While we were only making proceeds one quarter at at time, we're proud to say we made enough to send over a tiny sum to RMHC and can't wait to set up our little "lemonade shop" again soon to continue raising funds for our favorite children's charity.

How I'm Teaching My Daughter to "Give Back" & Help Children's Charities at Only 1 Year Old...

So tell me, how will you raise funds for these kids and their families? I'd love to hear your plans for fundraising and how you plan on giving back in the comments below!

August 5, 2017

DIY #DisneyJuniorFRiYAY Mickey Inspired Watercolor Painting Project

Today's discussion is sponsored by Disney Junior,
regardless all opinions (and all the love for Mickey) expressed below are mine alone!

You know, 11ish months is a weird age... at least for Miss Delainey it is. She's at this point where she's no longer an infant and not really a toddler yet either.

I mean she wants to help, she longs to be a part of everything, but she's simply too little. From wanting to be a part of the chopping of her strawberries during snack time to singing from the backseat of the car while we are heading to the beach, she's really starting to find herself in the world, expressing what she wants, and that's pretty amazing and bittersweet to watch. While she knows what she likes and doesn't like, she is still learning to voice that and still learning the motor skills that she needs to be fully mobile to get to where she wants to go, so I'm doing everything I can to try and help her develop and satisfy her needs and wants to be a "big girl".

Tracking Pixel

Any day now she'll be running in and out the front door, playing down the street with neighborhood kids, or riding her bike around the block...  but for now she's only a somewhat mobile, absolutely adorable little ball of energy and she constantly needs to be entertained, otherwise she gets into mischief. Luckily, I've found a handful of fairly simple ways to keep her occupied and today I want to share a couple of our favorite ways.

We'll start with the less messy way to keep D entertained, every FRiYAY we take the day off and play. We always start with an episode or two of one of our new favorite shows and this week, D is loving watching Disney Junior's Mickey and The RoadsterRacers! Haven't heard of it? Well, it's essentially a spin-off of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and with The "Happy Helpers" segments included, the show is full of great lessons and educational tales for D to absorb. I always want my girl to be happy to help when someone is in need, so of course we both love watching Daisy and Minnie step up and help each week!

This week The Happy Helpers are going to be protecting a precious painting, which inspired us to make our own masterpieces. While painting with acrylics is something we do on occasion, I wanted to give D a little more of the freedom she's been craving so we decided to go with homemade, washable, easy to make watercolors that she can literally splash in and we don't have to worry.

Want to make your own watercolor paint and create a fun, simple DIY painting like this?

For this craft you will need:

food coloring
all purpose or watercolor paper
sticker paper (name tags or folder labels would work too) or salt
droppers or paintbrushes
baby wipes
newspaper or baking dish (optional)

Side note: If you have a wild little one around D's age, the craft may be better suited for outdoor playtime - she got a little wild with the water. 😂

To begin, you'll want to pour a little bit of liquid or gel dye into the ramekin and add a little bit of water - stir and let the color settle.

Place paper on newspaper or baking dish to keep the surface you are painting on protected.

Cut out and add a sticker paper Mickey Mouse Silhouette or maybe create one out of salt. The salt makes a sparkling effect, in person, and it's stunning!

Now use your droppers, paintbrushes, hands, etc to splatter and paint your paper.

Set to the side and allow to completely dry for about 3 hours before touching.

Enjoy your art work... and if you're feeling fancy, you can always remove the sticker paper from your paper to reveal a perfectly shaped Mickey. I'll add my two cents and say I kind of like it left on the paper and tie dyed!

After you make this quick craft and are waiting for it to dry, be sure to check out all your favorite FRiYAY shows on the DisneyChannel on Friday mornings! If it's not Friday when you have a chance to read this, don't fret... catch your favorites all day, every day over on DisneyJunior.

This post is sponsored by Disney Junior.