April 30, 2014

#WordlessWednesday - It's almost summertime!

{this little mermaid wreath was my mom's birthday present made by me... 
I'm pretty proud of it and going to make another one for my front door and maybe another to sell on etsy!}

{I imagine heaven has a whole section that looks like this...
seriously though, I never shop at wal-mart but oddly enough, I've went twice in the past two days.
candle shopping spree at $3.50 a candle, can't beat it!}
{nokomis beach, florida}
{this little happy returns daylily is so dreamy, another part of my mom's birthday present.}
{wedges, tattoos, and poodles - a few of my favorite things}
{sunset in st. pete}
{the view from the sunshine skyway}

April 28, 2014

The Greatest Gifts from Best Buy for The Foodie Mom! #GreatestMom

Disclaimer: I have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

Best Buy has some pretty awesome Mother's Day gift ideas this year,
the perfect gift for all types of moms!

Althought I'm not a mom yet,
I'm particularly excited about all of the items they have for the "Foodie" in us all.  

I'm a huge fan of delicious food but add some cool tech-y gadgets to the mix 
and I'm sold on whipping up pretty much anything in the kitchen!

The one item I know any foodie mama would love is the Ninja Blender! 

Ninja Blenders are so amazing because they are professional grade,

they provide the smoothest smoothies, and really are a step above the rest!
If you're a regular reader, you know I have a series of smoothie recipes on the blog 

and I just know the smoothies I have listed would be impeccable if prepared in a Ninja Blender.

Some other great Foodie gifts for under $100 include:

Best Buy offers a low price guarantee
which makes me feel comfortable knowing that
 I'm always getting a deal while there...
Plus, right now Best Buy is offering free shipping on any qualified order!

With these great "foodie" gifts,
you are sure to cook a celebrity chef under the table!

Are you an adventurer? Do you like to stay fit?
Does your mom constantly like to entertain?
No matter what type of Mom you or your mother are...
Check out Best Buy to see the perfect gift for all types of moms!

P.S. - If you're more of the adventuresome or fitness type of mom,
Best Buy has an offer to receive 20% OFF Misfit Shine Products!

You should also know:
Best Buy is hosting TWO Mother's Day Twitter Parties:
Friday May 2nd @ 12pm CST and Wednesday May 7th @ 7pm CST .
To RSVP: Tweet @BestBuy with the hashtag #GreatestMom
with your favorite Mother's Day Gift ideas!

April 24, 2014

Things I love Thursday - Short & Sweet for Finals Week #TILT

These little bits of advice from this teacher are comical and most of them are pretty true, 
I think everyone should read this and take notes:

   found here via stumbleupon  

This quote hit home this week:

This stunning peach + mint color palette is sure to wow,
another amazing combination from The Perfect Palette  

This Zip Your Lips make up pouch tutorial from a beautiful mess
is so cute and making it seems pretty simple + fun!

If you're a blogger looking to monetize, check out this list compiled by a spectacled owl to help you get in touch with some great companies and makes some $!

This website will help you find a farmer's market in your area - buy your fruits + veggies here,
they just taste better and they are so much less expensive!

That's all I have this Thursday --- HOORAY for finals week, NOT!

April 17, 2014

Things I love Thursday: It's my first time...

I feel like I don't do enough "regular" posting lately,
so from now on I'm going to do a "Things I love Thursday" post.

I find stuff all over the internet that I think everyone should know about,
why not share it here?

I'll be posting videos, photos, links, etc and obviously giving credit where credit is due!

So here are a few of my favorite things: (this week)

This video featuring 100 years of style in 100 seconds:

Have you heard of musicovery
Choose the mood you are in
and hear music to match it.

Love sites like these!

This quote: "To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson 

THIS is old news but the exhibit in Vegas in 2012, entitled Confessions.

Winston Churchill said it best:

{thanks to deliveringhappiness.com for the print}

Kerby Rosanes' art is amazing, these doodles make me envious of his skills.

LOVE this little cutie:
{Found on TheChive.com}

That's all for this week, but I look forward to sharing with you again next week.

Happy Thursday!

April 16, 2014

#WordlessWednesday - Adventures and The selfie debate

Fun from this week... and some selfies. :)

I'm a sucker for a good selfie.
Am I a weird-o for taking some selfies on my "good days"? 
Hubby sure thinks so.
He HATES selfies, but I'm a pretty big fan - 
I mean I know this sounds kinda shallow, but when I look good I like to document it.
Make-up and hair are kind of like an art form, right? I'm just sharing my creativity!
I love photographing other people and objects as well,
but sometimes snappin' a selfie and sharing it with friends just feels necessary.
Where do you stand on the "selfie"? Do you take them?  
How many selfies are currently on your phone?
What do you think about the celebrity selfie trend?
Which leads me to my next thought,
I haven't done a single Wordless Wednesday post without words thus far.
Maybe one day... or maybe I'll just change the titles of these posts to "Wordy Wednesday".

Anyways, here's some photos I snapped on my phone during the past week:








Happy Wednesday, everyone!