Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

September 21, 2016

7 Tips For Living a Healthy Lifestyle with a Baby!

Leading a healthy life with a newborn can be difficult at times. I've heard all kinds of tips like "sleep while they are sleeping", "you can eat anything while breastfeeding and you won't gain", "you can't go out of the house until your baby is 6 weeks old", etc. While I'm certain every bit of advice has come with good intentions, I've come to realize living a healthy life with a newborn is kind of a "winging it" thing and you do what works for you.

Since I've kind of made my own healthy living plan with Delainey, I thought I'd share what works for both of us. I think it's great that I have so many people in my life willing to help me find our way in the world, so here's my two cents on how you can live a healthy life with a baby in tow.

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

1. Go with the less is more approach - We went overboard buying gadgets and dohickeys to make sure our daughter would be content... Now that she's here, I've come to realize she really didn't need nearly as much as we have for her. With two swings, a bassinet, a Rock & Play, a Pack & Play, and more, I feel like we could open an orphanage and still have space left for little one's to relax. I'm super happy we had enough to provide all these amazing things for her to choose to chill in, but I know with our next baby (yes, there may be another - at some point) we will be more of minimalist. If you're currently expecting, take a look at your registry and make sure you really need/want everything on there!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

2. Learn to snack healthier - It's easy to get carried away when you finally have your appetite back, especially when you are nursing a newborn and it feels like they are taking all of your nutrition the second it hits your body... I'll be the first to admit I eat "lactation cookies" like they are going out of style. But I've also found ways to eat healthier versions of my favorite foods. Outshine Simply Yogurt bars and Outshine Fruit bars have become my daily ice cream fix. Whether I'm enjoying Outshine Fro-Yo bar first thing in the AM while reading a book and watching Lainey on her monitor or I'm having a Fruit bar as a midnight snack, I know I don't have to stress about counting calories... plus, they just taste better than other popsicles (so that's a total WIN)! Want to try the Outshine goodness for yourself and #SnackBrighter? You can find a location nearby you that carries the deliciousness here!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

3. Increase your activity level slowly - Take it easy, let yourself get back into the swing of things at your own pace. While it's tempting to jump back into working out, you need to take it easy, as your doctor probably advised you. It's nice to go for a short walk with a newborn to get a little fresh air but be sure to listen to your body (and your intuition) and don't over do it!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

4. Find sleeping arrangements that work for you - While co-sleeping isn't recommended, it's what has worked for us so far. I don't plan on always snuggling up with her in our bed and I often place her in her bassinet whenever she's napping or I'm pumping, etc. but sometimes she just needs to be held. It's easier while we are doing middle of the night nursing and I know we both cherish the skin-to-skin time as well. This tip is a sensitive topic but I know it's what is working for our family so I thought I'd share with you.

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

5. Be sure to take a moment and relax - Whether you're enjoying an Outshine Simply Yogurt bar on your back porch while watching your little one relax on the baby monitor... or you need to take a long hot shower, be sure to take some time for yourself. As a new mom, I didn't realize I was skipping showers until I finally got around to taking one after a few days of being sticky and smelly. It's like your whole world gets wrapped up in baby and while it's an amazing thing to experience, you need to be sure you are taking care of yourself first. Treat yourself, allow yourself a moment to breath deeply, and be sure to make sure you are clean - a shower may seem so insignificant, but sometimes it's just what I need to mellow out and be the best mama for Delainey I can be!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

6. Invest in a new "mama friendly" wardrobe - If you are nursing, you'll want to buy yourself some nice nursing bras, a nursing tank top (or two), and of course, clothing that makes your breasts easily accessible. If you are hoping to achieve your pre-baby body in no time, I highly suggest looking into waist cinching undergarments as well. I know ot's easy to feel defeated when you try on your pre-baby clothing just after delivery, but give yourself time... it took you 9 months to put on the "baby weight", I suggest allowing yourself about half that time (if not longer) to lose it! In the mean time, buy yourself some waist cinching panties and a few new items of clothes that don't hug you as tightly and embrace the new curves!

Life with a baby can be exhausting and chaotic, but so incredibly rewarding! Find out how you can still take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle... #SnackBrighter

7. Follow your intuition - If something doesn't feel right, then don't let it happen. Whether you aren't sure about your baby's new pediatrician and the way they manage their practice or you just know something isn't healing right during your recovery, don't be afraid to speak up. I haven't had either of these issues but I know it's good to listen to what my mama instinct is telling me. If your in-laws are sick and insist on coming over, remind them that you and your newborn are more vulnerable and that they need to stay away until you both have less weak immune systems.You have the power to make decisions so be sure to use that power and tell others that something is making you uncomfortable,

So tell me, are you a new mama too... or have you done this whole parenting thing before? I'd love to hear any advice you have to share on how to lead a healthy life with a newborn, leave me a comment telling me below!

August 27, 2016

Starting The Day Off Right with My Healthy Morning Routine

This post is sponsored by Sweet Earth Natural Foods in conjunction with Blog Meets Brand, regardless all opinions are my own.

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

I feel like I say this pretty often, but this time I'm being 100% serious when I say life has been so incredibly busy lately. We are still waiting for the arrival of our daughter but I'm already starting to experience what parenthood will feel like, or I think I am anyways. Whether I'm hustling trying to get things ready for our little gal or running errands so I have everything I'll need for upcoming projects I'm sharing on the blog, I'm constantly on the go and almost everyday I'm in a hurry to get to where I need to be. With that said, no matter how busy life is, I like to start my day out on the right foot and that means my day has to start with a healthy routine.

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

I like to begin each day with a little bit of stretching as I jump out of bed, which may sound a bit crazy for someone who is 38 weeks pregnant... but it just makes my day start out on a more positive and productive note. I suggest you give this little adjustment to your routine a try first, it's the perfect way to remind yourself to be centered, focused, and ready for anything each and everyday!

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

Once I stretch a little, it's time to make sure my body is nourished. I down a glass of water and then start deciding on breakfast and that's where Sweet Earth Natural Foods comes into the picture. While they make a variety of delicious items, I must say their Functional Breakfast Burritos and Farmstand Gourmet Sandwiches are amazing and the perfect addition to my morning routine!

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

Whether I want to lighten up, get cultured, or get focused that day - they have a burrito for that!

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

The Lighten Up burrito is my favorite, maybe because it is full of Vitamin C with seasoned tofu, homemade salsa verde, spinach, black eyed peas, and red bell pepper - making for the perfect fusion of Mexican food and veggies, two of my favorite things in the world!

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

The Get Cultured burrito is a close second as far as playing favorites are concerned, with a Korean-inspired breakfast blend of seasoned tofu, cabbage, fermented red pepper, edamame, and ginger.

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

Another burrito that I've become pretty fond of  is the Get Focused burrito, it's a great way to defog your brain with a great blend of an English styled scrambled egg, smoked Gouda, kale, peas, and meatless Tuscan Grounds! I'll admit, although it's technically an English style breakfast, I like to spice things up a bit and I pair mine with a fresh green juice and add a little bit of avocado and salsa to really give it the zest I love in the morning.

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

While their burritos are amazing, their sandwiches are equally as delicious so I can't forget to mention them! I still have yet to try a few of the options on the "Sweet Earth Menu" but I'm a huge fan of the Benevolent Bacon, Egg, & Cheddar! The best part about this sandwich is it is full of vitamins and no real meat, even though it tastes equally as delicious as the real deal - I'm SOLD! I can't wait to give the other modern breakfast sandwiches from Sweet Earth a try, although with delicious options like Meatless Sausage, Egg, & Gouda or Harmless Ham, Egg, & Swiss I imagine I'll be trying them sooner rather than later.

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

A healthy, satisfying vegetarian breakfast has never been easier than heating up a burrito or sandwich in the microwave and I'm so thankful Sweet Earth Natural Foods has mastered the art. You can easily make an adjustment to your morning routine by stocking up on Sweet Earth Breakfast foods, click here to find out where they can be located in your area (and maybe you'll be able to snag a coupon too)!

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

After enjoying a delicious breakfast, it's time to get to work. I'm lucky enough to work from home so I simply sit down and check my email and start my work day in my office. If you have a commute, I suggest you listen to some soothing music, which is something I do all day anyways. I'll admit that working from home usually involves a little puppy cuddling at some point too... while this wouldn't be possible on a work commute, you could maybe set your work computer background to include something warm & fuzzy. With all of that said, I'm so excited that my morning work routine will soon include baby Delainey rocking away in a swing or being cuddle up in one of our baby wraps. I can't wait to share every morning with her and soon enough, I will!

Find out how you can start your day out on the right foot with these simple tips and get the scoop on the best plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods on the market! #SweetEarth #BetterBreakfast

But for now, the best part about my morning routine is Sweet Earth Natural Foods! I love that they are an affordable, plant-based vegetarian and vegan foods, packed full of protein and the freshest ingredients and I can find them at most of the stores I grocery shop at anyways! Plus, it's a huge benefit that even though they are actually "frozen food", they don't taste like it! It's like I have a chef from around the world making me burritos and breakfast sandwiches at my command each morning... and that's pretty stinkin' awesome. You can "hire" this same chef and experience the deliciousness yourself and I bet you'll agree, Sweet Earth has truly redefined the frozen food section of the grocery store!

Now that I've shared a few ways you can start your day off right, I suggest you check out everything Sweet Earth Natural Foods has to offer and leave me a comment below telling me which products you want to try the most! I can't wait to hear...

August 18, 2016

Nine Tips to Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

I'm still awaiting the arrival of my little darling, although we are in the final count down with less than a month until she makes her debut into the world... I guess you could say I'm a bit of a planner though, because I'm already starting to figure out how I'm going to adjust into a healthier lifestyle once she arrives.

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

While I don't plan on heavy work outs or dieting by it's definition, I do want to work towards my pre-pregnancy body as quickly as possible so I'm starting to work out my nutrition plans, take into consideration which work outs are plausible, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to make a few minor adjustments to my schedule to ensure both her and I are getting everything we need out of life. If you're a new mama or expecting any day now as well, today's post is for you... we're going to be in the same new baby situation soon and I'm hoping we both are able to achieve our goals quickly!

It's true, all of the steps that lead to a healthier life are fairly important, we all know a healthy lifestyle begins with nutrition so I'm taking the time to plan this part of my life out first and I suggest you do the same!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

I'm a bit of a sugar addict and I love snacking but instead of grabbing for "the bad stuff", I've replaced my snack options with Weight Watchers healthier snacks! It's great because I'm still able to indulge in chocolate and ice cream but I don't have to worry about the calories with the WW versions!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

The best part is, I can pick up all my favorites any time I'm grocery shopping at Publix! If you're a mama like me trying to get your body back, I highly suggest you check out all the delicious options they have in stores. They literally have a little bit of everything from Double Caramel Swirl Ice Cream cones to a "turtle-esque" Caramel with Crispies candy and even sweet baked goods like Red Velvet Snack cakes and dairy products like Light String Cheese, now you can enjoy all your favorites without feeling guilty thanks to Weight Watchers!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

It's so easy limiting my snacks to the healthy Weight Watcher options, that I'm also going to start meal planning and measuring my food out in advance. Portion sizes and the quality of the food we eat plays an important part in weight loss! If you are striving for a healthier version of you, I highly suggest you start meal prepping in advance! It'll make the new mama life easier and it'll make you healthier!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

The last item on my list of ways to adjust your nutrition to get your pre-pregnancy body back is to try and intake more water. I've always aimed for half of my body weight in water and after Delainey arrives I plan to drink even more! Our bodies are made up of H2O so be sure to drink plenty of water to supply your body with the nutrition it needs to function properly.

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

As I mentioned, nutrition is always the first step when working towards a healthier version of you,  but we can't forget fitness when we're talking about getting healthy! I'm fully aware that I'm going to have to limit myself at first when Delainey is born and that's okay... but once I get the go ahead I'm ready for some real fun!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

Speaking of fun, that's my first fitness tip... Stop taking it so seriously! Spend a few minutes at the beach chasing after a ball while playing a game with a friend or take a couple seconds and practice yoga before you head out for the day. Either way, your body will feel revitalized and your health goals will be achieved a lot quicker!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

Another way to make sure you keep your fitness on track as a new mama is to use a heart rate monitor to make sure you are working towards your full potential! HRM are easy to operate, most are super stylish now-a-days and they keep track of all kinds of different stats, from the amount of steps you walk in one day to the hours you rest, all without you having to press a button.

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

As I mentioned, I don't plan on jumping in head first to working out again, so instead of jumping into a work out routine that could cause some serious stress on my body I'm going to start out nice and easy. Walks around the block with a friend will be my first "work out", then I'll work my way up to practicing yoga, and lastly, I'll head back into the gym to get some weight training done... but it all needs to happen in "baby steps", after all Rome wasn't built in a day!

The last few items I want to address regarding your healthier lifestyle are actually all about your daily routine. While some of these things may be a given to a select number of people, it seems as though a majority of people don't take these things into consideration while trying to lose the baby weight!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

We'll start with making sure you are getting enough rest... and with a baby we all know this is easier said than done. I suggest what everyone else says and that's to "sleep when the baby is sleeping". This may not always be ideal, but it'll help your body do what it needs to do in order to heal properly and ultimately, lose the baby weight!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

Another adjustment to your routine you should consider is allowing yourself to set realistic goals. I mean we all have aspirations to look like a famous celebrity or even just a better version of ourselves, but let's start small. Grab a dress that you used to love to wear and your favorite pair of heels and place them in plain sight... that way when you are tempted to overindulge you can see your weight loss goal directly in front of you and choose healthier options instead!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

The last tip I have for new mamas to help get their pre-baby body back is to breastfeed. I know this isn't always a possibility and I'm not insulting you if that's the case for you... but if possible, breastfeeding is a great way to shed extra calories and of course, feed your baby!

While it won't be easy, it'll be totally worth it. This has been my motto my entire pregnancy and now that I'm planning to lead a healthier lifestyle as a new mama, I've got the same mindset! Find out how you can get your pre-baby body back with these 9 tips!

It's easy to say I'm going to do all of these things, so I'm wanting to hold each other accountable instead of just sharing this post. So tell me, are you a new mama hoping to lose weight or a seasoned mom that has already whipped her body back into gear? Either way, tell me all about your healthy lifestyle adjustments and how they benefited you in the long run, especially as a mama! I'd love to find some work out buddies and maybe some women that have more advice to share!

I'm hoping with our nutrition adjusted, our fitness plans altered, and a few lifestyle adjustments, you and I should be ready to lose our baby weight in no time flat! Now I just can't wait to bring Delainey into this world so I can join you on the adventure back to our pre-pregnancy bodies!

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Weight Watchers, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #WWFoodsAtPublix

July 18, 2016

5 Tips to Stay Healthy & Fit This Summer! #MomsLoveAmwell

Thanks to Amwell for sponsoring today's discussion, regardless all opinions expressed below are my own.
Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

Staying healthy during the summer time is easier said than done... with so many enticing sugary foods like ice cream and slushies and the heat defeating any notion of working out, it's easy to get off track with a diet and exercise plan. It's especially easy when your 8 months pregnant, so trust me, I understand!Whether your a fitness fanatic or a couch surfer, today I want to share 5 simple tips to help you stay healthy this summer.
Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

1. Drink Water - Staying hydrated helps prevent illness, keeps your body healthy, helps maintain your weight, and fuels your daily activities. Since we're mostly composed of water and it's easy to get dehydrated in the heat, it's obvious why this is so important!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

2. Catch Plenty of ZzZ's - Getting enough sleep is an important part of keeping your body healthy any time of year, so be sure to keep up with your sleep habits all year long! Spending enough time in dreamland can help protect your physical and mental health and quality of life, so why not let yourself sleep in a few days a week?

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

3. Eat Fresh - I'm not using a popular sub chain's slogan, I'm suggesting you buy fresh produce so you can reap the rewards! Not only can you find a wide selection of deliciousness in-season, your body will feel more energized and refreshed after eating fresh!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

4. See Your Doctor - Save money and time using Amwell and see your doctor from the comfort of your own home! Using any electronic device (phone, tablet, or computer), you can visit with a professional and better health is literally in the palm of your hands. Whether you want to chat about your weight concerns, a recent problem with headaches, or your child's battle with pink eye, Amwell has professionals available 24/7 that can help make sure your body and mind are in tip top shape! That's why Moms love Amwell... it's quick and provides a peace of mind.

Set to become the "Amazon of Health Care", Amwell is the perfect way to treat illnesses conveniently. Want to give the service a try this summer? Click here & use the code TELEVISIT42 and your first "visit" will only be $1!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

5. Try A New Routine - Hit up a local gym and try out a new class, find a swimming pool to do laps in, or even start doing yoga in your own home - trying a new exercise that keeps you cool while working up a sweat is the ideal way to stay fit during the hot, hot summer months!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

So tell me, how do you stay fit during these hot, hot summer months? If you have any helpful tips to share, I'd love to hear all about them in the comments below... Plus, be sure to head on over to Amwell and visit with a doctor about ways you can stay fit this summer!

Stay fit and healthy this summer, even when it's WAY too hot! Here's 5 tips and a coupon code for your next Doctors visit! #MomsLoveAmwell

July 10, 2016

6 SIMPLE Ways to Help Save The Environment!

This post was sponsored by NEW! Tide purclean as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.
It's pretty easy to do your part and save the planet! Here's six simple ways to help keep our world green for future generations! #TidePurclean
I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a "hippie". While I'm not claiming to be the most eco-friendly, tree-hugging person on the planet, I do like the idea of doing my part to help save the earth and I love the notion of keeping this planet "green" for future generations. While we haven't gone as far as growing our own produce or composting yet... I am trying to make sure my family and I make little changes in our lives that will help our planet in the long run.

It's pretty easy to do your part and save the planet! Here's six simple ways to help keep our world green for future generations! #TidePurclean

From choosing to cloth diaper while we are at home, to buying used clothing, and even choosing environmentally conscious cleaning products, we're doing our best to help this planet stay a little greener. Today I want to share a few different ways that we can all do our best to help this planet stay a little greener, especially if your a mama-to-be or a new parent:
It's pretty easy to do your part and save the planet! Here's six simple ways to help keep our world green for future generations! #TidePurclean

As I mentioned one way we plan to do our part is cloth diapering while we are at home, once our babe arrives, of course. I'm sure it is going to be an adventure, I've been told to steer clear by a few people but I know in my heart of hearts that this is the best choice for our family. I think there will definitely be a learning curve but I'm looking forward to saving the earth one little clean booty at a time! If you're interested in learning more about the cloth diapering world, I highly suggest you check out some of the awesome CD groups on facebook!

It's pretty easy to do your part and save the planet! Here's six simple ways to help keep our world green for future generations! #TidePurclean

The next way we do our best to keep the world green is buying used clothes. While this may not have a HUGE impact on the way the world works, it is one less item bought that warrants a company to manufacture more items. I love the idea of buying used when there is plenty of good merchandise on thrift store and consignment store shelves. I'll be honest and share the fact that we have bought our little princess plenty of new clothes... but most of my maternity clothing and a majority of her wardrobe have come from resale stores and I'm proud to say that! It's easy to find great deals on adorable items when you look for them and I think finding balance between buying new and used is a great way to help save the planet, even if it's just a small way of helping.

It's pretty easy to do your part and save the planet! Here's six simple ways to help keep our world green for future generations! #TidePurclean

Another awesome way that we try and keep things green is buying our fruit and veggies locally - again, this may not have a huge impact but every little bit helps. While we stock up on our favorite produce, we're helping our local farmers and farmers markets flourish and in turn giving back to our area instead of large farming corporations that sell the same items in stores. It's not going to change the world overnight but if everyone shopped at farmers markets, it might change the world just a little bit.

It's pretty easy to do your part and save the planet! Here's six simple ways to help keep our world green for future generations! #TidePurclean

We're also big advocates for recycling in our house! I receive LOTS of packages as a blogger so all of the cardboard we get goes straight into our recycling bin, with the occasional box being reused and sent off to a friend or family member! We also recycle boxes that our food comes in, bottles, papers, and anything else labeled as recycling friendly. This may be our biggest contribution to the environment and luckily, the neighborhood we live in provides us with a recycling container so it's easy as pie to set it out on the curb once a week and do our part!

It's pretty easy to do your part and save the planet! Here's six simple ways to help keep our world green for future generations! #TidePurclean

June 23, 2016

Feel Healthy, Happy, & Energized with Vega® Clean!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of White Wave. The opinions and text are all mine.

Even though I'm pregnant, I'm still on a health kick and so is my hubby. Instead of sympathy pregnancy weight gain he's been hitting the gym more and taking the dogs for walks around the block trying to keep his heart pumping however he can. I'm pretty proud of his hard work to stay in shape, especially because I'll need him to help motivate me to get in shape once Delainey comes.

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

Since he's been working out a little more than usual, I've also wanted to support him by offering him a delicious Vega® Clean Protein drink post workout! Sometimes I even send him out the door with a little "pre-workout" thanks to Vega® Clean Energy! These two delicious drinks are the perfect workout fuel for anyone since they are plant-based, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Made without Dairy, Soy, Artificial Colors, Flavors, or Sweeteners - but they still taste delicious!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

You can be prepared for anything life (or your trainer) throws your way with Vega Clean Protein and Energy on your side! Whether it's a hardcore ab workout or a day spent wandering around the mountains, Vega Clean is the answer to keeping your diet on track and your body energized!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

With 25 grams of protein in a complete, premium, plant-based blend from peas, hemp, alfalfa, and pumpkin, you can't go wrong with Vega Clean Protein! Plus, your stocking your body up with all the essential amino-acids including 4 grams of BCAAs, while only adding in 130 calories to your diet. I know which protein shake I'll be adding into my daily routine once my babe arrives and I'm so happy I'm able to share this deliciousness with my hubby in the meantime!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

Vega Clean Energy is the best way to get your day going, other than starting out with a good workout, of course! Packed with 80mg of caffeine from green and black tea and electrolytes, you'll feel immediate and sustained energy from carbohydrates unlike other pre-workouts that leave you feeling jittery and uncomfortable!

Trying to lead a healthier life? Keeping healthy is easy with Vega Clean Protein and Vega Clean Energy!

Interested in giving Vega® Clean a try for yourself? #FuelYourBetter with @VegaFueled! Use the code "VegaFit" on their website and receive 20% off your order AND free shipping! This offer is only valid for a couple more weeks though, so be sure to order before June 30th!

May 30, 2016

Another Reason to Love Florida...

This post was sponsored by Fresh From Florida as part of Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

Living in Florida has a lot of benefits, from spending all day at the beautiful, bountiful beaches to amusement parks galore, we've got a little bit of everything for anyone entertainment wise! Florida has endless amounts of outlet malls, oodles and oodles of once in a lifetime experiences to try out like parasailing, skydiving, and even deep-sea fishing... We really have so much to do and I often hear about how lucky I am to live here and I tend to agree.

Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

Although there's one benefit people don't often bring up to me when we're discussing the fact that I live where they vacation; that benefit is the delicious Fresh From Florida produce! I'll admit, I often hear how fresh our local seafood is and I totally love that part of living in Florida and agree with them, but I rarely hear about how lucky I am to live in a state that grows its own fruits and veggies. I guess you could say I'm a bit of an advocate when this conversation comes up, because well, everything from Florida is better - even the produce!

Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

When checking out the produce section of my grocery store, I see "Fresh From Florida" tags all over. From potatoes, to cucumbers, to blueberries, and even watermelons... I can grab almost every one of my favorite fruits and veggies without worrying where they come from because they're grown on local farms and brought right to my grocery store, making it easy to go from farm to table!

Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

While I'm preparing for BBQs, Baby Showers, and other festivities this summer, I'm super excited to stock up on my favorite produce Fresh From Florida and share it with my guests! There's nothing like serving up a plate of flavorful and colorful locally grown food at a shindig... it's bound to be a hit!

Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

Interested in knowing what's in season Fresh From Florida this month? Check out this part of the Fresh From Florida website for an easy breakdown on our produce and how you can get the best of the best easily by eating what's in season! Not only does eating what's in season make for fresher, tastier meals, it encourages a more diverse diet as well!

Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

Speaking of diet, it's easy to find recipes that incorporate Florida's delicious seafood and produce. What recipe do you want to try first? The Pan Seared Florida Grouper with Smoked Gouda Grits and Tomato-Bacon Gravy sounds amazing to me but I also have my eye on the Taco-Stuffed Florida Bell Peppers! You don't just have to keep entrees fresh, you can serve up inventive and delicious fresh beverages Fresh From Florida as well! The Florida Watermelon Nectar is sure to hit the spot at your next get-together!

Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

Plus, if you're feeling fancy and want to eat out, you should click here to find a list of local restaurants that offer produce and seafood from their own "backyard", so to speak.
Living in Florida definitely has its benefits, one less recognized benefit is the delicious locally grown produce and the fresh seafood! Find out more about why you should buy your produce Fresh From Florida...

With all the tasty food here in Florida and all the beautiful scenery, it's easy to see why I love this area so much... So tell me, are you from or have you ever been to Florida? What was your favorite part of The Sunshine State?

May 13, 2016

Make Everyday Awesome + The BEST [Gluten Free] Brownie Recipe EVER!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of International Delight. The opinions and text are all mine.

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

Lately I've been trying to focus on one simple goal, each and every day; that goal is to make everyday awesome. Whether I'm taking the time to shop for the nursery, cleaning up the garage, or spending the day with my family, I've been trying to find the positive in every situation and really embracing what life has to offer each day.

We all have the tools to make each day awesome, whether that means changing our mindset or just reminding ourselves to "be in the moment" and really enjoy what's happening--we're all capable of having awesome days everyday.

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

I can't be the only one that thinks an awesome day starts out with something delicious, though. Some days I want donuts, some days I want fruit, and today... Today, I wanted a gluten free brownie with sprinkles and a delicious cup of coffee and I made that happen so easily, I can't help but share the recipe and my secret ingredient with you!

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

These super moist and delicious brownies are the answer to your sweet tooth cravings and quiet possibly, the best brownies you've ever had. With a decadent caramel flavor from the International Delight Simply Pure Caramel Coffee Creamer and super rich, dark chocolate gooey melted chocolate chips, you'll be craving a brownie each and every morning... and how could you not have an awesome day after having a brownie for breakfast? I mean, really!

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

Plus, with International Delight Simply Pure, made with only five simple ingredients, you can enjoy a cup of coffee in a whole different way! I like to add vanilla on really awesome days, sometimes I mix things up and add hazelnut, and I fairly regularly add caramel, because it's absolutely delicious!

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

But let's talk about the super delicious, decadent gluten-free brownies I promised you. I know you're probably wondering, what do you need to make these brownies?

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

Brownie Ingredients:

6 tablespoons butter
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Egg, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup all-purpose, gluten-free flour
1/2 cup International Delight Simply Pure Coffee Creamer, I used the caramel flavor but any of the delicious options will be a great addition to your recipe!
3/4 cup dark chocolate chips

For the Frosting, you'll also want to have these items on hand:

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon butter, softened
3 tablespoons International Delight Simply Pure Caramel Coffee Creamer
Colorful Sprinkles

You'll begin this recipe by preheating the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and lightly grease the pan.

Now melt the 6 tablespoons of butter in the microwave, it usually takes around 15 seconds for it to turn into a liquid.

Next you'll want to stir in the sugar and cocoa. Followed by adding in the egg and vanilla.

Mix well.

Now add the baking powder and baking soda and mix thoroughly.

The final three ingredients to add into the brownie batter are the most important.

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

Take the time to slowly add in flour, stir. Then add in Simply Pure Caramel Coffee Creamer in small amounts and stir, alternating pouring each item into the mix until both are completely added. Once it's all combined, add in the dark chocolate chips and mix well.

Now spread the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for around 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick (or a fork) comes out clean!

Once the brownies are cool to the touch, it's easy to whip together the frosting! You'll combine all of the frosting ingredients in a bowl, other than sprinkles. Mix the frosting well until it's the correct texture and spread over the top of the brownies.

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

Add a handful of sprinkles to the top of the delicious dessert and ENJOY!

It's that easy to make these colorful, delicious brownies... And I really want to know, how can you not have an awesome day starting it out with something like brownies and a nice cup of coffee with delicious, clean label creamer?

Make everyday awesome AND score a delicious, decadent, moist gluten free brownie recipe while you're at it!

Tell me, how do you make sure everyday is awesome? Do you begin your day with some yoga or maybe you like to take your dog for a walk? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below!