January 4, 2018

I'm the type of mom that...

When I became a mom I had NO idea what kind of parent I would really be. I mean, I had ideas of the type of guidance I'd provide. I knew what kind of parent I thought I would be, but the reality of parenting is different...

Maybe I should lead with... it's not like I'm a bad parent, but I always thought I'd be a better parent than I am. What do I mean by that?


Well, I had envisioned being the type of mom that was "on top of everything". You know, the one that keeps a super tidy home, sends her toddler to montessori school, is part of every mom group, and always looks put together.

But... the reality is, that just isn't me. Luckily, Delainey loves me anyways.

With that said, over the past 16 months, I think I've found my "groove" as a mom.

I've found out I'm the type of mom that let's my kiddo have an extra bite of my ice cream when daddy isn't looking.

You know the one that she brings a stack of books to... and I read each and every one. That mom that smiles and plays dress up and loves each and every second of it. The one that hugs her, secretly takes a whiff of her sweet little hair, and smirks in delight because this angel is mine.

That's the mom I am... and well, I'm okay with that.


While I may not be on top of everything in life, I have been on top of fighting colds in our house this season with Kleenex. We actually started out the season with a gnarly cold and I wasn't going to make that mistake again. So I make sure to battle the sickness each time we hit up Walmart.


I'm not being exaggerative when I say we battle a cold with Kleenex. It's proven - the active ingredients in the middle layer disrupt the viruses’ protective coating and kill 99.9% of cold and flu viruses in the tissue within 15 minutes!

Speaking of things you can do with 15 minutes, we've also been spending time each day with Delainey going over our ABC's and practicing "where are your... eyes, lips, ears, etc." only about a thousand times a day per her request.

She pretty much learns a new word a day and lately we're trying to get her to say "please" and "thank you", but she's a stubborn little thing.

And, well, while I'm not the type of mom that wins awards for being organized, I'm a pretty dang good mom most days and I think my little nugget of love would agree.


So tell me, what type of parent are you? If you're also the type to stock up on essentials and fight colds before they come back - don't forget you can also shop Walmart online for all your Kleenex and other cold-fighting goodies!

December 30, 2017

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year...

It's the most wonderful time of the year... Delainey and I agree. We both love the holidays.

The thing is, we have been slightly off lately, battling with a cold for what feels like forever... So things haven't been as cheery as they could have been over the last few weeks. I had all these plans and well, none of them really played out.

I was going to share how we made these awesome homemade ornaments.. then life happened. So instead you get this photograph of them right now and maybe the tutorial for how to make them at a later date.

We had plans to visit Santa again before Christmas, but our colds put that idea on hold and now Christmas has already passed. Oops! So... we'll take our precious photos from a random visit with Santa at the zoo this year and embrace them, even if she is being feisty in them. That's a true depiction of my girl, after all.

That's the thing, sometimes you just have to go with the flow, embrace the change, and just deal. So that's what we're doing this holiday season... and I'm okay with that.

With that said, in 2018, I'm hoping for great things - from myself, for my daughter, for my blog, for my business, for my circle of friends and family, for our country.

So cheers! Here's to the holiday season and all the greatness to come in 2018. I hope the best for you & yours in the coming year!

December 16, 2017

Four Ways to Prepare to Be a Caregiver


Here's the thing, sometimes life gives you unexpected curve balls... I know I've seen it happen too many times in my life already. I've been told this by my elders too. One day someone is up, walking around, totally healthy... and the next, they're in recovery and under the supervision of a home health aide. It happens.

While I'm blessed enough to say a majority of my family members are in tip-top health, I do have experience providing care for those in need. I'm actually a formerly certified nurse assistant, so I know firsthand how much love and determination it takes to be a caregiver. I am one. It takes a big heart to provide care to loved ones, but it also takes patience, a new set of boundaries, and sometimes even arming yourself with a new knowledge-base.

Today I'm going to suggest a few ways you can prepare for this stage in life, including tips for helping you cope and how you can save some money while transitioning into your new role:

1. Learn to listen whole-heartedly - You'll want to re-evaluate the way you communicate with your "patient". Listening to body language is of utmost importance and be humble in your responses. Do everything you can to understand, even if it's hard at times.


2. Bring on the basics - You probably wouldn't think of it until it's time, but Sam's Club is a great place to find basic care giving items. Things like a walker, supplemental drinks, Poise products, Depends products, a gait belt, and several other necessities.


The protection having these items offers can provide both the patient and the caregiver with peace of mind... and luckily you can find most of what you need at Sam's for a great deal!


Plus, if you're feeling bashful, you can always use discreet shipping from Sam's Club to get the supplies needed to provide care, as well as the ability to use club pick up, scan & go, and more.


The item I think is the most valuable when making Sam's run as a caregiver is Ensure Nutrition Shakes. I know the power of providing adequate nutrition is important and finding a great deal on these supplemental items is a true blessing. 

3. Rethink boundaries - While we all have a "bubble" and find comfort in it, with care giving that bubble goes out the door. As a CNA, I held people up, I helped them roll from side to side, and the list goes on. You no longer have personal boundaries once you start providing care for most patients and really, no topic of discussion should be off limits either. You'll be discussing bowel movements, catheters, and other private matters regularly as a caregiver.


4. Remember - My last bit of advice to a caregiver is to remember. Remember what it's like to be vulnerable, remember that your patient (whether a family member or a stranger) is a person and has likely done amazing things in their life, remember the golden rule - treat others as you would like to be treated.


With that said, I'm so lucky that I have had the pleasure of learning to provide care from some very loving and well-educated individuals... and while I'm not currently using my certification, I know when the time comes to care for those I love, I'll be ready... 

December 15, 2017

Gourmet Four Cheese Chicken Pasta

While we're all kind of battling a cold in my house, life has actually been pretty good lately. We're embracing the chance to slow down and really savor life. As we all know, being sick is never fun, but it has meant for some good quality family time... and I'm not gonna lie, we've spent the last handful of nights snuggled up on the couch, with a good movie and definitely enjoyed it.


Luckily, we're all finally feeling a bit better today, so we decided to reward ourselves and our taste buds with a flavorful dish... because what's better than a delicious meal once you finally have kicked a cold? Ummm, let me tell ya... pretty much nothin', especially when it's a plate of delicious cheesy pasta made with Stella Cheeses.


That's right, today in celebration of my family and I finally feeling better, I'm dishing up the recipe for the most delicious Four Cheese Pasta... possibly ever! Are you ready?


For this recipe you will need:

2 slices of bacon
1 lbs of chicken breast, sliced into four pieces
3/4 cup Stella Fontinella Cheese
1/4 cup Stella Italian Cheese Blend
Handful of Stella Shaved Parmesan
1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tbsp unsalted butter
Seasonings: Italian Seasoning, Garlic Powder, Salt & Pepper, Thyme, Rosemary, Onion Powder, Parsley, Paprika, and Red Pepper Flakes
1 box of thin pasta, cooked as directed

First we're going to start on the saucy deliciousness that makes this dish pop -

In a large sauce pan, melt butter on medium-high heat. Add in 1 cup of cream and bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer.

Add in 1/2 tbsp of garlic, 1 tbsp italian seasoning, 1/2 tsp red pepper to taste. Stir in Stella Fontinella Cheese and Stella Italian Cheese Blend slowly allowing them to melt, then remove from heat.


Now, for the chicken -

Take the four chicken breast pieces and season - Sprinkling the first side with onion powder, salt, pepper, paprika, and rosemary, then sprinkling the other side with garlic powder, salt, pepper, thyme, and paprika.

Lightly coat a pan with butter and add chicken over medium heat, flipping every five minutes until cooked through - then set heat to low, just to keep warm.


Next, you'll microwave bacon (as per package instructions), crumbling and using about one piece on each plate your preparing.

The final step, plating -

Add your pasta in a bowl, topping with sauce, adding in the chicken, then garnish with Stella Shaved Parmesan cheese... and Bon Appetit!

Want to make everyday and every meal a little more gourmet? Learn more about Stella Cheeses.
