Showing posts with label everybodyyoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everybodyyoga. Show all posts

September 4, 2014

#EverybodyYoga Day 4: Side-Reclining Leg Lift

of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Pose #4 - Side-Reclining Leg Lift | Sleeping Vishnu Pose

Side-Reclining Leg Lift may look relaxing but looks can be deceiving. This pose actually requires a tremendous amount of core activity... and  involves the obvious hip and hamstring stretch. It's all about balance, I mean you are resting on a fairly narrow part of your body - no matter your size. I think the benefits of this stretch compare to doing several crunches - a win for me since I hate doing real crunches. Sleeping Vishnu Pose is known to tone the abdomen and can also help reduce lower back pain. While maintaining balance in Side-Reclining Leg Lift is tough, it's only because it requires a calm and clear mind - once you master your mind this pose will help you reduce stress and anxiety! Another great reason to incorporate this little gem into your daily yoga routine!

Side-Reclining Leg Lift is pretty self explanatory but just in case - a quick explanation:
Lying on your right side, legs straight in line with your torso; extend your right arm comfortably and lay the right side of your head into your right hand. Allow your arm to stretch away from your torso to increase the stretch in your arm. Keep the outside of your right foot pressing into the floor. Bend your left leg at the knee and draw it in toward your torso. Clasp your left big toe with your first two fingers and thumb. Extend your left leg up toward the ceiling, reaching through your heel. Continue to breathe smoothly. Maintain your balance as much as possible without rolling one direction or the other. I typically try to hold this pose for about a minute.


Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors & be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook 

Lush Cosmetics:
Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest Facebook

Luna Jai:

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Spirit Lockets:
Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest Facebook

Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

September 2, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 3 - Wheel Pose


of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Pose #3 - Wheel Pose | Upward Bow

If you've never attempted this pose before, be sure to only work within your own limits and abilities - I'm still learning and growing in this pose, therefore my form isn't perfect - keep that in mind.

With that being said, wheel pose is one of my favorites, partly because it makes me feel strong and partly because it's known to strengthen and lengthen the vertebrae in your spine - hello, great posture! Plus, wheel pose helps the nervous system function regularly and improves hormone secretions that keep your body in optimal health. In case you need another reason to get into wheel pose daily, it helps you remove fat buildup from your oblique area when practiced regularly. This pose is more advanced than some of the others in the challenge, so be sure to be cautious when attempting and don't force anything!

Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.  Bend your knees and set your feet on the floor, heels as close to the sitting bones as possible. Bend your elbows and spread your hands on the floor beside your head, forearms relatively perpendicular to the floor, fingers pointing toward your shoulders. Lift your hips toward the ceiling drawing your tailbone up, keeping yout thighs and feet parallel, take a few breaths then firmly press your hands into the floor and your shoulder blades against the floor pushing yourself up and lift on the crown of your head. Breath again. Press your feet and hands into the floor, lift your head off the floor and straighten your arms. Lengthen the tailbone toward the backs of the knees, lifting yourself "from your belly button" is the simplest way I know how to put it into words - let your head hang and stay here for around 5-10 seconds, if you can. Repeat as many times as you want, I usually stick to about 2-3 times. I'll repeat this again, be sure to work within your own limits and abilities.

This challenge has brought so many amazing ladies into my life already, looking forward to getting to know all of you more... and hopefully we can get some guys in on the challenge with us! I'm loving seeing all of your photos and hearing about your experiences! I have some super exciting news to announce soon regarding my fitness series so be on the look out for that --- until then, let's keep rocking out our yoga practice and supporting our sponsors with some love!


Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

It's never too late to join us...
{well, you can't win if you don't enter by September 30, 2014 but you can always practice yoga and win that way!}

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors & be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook 

Lush Cosmetics:
Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest Facebook

Luna Jai:

Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook


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Spirit Lockets:
Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest Facebook

Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

#EverybodyYoga Day 2 - Bridge Pose

of the
#EveryBodyYoga Challenge

Pose #2 - Bridge Pose

Bridge pose is pretty simple but it offers some amazing benefits that you might not be aware of;
it opens your chest, heart, and shoulders while stretching your spine, the back of your neck, your thighs, and your hips! The best part is that your heart is higher than your head in this pose, which means it is considered a mild inversion (yet tremendously less strenuous than other inversions, such as the headstand) and it holds all the benefits of inversions: relief from stress, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and mild depression! This pose is great preparation for deeper backbends or, if practiced with a block, as a restorative pose as well.

Bridge Pose is easy, start on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Extend your arms along the floor, keeping your palms flat. Press your feet and arms firmly into the floor, exhale and lift your hips toward the ceiling drawing your tailbone up, reach your hands towards your heels. Hold for around a minute, breathing deeply and steadily. Come out of the pose by slowly rolling your spine back onto the floor, vertebra by vertebra. Always work within your own limits and abilities.

I've loved seeing everyone's photos so far and hearing all about how you feel about each pose!
This is going to be a fun month full of yoga love! 

Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors & be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook 

Lush Cosmetics:
Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest Facebook

Luna Jai:

Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook


Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest  |  Facebook

Spirit Lockets:
Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest Facebook

Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

August 31, 2014

#EveryBodyYoga Day 1 - Savasana - Peace & Relaxation

It's finally here, today is day one of the #EveryBodyYoga Challenge.

September 1st - DAY ONE

Pose #1: Savasana | Corpse Pose | Final Relaxation

Peace and Relaxation in Paradise

Lying on your back with your arms and legs comfortably spread, your eyes closed, and your breathing deep. Relax, unwind, and let go. I recommend an extended amount of time spent in Savasana daily, it is such a relaxing pose and anyone can practice it. If you have the time in your day, spend 15+ minutes in Savasana before and after your yoga practice.

When you first get into this resting pose, you might feel like your mind is still revved up and attached to all of your thoughts and worries, you probably also feel every little muscular movement. No worries, hang in there...As you spend more time in Savasana, your brain waves and your breath will slow and your blood pressure will drop. As your mind and body unwind, the real Savasana can begin. Eventually your awareness of the outside world begins to dim a bit. Everything will start to drift farther and farther away. Allowing Savasana to be a regular part of your yoga routine is important, even if it seems so simple - the rejuvenating and relaxing benefits will change your world.

Do you want to be a part of the Yoga Challenge?

You can find out the exact details on how to participate in the yoga challenge here.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors & be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:

Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:

Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook 

Lush Cosmetics:
Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest Facebook

Luna Jai:

Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook


Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest  |  Facebook

Spirit Lockets:
Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest Facebook

Check out the poses everyday using the hashtag
#EveryBodyYoga on all platforms!

August 23, 2014

#everybodyYOGA - a yoga challenge for every body {STARTING SEPTEMBER 1st}

I know I briefly mentioned that I would be hosting this challenge earlier this month,
but it's all official now! I'm so incredibly excited to be hosting the #everybodyYOGA challenge!

Are you ready?

The challenge will begin September 1st and will end September 30th -
it is going to be a blast for all involved and I hope to inspire anyone and everyone to participate!
Interested in knowing the "deets"?
Here's the graphic with all of the poses planned for this month:

Also, I'll be posting a photo daily on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest that will show the poses in greater detail. Have questions? Reach out to me here or on any of my social media accounts!

It's simple to participate:

 Being a part of the yoga challenge is really easy, you can enter with the giveaway tools form that I'll have on my blog beginning September 1st AND/OR you may earn entries by submitting photos via social media!

I'll be using the hashtag #everybodyYOGA 
to search for participants!
So if you want to earn additional entries or you don't want to use the giveaway tools form, you can simply upload a picture to instagram, facebook, pinterest, or twitter using the hashtag. Don't forget to tag me and the brands sponsoring the challenge prizes (you can find all of our profiles listed below)!

 Want some really good news?
I've partnered up with some great companies to bring you all the chance to win some fantastic prizes.

There will be THREE lucky winners:

ONE winner will receive the LUSH Cosmetics "You're a star" prize package! {RV: $75}
This prize includes 8 awesome items from Lush Cosmetics, these products are all celebrity recommended and absolutely amazing!


ONE winner will receive a pair of Luna Jai athletic leggings {RV: $69}
& a Gaiam Pink Ribbon Yoga mat!
{RV: $22}
I'm a Luna Jai brand ambassador and a HUGE fan of their products - they are so incredibly comfortable and the fit is unlike any others. Be on the lookout for a review of my favorite pairs from their collection soon! Plus, the Gaiam Pink Ribbon Yoga mat is absolutely gorgeous and helps a great cause - provide hope, support, and love every time you practice yoga with this mat!


ONE winner will receive a custom zen painting from yours truly {RV: $75}
& a zen themed Spirit Locket Necklace!

I'll be creating a custom painting for one lucky participant - a custom work of art that suits their style and passions. We'll collaborate and figure out the perfect work of art for your space. Plus, you'll receive a customized zen themed necklace - featuring gorgeous charms inside of a fun locket.

Follow me and all the generous sponsors & be sure to tag us all in your photo submissions:
Lauren Paints | a beautiful life:
Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook 

Lush Cosmetics:
Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest Facebook
Luna Jai:
Instagram Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Facebook
Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest  |  Facebook

Spirit Lockets:
Instagram  |  Twitter Pinterest Facebook

If you want to participate but decide not to post any photos,
be sure to enter using the giveaway tools form below:

July 27, 2014

Floathletika Yoga Mat Review & #EverybodyYOGA Challenge coming in September

I'm so excited to announce I'll be hosting 
The #EverybodyYOGA Challenge in September!

#EverybodyYOGAchallenge hosted by Lauren Paints

What exactly is 
The #everybodyYOGA Challenge?

This Yoga challenge will be different than any other you may have seen in the past - it's going to be for every body type! I believe Yoga should be fun and feel good, that's what it's really all about! So this challenge is about having fun and feeling good as well! Although some of the poses will be more advanced, this isn't necessarily about perfecting your form - it's about trying something new or just having fun in positions you are familiar with for those that practice Yoga regularly... For those of you that are brand new to Yoga I'll be offering less complicated options so that you can eventually build into the more complicated poses. I'm not a yoga teacher, so I'm not saying my form is perfect either... I'm just a yoga student that is passionate enough about yoga to make it into a fun challenge for everyone! I'm excited about the challenge and hope everyone else is too!

How can you participate and enter to win some goodies?

I'll be posting a challenge guide on August 31st to present you with your poses for the entire month of September. I'll also be recording videos and taking pictures and sharing them with you daily - I would love for you all to share your photos/videos too, share them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook,  or Pinterest - if you use the hashtag #everybodyYOGA AND add & address me by my username on any social media platforms you will be entered to win!

You can add me here to get a head start:
Instagram  |  Twitter  |  Facebook Pinterest 

Don't forget to leave a comment below, 
or on any of my above profiles, 
to let me know you are in!

I'll be posting more details in the upcoming weeks but during the challenge I'll be rocking some awesome yoga wear and guess what?! You'll have the chance to win some cute Yoga wear too! I'm also in negotiations with several other companies for some other amazing prizes, including cash & a FloAthletika PREMIUM Yoga Mat!

Would you want to win a mat in my #EverybodyYOGA challenge?
Tweet @Floathletika and let them know!

Which leads me to my review of FloAthletika's PREMIUM Yoga Mat!

Eagle Pose for #EverybodyYOGAchallenge hosted by Lauren Paints

This FloAthletika Premium Yoga Mat is designed with Yoga lovers in mind. It is super cushy and thick, while offering just the right amount of support. It comes in a gorgeous deep blue shade with a pretty light blue underside.

FloAthletika Yoga Mat for #EverybodyYOGAchallenge hosted by Lauren Paints
TPE Yoga Mats are non-toxic and contain no PVC, which makes them ompletely biodegradable and extremely durable! The perfect combination for a yoga mat! They repel moisture, block bacteria, and stay fresh, unlike PVC Foam mats, which you have to dispose of after just a few months. If your current yoga mat is made from PVC, it DOES need to be replaced - think of all the sweat, bacteria, and toxins that are absorbed into the mat -- thank god for this mat that endures it all and still feels (and is) completely fresh! Unlike other big companies, FlöAthletika was founded by fitness and Yoga enthusiasts who could not find a mat good enough for them. They all worked together to create a mat that all yogis love, while also providing a 100% guarantee on all of their products because they understand how important a reliable accessories are to your practice. 
 Corpse Pose for #EverybodyYOGAchallenge hosted by Lauren Paints
One surprising thing I love about the mat is that it is double sided. Each side features a different, specially designed texture to help beginners and experts during extra tough practices.  These mats are completely reversible, extremely light weight (at just over 2 lbs) and convenient for yoga on the go - which is totally my style! Perfect for all yogis and all levels of practice, I love using it while practicing headstands/handstand.  It is also the best option for your everyday workout, I sometimes use it while doing insanity just so I have extra traction. I must say this mat is MUCH better than the other one's I have purchased in the past. So thankful I was given the opportunity to review such a great item and I can't wait to give you the chance to win one in September!

Child's Pose #EverybodyYOGAchallenge hosted by Lauren Paints
Can't wait to win one of these fantastic mats in my 
#EverybodyYOGA Challenge in September? 

You can buy one here:

Disclaimer: Affiliated links are listed above. Also, I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe my readers will enjoy!